May 11


'No' to Belarus' membership in the UN Human Rights Council

The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) and the
Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC) appeal to the UN General Assembly not
to elect Belarus to the UN Human Rights Council on 17 May in view of the
Belarusian government's failure to fulfill even the minimum criteria
established by the General Assembly for this position.

Since 1995, the IHF has worked intensively together with the BHC to
monitor and promote human rights in Belarus. For this legitimate work the
BHC has faced constant persecution by Belarusian authorities, including
attempts to close the organization and politically- motivated legal cases
against its members.

"Belarus has the worst human rights record in Europe. It cannot be
expected to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights on
an international level before it is willing to show respect for these
rights at home. Electing Belarus to the Human Rights Council would
seriously harm the body's credibility and water down its attempts to work
seriously," said Aaron Rhodes, the IHF executive director.

UN General Assembly resolution 60/251, which established the Human Rights
Council, requires that the Council's members "fully cooperate with the
Council" and "uphold the highest standards in the promotion and protection
of human rights."

Upon announcement of its candidacy for the Human Rights Council, Belarus'
government pledged its commitment to promote human rights and active,
constructive and transparent cooperation with the UN special procedures.
But these promises ring hollow in the light of Belarus' complete failure
to cooperate with the UN human rights mechanisms thus far and its
widespread and systematic violations of the basic human rights and
freedoms of its own citizens.

The government of Belarus has failed to promote human rights within the UN
system, for example, by:

* systematically ignoring the UN human rights bodies' resolutions on the
deteriorating human rights situation in Belarus;

* ignoring the views of the Human Rights Committee on individual
complaints from Belarus;

* refusing any cooperation with UN special procedure mandate-holders,
including the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus,
whose all inquiries or recommendations the government has ignored;

* taking no measures to implement the recommendations of the Special
Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of
opinion and expression and the Special Rapporteur on the independence of
judges and lawyers, as well as the recommendations by the Working Group on
Arbitrary Detention, that were made to help improve the human rights
situation in Belarus; and

* failing to submit periodic reports required under the Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (due in 1999); under the Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights (due in 2001); and under the Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (due
in 2004).

What is more, the long-time and ongoing human rights practices by the
government of Belarus are in blatant violation with the very standards it
should promote as a member of the Human Rights Council. The violations
include, for example:

* Failure to hold free, fair and democratic elections. The March 2006
presidential elections were characterized inter alia by harassment and
detention of opposition candidates and their aides, heavily biased media
coverage, lack of transparency in ballot counting, and other problems;(3)

* Serious restrictions on freedom of expression and the media, which have
had a chilling effect on journalism and have led to a very narrow spectrum
of information in the media and absence of public discussion;

* Serious breaches of freedom of association and peaceful assembly. In
2006, more than 1,000 people were arrested on politically motivated
charges, and human rights groups faced increasing harassment;

* Interference in the independence of courts, with the result that due
process standards are routinely ignored; and

* Involvement by the highest state officials in disappearances of
political figures in 1999 and 2000and failing to investigate such cases.

The IHF and its affiliates have approached all UN member states on this
issue and appealed to them to oppose Belarus' election to the Human Rights

[my note----Belarus retains the death penalty]

(source: IHF)

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