Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)
fboyle at
(personal comments only)


From: aalsmin-l-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of Boyle, Francis
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 8:42 AM
To: aalsmin-l at
Sensitivity: Private

It  is simply amazing that Cole would join ranks with the war criminal 
Goldsmith to advocate a system of preventive detention, another constitutional 
abomination, along with Goldsmith's "national security courts." In the Hamdan 
case the  Supreme Court has already applied the Geneva Conventions to  Al Qaeda 
members, Hamdan being Bin Laden's driver. Under the Third Geneva Convention, Al 
Qaeda members can be lawfully detained without instituting a system of 
preventive detention here in the United States, let alone national security 
courts. If there is one thing constitutional law history teaches us, it is that 
violations of the Constitution designed to deal with aliens will inevitably be 
applied to U.S. citizens. Indeed, it was Secretary of State (former Chairman of 
the Joint Chiefs of Staff General) Colin Powell who originally argued that the 
Third Geneva Convention should be applied to al Qaeda and Taliban. Due to the 
influence of Federalist Society lawyers such as Yoo, Goldsmith, Gonzalez , 
Wedgewood et al, it was not, resulting in the Bush administration's torture 
scandal, a crime against humanity. We applied the Third Geneva Convention to 
captured Vietcong guerillas during the Vietnam War. We can certainly apply the 
Third Geneva Convention to captured al Qaeda without instituting preventive 
detention here in the United States.
Post-Guantanamo--A New Detention Law?
Published: November 14, 2008, New York Times 

As a presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama 
  sketched the broad outlines of a plan to close the detention center at 
Guant?namo Bay 
 , Cuba: try detainees in American courts and reject the Bush administration's 
military commission system.

Now, as Mr. Obama moves closer to assuming responsibility for Guant?namo, his 
pledge to close the detention center is bringing to the fore thorny questions 
under consideration by his advisers. They include where Guant?namo's detainees 
could be held in this country, how many might be sent home and a matter that 
people with ties to the Obama transition team 
  say is worrying them most: What if some detainees are acquitted or cannot be 
prosecuted at all?

That concern is at the center of a debate among national security, human rights 
and legal experts that has intensified since the election. Even some liberals 
are arguing that to deal realistically with terrorism, the new administration 
should seek Congressional authority for preventive detention of terrorism 
suspects deemed too dangerous to release even if they cannot be successfully 

"You can't be a purist and say there's never any circumstance in which a 
democratic society can preventively detain someone," said one civil liberties 
lawyer, David D. Cole, a Georgetown law professor who has been a critic of the 
Bush administration.

Although the nation has long had limited legal procedures for detaining 
dangerous people who have not been convicted of a crime, the issue has become 
particularly controversial in the context of Guant?namo, where some detainees 
have been held for almost seven years without being charged. 

Whether the Obama administration should push for a preventive detention law has 
inspired "a very hot and serious debate," said Ken Gude, a national security 
scholar at the liberal Center for American Progress, adding, "I've had 
conversations with progressives who think it is a good idea and conservatives 
who think it's a terrible idea."

The president-elect's transition office would not comment on whether that idea 
was even under discussion. But human rights groups have been mounting arguments 
to counter pressure that they say is building on Mr. Obama to show toughness, 
perhaps by echoing the Bush administration's insistence that some detainees may 
need to be held indefinitely.

The international law of warfare provides authority for governments to hold 
captured enemy fighters until the completion of a conflict. Tens of thousands 
of German and Italian prisoners of war were held inside the United States 
during World War II.

But particularly inasmuch as the Bush administration invoked that authority as 
a basis for its much-criticized detention policies, a move by Mr. Obama to seek 
explicit authorization for indefinite detention without trial would be seen by 
some of his supporters as a betrayal. 

Opponents of a preventive detention law say that continuing to treat captives 
as detainees instead of defendants in court would support terrorists' 
self-image as warriors rather than criminals. And though the Guant?namo center 
might be closed, they say, the new law would effectively import Guant?namo and 
its image into the United States.

"Not only do you not need a system of preventive detention, but it would 
perpetuate the problem of Guant?namo and put us right back in the same dead end 
we are in now," said Elisa Massimino, executive director of Human Rights First.

On the other hand, some proponents of such a law say it would clarify questions 
left murky by the Bush administration's years of legal battles over Guant?namo. 
Benjamin Wittes, a fellow at the Brookings Institution 
 , argued in a book published in June that Americans needed to cross a 
"psychological Rubicon" and accept the idea that preventive detention was a 
necessary tool for fighting terrorism. 

"I'm afraid of people getting released in the name of human rights and doing 
terrible things," Mr. Wittes said in an interview.

He said debates over Guant?namo had created a mythology that American law 
permitted detention only upon conviction of a crime. Locking up mentally ill 
people who are deemed dangerous, he noted, is an accepted American legal 

At the heart of the debate about whether a preventive detention law is 
necessary is uncertainty about the risks of criminal trials. Some lawyers warn 
that given the nature of evidence against some Guant?namo detainees, 
prosecutors may not be able to convict them.

"We have lots of information that is reliable, that tells us someone is a 
threat and that cannot be proved in court," said Andrew C. McCarthy, a former 
federal terrorism prosecutor who is now director of the Center for Law and 

Putting detainees on trial in American courts could be difficult in part 
because suspects captured in war do not receive protections, like warnings 
against self-incrimination, that are standard police practice. And much 
evidence against the detainees is classified; intelligence officials say it 
cannot be disclosed.

Further, some interrogation practices, including the simulated-drowning 
technique of waterboarding 
 , might leave crucial government evidence unacceptable to American judges. 

Jack L. Goldsmith 
 , a former Justice Department official in the Bush administration who has 
written a book critical of some of the administration's legal strategies, is 
among those calling for a preventive detention law.

Professor Goldsmith, who teaches at Harvard Law School, said in an interview 
that he believed the administration had correctly asserted a right to detain 
the men held at Guant?namo. But, he said, Congressional approval would "ensure 
that we can legitimate holding people for a long term."

In the absence of such a law, any plan to move even some of the remaining 250 
Guant?namo prisoners to the United States would require a careful analysis of 
the authority to hold the detainees, several of whom have said they would 
relish an opportunity to kill Americans.

In the end, the Obama administration may conclude that it is simply not 
feasible to seek a new preventive detention measure. Doing so could portray the 
new administration as following in the footsteps of President Bush, surely an 
unlikely goal as Mr. Obama sorts through his options.

 A version of this article appeared in print on November 15, 2008, on page A13 
of the New York edition. 

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)
fboyle at
(personal comments only)
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