Nov. 26


8,000 conservative Pakistanis protest changes to rape laws

Thousands of activists of a religious coalition rallied Sunday in the
southern Pakistan city of Karachi to condemn the government over
amendments in the country's controversial Islamic rape laws.

Pakistan's Parliament recently approved a bill to change the 1979 Hudood
Ordinance, a law based on Islamic principles that requires rape victims to
produce 4 witnesses to the crime. But the move has angered many
conservative Muslims.

"We will not let Pakistan become secular," the supporters of a coalition
of Islamic groups chanted.

The change in the law was prompted by human rights activists, who demanded
the ordinance be repealed, saying it failed to help victims of rape get
justice and made prosecution of attackers difficult.

The Parliament, dominated by Musharraf supporters, also passed legislation
that would drop the death penalty for sex outside of marriage, an act
still punishable with 5 years in prison or a fine of 10,000 rupees ($165).

Under the new changes, judges would still have the authority to choose
whether a rape case should be tried in a criminal court  where the
4-witness rule would not apply  or under the old Islamic laws.

Last week, the Senate or upper house of Parliament approved the government
amendments after the lower house or National Assembly had done so.

Musharraf has yet to sign the legislation into law.

Members of parliament from the Mutahida Majlis-e-Amal or United Action
Forum, a grouping of 6 Islamic parties, have opposed the government
measure, calling it as against Islam.

"Secular groups and Musharraf (are) changing the (Islamic) identity of
Pakistan at America's behest," Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, a lawmaker from the
alliance, said at Sunday's rally.

"The nation will not let this happen. We have started our movement against
the government," he said, vowing to hold more protests.

About 8,000 people were estimated to have turned up for the rally, said
Mohammed Salim, a city police officer.

(source: Associated Press)

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