Note: Please write on behalf of these persons even though
        you may not have received the original UA when issued on August
        30, 2007.

        29 November 2007

        Further information on UA 225/07 (30 August 2007) and
        follow-up (28 September 2007) -- Death penalty/Legal concern

        USA (Alabama)   Thomas Douglas Arthur (m), white, aged 65

        Thomas Arthur is now scheduled for execution on 6 December
        in Alabama. The state is pursuing his execution despite what
        appears to be a moratorium on executions in the USA pending
        the US Supreme Court's examination of the constitutionality
        of lethal injections. In addition, Alabama has not granted
        Thomas Arthur's request to be allowed to conduct DNA testing
        of evidence relating to the crime.

        Thomas Arthur was sentenced to death for the 1982 murder of
        Troy Wicker. The victim's wife, Judy Wicker, was also
        convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder.
        She was released on parole after testifying at Thomas
        Arthur's 1991 retrial.

        At her own trial, Judy Wicker had testified that Thomas
        Arthur was not involved in the murder, but that a stranger
        had killed her husband, and had also raped her, as she had
        told the police. At Arthur's 1991 retrial, she testified
        that she, Teresa Rowland and Rowland's boyfriend Theron
        McKinney had discussed killing Troy Wicker in early 1981.
        She testified that she knew that the murder would take place
        on 1 February 1982, that she and Thomas Arthur had gone to
        the house together, and that she had agreed to tell the
        police that her husband had been murdered by an African
        American burglar. She said that she collected $90,000 in
        insurance proceeds, and that she paid $10,000 to Arthur and
        $6,000 to Rowland, and gave a car and jewelry to McKinney
        for their assistance in the murder. Teresa Rowland and
        Theron McKinney were apparently not investigated for their
        alleged role in the crime. Neither of them was prosecuted.

        Thomas Arthur maintains his innocence of the murder. No
        physical evidence links him to the crime. Hair samples and
        fingerprints from the crime scene were tested, but did not
        match Thomas Arthur's. He was convicted on disputed
        circumstantial evidence and the testimony of Judy Wicker,
        who had committed perjury at either her trial or Arthur's

        On appeal in 2002, two affidavits were filed which
        contradict Judy Wicker's testimony that Thomas Arthur was
        with her on the morning of the murder. The affidavits,
        signed by Alphonso High and Ray Melson, stated that he had
        visited them that morning. The state has not disputed that
        these affidavits, if true, establish that Thomas Arthur was
        about an hour's drive away from the Wickers' home at the
        time of the murder. However, the state obtained its own
        affidavits from High and Melson contradicting their original
        statements. Thomas Arthur's lawyers raised critical
        questions about the circumstances under which these
        witnesses retreated from their original testimonies and
        requested a hearing to resolve the factual disputes; their
        request was denied. In 2006, the US Court of Appeals for the
        11th Circuit ruled that the disputed affidavits were not
        sufficient to meet the threshold for a federal hearing on
        new evidence of innocence under US law.

        In support of his argument that he should be allowed back
        into court for a hearing on his innocence claim, Thomas
        Arthur is seeking to have modern DNA testing conducted on
        various pieces of evidence related to the crime, including
        Judy Wicker's bloodstained clothing, the rape evidence, and
        hair samples. Such testing, it is argued, could establish
        that someone other than him was at the crime scene, thereby
        discrediting Judy Wicker's trial testimony against Arthur.

        On 5 November 2007, the Innocence Project, which represents
        inmates seeking DNA testing to prove their innocence, wrote
        to the Alabama Governor's Office responding to its request
        for advice on how to approach requests for post-conviction
        DNA testing in capital cases. In its letter to the
        Governor's Policy Director, the Innocence Project outlined
        its guidance and urged the Governor to grant DNA testing in
        Thomas Arthur's case. Its letter stated: "We believe that
        the Arthur case easily fits within the category of cases
        where DNA testing should be granted... In fact, DNA testing
        has the potential to conclusively prove that Mr Arthur was
        not the perpetrator of this crime and to identify the real

        Alabama has rescheduled Thomas Arthur's execution despite
        the fact that there appears to be a de facto national
        moratorium on executions in the USA pending the US Supreme
        Court's consideration of the constitutionality of the use of
        lethal injection as an execution method (see Pause for
        thought: Another lethal injection halted by US Supreme
        Court, http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGAMR511612007).
        While Amnesty International expects that either the 11th Circuit
        Court of Appeals or the US Supreme Court will stay the
        execution on the lethal injection issue, there is no
        absolute guarantee of this outcome at this stage.

        RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as
        quickly as possible:
        - explaining that you are not seeking to condone the manner
        of Troy Wicker's death;
        - noting that Thomas Arthur was convicted on the basis of
        circumstantial evidence and the testimony of Judy Wicker,
        who has committed perjury and was providing testimony in
        return for assistance with her parole bid;
        - expressing concern that Thomas Arthur has not had a
        judicial hearing on evidence of his innocence, and that the
        State of Alabama is resisting modern DNA testing of evidence
        from the crime;
        - calling on the governor to allow such testing to take
        place, noting that a number of errors have been uncovered in
        capital cases throughout the USA, some as a result of DNA
        - expressing concern that Alabama set a new execution date
        in this case despite moves across the USA to halt executions
        pending the US Supreme Court's consideration of the lethal
        injection issue;
        - opposing the execution of Thomas Arthur, and noting that
        in contrast to his death sentence Judy Wicker served 10
        years in prison having been convicted of the murder, and
        that two other people implicated in the murder were
        apparently not even investigated.

        APPEALS TO:
        Governor Bob Riley
        State Capitol
        600 Dexter Avenue
        Montgomery, AL 36130
        Fax: 1 334 353 0004
        Email, via Governor's website at:
        Salutation: Dear Governor


        Amnesty International is a worldwide grassroots movement
        that promotes and defends human rights.

        This Urgent Action may be reposted if kept intact, including
        contact information and stop action date (if applicable).
        Thank you for your help with this appeal.

        Urgent Action Network
        Amnesty International USA
        600 Pennsylvania Ave SE 5th fl
        Washington DC 20003
        Email: uan at aiusa.org
        Phone: 202.544.0200
        Fax: 202.675.8566


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