Friends----please circulate----

 I am a photographer located in Toledo,  Ohio.  A few
 years ago, I began to pursue a project for which  I
 would take pictures of death row inmates and their
  families/friends, ultimately to be published in a
 book.  I had to  abandon this project due to the
 difficulty in contacting potential  participants.  I
 would very much like to pursue this again and  am
 more determined than ever.

 As I'm sure you  are aware, there are many people in
 this country who succeed in  dehumanizing death row
 inmates, or anyone in prison for that  matter.  I am
 strongly opposed to the death penalty, regardless  of
 innocence or guilt.  I am strongly opposed to
 treating  any person as less than human.  Do I carry
 the belief that my  photos, accompanied by stories
 from the prisoner's mouths and from the  mouths of
 their families, will have any great impact in the
  fight against the death penalty or the freeing of
 one innocent  person?  I do not believe that.  But if
 these images and  these words can change one person's
 mind, if they can raise questions  in one person's
 mind - it will be worth it.

 In  regards to what I may want from the inmates and
 their families: I will  not be asking them to pose
 for me; I merely ask that I be allowed a  short
 period of time during which I might talk with them -
  about anything they wish to discuss.  And while we
 talk, while I  listen, I will be taking photographs.
 I know time is precious and  that inmates are allowed
 a limited number of visitation periods.   I only hope
 someone may deem this project important enough to
  want to participate.

 Please pass this along to any  other people you may
 know - in or out of prison - who may be willing  to
 take part in this.  Should you or anyone else
 request  samples of my portrait work, I'd be happy to
 share some.

 Thank you so much for your time,

 Pete  Cross

pcross at utnet.pcr...@utne_ (mailto:pcross at UTNet.UToledo.Edu)

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