August 18

TENNESSEE----new execution date

Chattanooga Man Set For Execution On Sept. 11---- Harbison On Death Row
For 1983 Murder

A Chattanooga man is slated to be executed on Sept. 11 for the 1983 murder
of Mrs. Frank Russell.

Edward Jerome Harbison has been on death row since his conviction of
1st-degree murder in a trial in 1984.

On the night of Jan. 15, 1983, Frank Russell came home to find his wife
dead in their home. The house was in disarray and had been burglarized,
and there were signs of a struggle.

After an investigation, the police went to the home of Janice Duckett, who
was Harbison's girlfriend. There, the police recovered items taken from
the Russells' home.

Police said Harbison, when confronted, confessed to the killing. According
to the confession, he and David Schreane went to the Russell home, found
no one home, and began putting items from the home into Schreane's car.

Mrs. Russell returned home, discovered the two men inside, and struggled
with Harbison, who said he hit her several times with a marble vase,
breaking all of the bones in her head.

However, at his trial, Harbison petitioner testified that he did not kill
the victim and was at Janice Ducketts apartment on the night of the crime.
He said he confessed to killing the victim because the police threatened
to arrest Ms. Duckett and take away her children.

Janice Duckett also testified at the trial that Harbison was at her home
on the night of the murder.

The Tennessee Supreme Court upheld the conviction in 1986, and various
appeals have continued since that time.

(source: The Chattanoogan)

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