Oct. 12


3 prisoners were executed in Semnan (Northern Iran)

3 prisoners were hanged in the prison of Semnan yesterday morning Tuesday October 11., reported the official Iranian news agency IRNA.

The prisoners were identified as A.S. (43) convicted of carrying 31 kilograms crack, A. J. (44) convicted of keeping and carrying more than 1800 grams of crack and R. G. (43) convicted of keeping and carrying 13 kilograms and 650 grams of crack according to the report.

The charges have not been confirmed by independent sources.


Following today’s public execution of four young men in Khomeini shahr, the state run Fars news agencypublished more than 20 pictures showing the hangings and the spectators. In one of the pictures a small child is seen watching the executions.

The number of the public executions in Iran has been increasing dramatically during the past months. Iranian authorities announce the executions and broadcast them through the state media.

In a statement that was published today Iran Human Rights urged the United Nations to ban public executions. Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the spokesperson of IHR, asked the international community to act immediately in order to stop these barbaric acts. He said: Public executions are not only inhumane and degrading for those executed, but also for those watching including the children". He added: "We ask the UN to take serious steps in order to put an end on this inhumane and brutalizing punishment."

(source for both: Iran Human Rights)
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