Francis A. Boyle

Law Building

504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.

Champaign, Illinois 61820

217-333-7954 (voice)

217-244-1478 (fax)

(personal comments only)


[] On Behalf Of Boyle, Francis
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 1:25 PM
Subject: [AALSMIN-L] PS:40% of Southerners Are Still Nazis: CNN


                We know that there are Nazi Sympathizers in Germany
today. Does anyone on this list have that data-for the sake of
comparison? What would people guess: maybe at most  1% of Germany's
population today 70 years after the start of WW2?  Whereas  we know from
the CNN poll that 40% of Southerners are Nazis 150 years after the start
of the Civil War. The difference is that the South has never been
de-Nazified. And the Blacks/Jews are forced to live among the 40%
Southern Nazis  in the Nazified South. So how much has really changed
South of the Mason-Dixon Line since DW Griffiths? Well technically they
no longer are supposed to be lynching Black Men  down there. But as Rev.
Jesse Jackson and his son Cong. Jesse Jackson Jr.  pointed out in their
book Legal Lynching, the Southern Nazis are  still lynching Black men
only now they call it the "death penalty." Having worked pro bono to
prevent Legal Lynchings of Black Men in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama,
those Southern Nazis made me sick to my stomach each time I tried and
failed to prevent them from Lynching a Black Man. Indeed, Florida is so
perverse, sick, and demented  that they have stacked the State Capital
Appeals Unit with Federalist Society Lawyers who believe in the death
penalty. So in other words the Nazis  down in Florida  have Nazi lawyers
who are supposed to be defending the Blacks/Jews from being lynched by
their Nazi State.



>From the Land of Lincoln.


Francis A. Boyle

Law Building

504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.

Champaign, Illinois 61820

217-333-7954 (voice)

217-244-1478 (fax)

(personal comments only)


[] On Behalf Of Boyle, Francis
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 6:51 AM
Subject: [AALSMIN-L] 40% of Southerners Are Still Nazis: CNN


*       Poll: 4 in 10 Southerners Still Side With Confederacy
        A century and a half after the opening shots of the Civil War,
nearly four in 10 Southerners say they still sympathize with the
Confederacy, according to a CNN poll. 


Living in the Land of Lincoln



Francis A. Boyle

Law Building

504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.

Champaign, IL 61820 USA

217-333-7954 (voice)

217-244-1478 (fax)

(personal comments only)


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