June 29


Slayings tied to inmate rehab limits----Recidivism lower among parolees than full-termers lacking followup

Kyozo Isohi, who was arrested after stabbing 2 passersby to death on a busy Osaka street June 10, reportedly told police his actions were intended to incur the death penalty as he couldn't bring himself to commit suicide.

"I was at a loss over how to make a living, so I decided to kill myself," police quoted Isohi, 36, as saying. "I just couldn't go through with it, though, so I thought that if I killed some people, I would be sentenced to death."

As he had only been released from prison the previous month after serving time for a narcotics felony, Isohi's case suggests authorities should start focusing on how to reduce recidivism among convicts who are freed unconditionally and not helped to reintegrate into society — unlike those released on parole.

At present, convicts who have served their full sentences fall beyond the scope of any monitoring or oversight. Paroled felons, on the other hand, are placed under the guardianship of probation officers.

According to investigators and eyewitnesses, Isohi left Niigata Prison on May 24 and visited a probation office in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture, the same day. After telling an officer that he had no home to go to, he was informed about a local privately run rehab clinic for drug addicts.

He stayed there briefly, but left June 8. He later visited a relative in the city of Nasushiobara, Niigata Prefecture, and told her that he felt compelled to leave the institution as the living conditions reminded him of prison. He also asked if she knew of any job openings.

He later told the relative that a friend had called him about a job in Osaka and he left Nasushiobara on June 9. The following day, he fatally stabbed a man and a woman in downtown Osaka.

In terms of timing, Isohi's case is similar to that of Tatsumi Tateyama, who is currently on death row for raping and killing a female university student in Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture, in October 2009.

The murder occurred a month after Tateyama, 51, was released from prison after serving out a prior sentence, and like Isohi, he did not have a fixed address at the time of the killing. Tateyama is appealing his conviction.

Justice Minister Makoto Taki has admitted "the (current) system doesn't readily allow for followups on convicts who are released (unconditionally) after serving time."

Employment appears to play a critical role in preventing recidivism: More than 70 percent of recidivist felons are unemployed, according to Justice Ministry data.

Convicts released on parole find it relatively easier to land work than those freed after serving full sentences, but 30 percent still end up back behind bars within five years, according to the government's 2011 white paper on crime.

However, the rate climbs to 53.4 % for those released unconditionally, the white paper said.

Although about 10,000 businesses were registered with probation offices nationwide as "associate employers" willing to hire ex-convicts as of April, a Justice Ministry official said that while the list is steadily growing, the recruitment rate is not, because of the tough economic climate.

In response, the government aims to institute a system that would waive incarceration for 1st-time offenders and those convicted of drug offenses, who instead would be placed on probation and monitored for part of their sentences.

But some feel the problem goes far deeper than the economy.

"While many are struggling to find jobs in the tough economy, I think society is not that keen to care for those who have been released from prison," a probation officer said. "To reduce crime, however, support is essential and I hope the public will show some understanding."

(source: Japan Times)


Justice rally on July 17 for release of Sikhs on death row

Encouraged by the recent stand taken by Government of India seeking clemency for Sarabjit Singh who is on “Death Row” in Pakistan, All India Sikh Students Federation (AISSF) and “Sikhs For Justice” (SFJ) announced to renew its efforts for commutation of death sentence of Professor Devenderpal Singh Bhullar and other Sikhs who are on death row in India.

Ever since Government of India recommended execution of Professor Bhullar, AISSF and SFJ has been canvassing for the commutation of his sentence based on humanitarian grounds as Prof. Bhullar has been in solitary confinement for seventeen years and is admitted in the hospital.

The Federation and SFJ announced to hold a “Justice Rally” on July 17 in front of the Parliament of India to secure the release of Professor Bhullar and other Sikhs who are on death row in India. The “Justice Rally” will expose stark contradiction in India’s stand on the issue of death sentence and will demand abandoning the double standards on “Death Penalty” and uniform treatment of the cases of Sarabjit and Professor Bhullar.

Ironically, there are stark similarities between the cases of Sarabjit and Professor Bhullar; both have been convicted for carrying out bomb blasts in Pakistan and India, respectively; both cases are based on confessional statements in police custody; both have been in custody for more than life term; and lastly Presidents of Pakistan and India have already turned down their clemency pleas.

“When 2 Sikhs, Prof. Bhullar and Sarabjit, are convicted of identical crime, why Indian Government is seeking clemency for Sarabjit and recommending execution of Prof. Bhullar”, questioned AISSF President Karnail Singh Peermohammad. Apparently Indian Government is interested in the clemency of Sarabjit Singh from Pakistan while completely ignoring the clemency requests for Prof. Bhullar and many other Sikhs who are on death row in India, stated Peermohammad.

While SM Krishna and Perneet Kaur, are vehemently appealing Pakistan to release Sarabjit Singh on humanitarian grounds, on the other hand Indian Government has always shown a merciless attitude in the cases of Sikhs who have been awarded death sentence in India added Peermohammad. Since 1984 several Sikhs have been hanged to death by the Government of India including Satwant Singh, Kehar Singh, Harjinder Singh Jinda and Sukhdev Singh Sukha and many others including Professor Bhullar are still facing execution.

Federation and SFJ urged SAD (Badal), SGPC, SAD (Amritsar), SAD (Panch Pardhani), DSGMC, Damdami Taksal and other Panthic organizations to join July 17 Justice Rally to secure the release of Professor Bhullar and other Sikhs who are facing execution in India.

(source: Punjab Newsline Network)


Briton on death row in Abu Dhabi is company director's son----A young Briton who has been sentenced to death in Abu Dhabi is the son of a company director who has worked in the Gulf since the 1980s.

Nathaniel Lees, 23, could face a firing squad after being caught in a police surveillance operation selling 20g – less than an ounce – of cannabis to a Syrian man.

Lees's father, Martin, is a director of GTS Training Solutions, a British company registered in the Isle of Man and based in Abu Dhabi, where it provides staff training to oil and gas companies.

The severity of his son's punishment has surprised many in the emirate, where other crimes are treated with comparative lenience. This week, a man who stabbed his wife to death had his 5-year prison term reduced to 3 years.

The Daily Telegraph managed to track down Nathaniel Lees – known as Nathan – to the Abu Dhabi Central Prison, about an hour from the city centre.

His identity had hitherto been kept secret under local laws.

The judge in his case claimed that Lees was a hardened drug dealer who was also selling opium and heroin, although no evidence of this appears to have been produced in court.

Lees was born in Jeddah, where his father worked for the Saudi Yanbu Petrochemical Company, but has lived much of his life in the United Arab Emirates.

His mother, Abeba Gebebramlak, who is of Eritrean origin, was in court when the death sentence was imposed.

While Lees's case file describes him as an "electrician", he seems to have had no regular job and no education beyond secondary school.

Asked on the social networking website MySpace whether he wanted to go to college, he replied: "LOL [laugh out loud]. Just ask if I want to goto [sic] a 4 year party instead".

Other than several shopping malls, Abu Dhabi offers few outlets for the young and is very different from its garish neighbour, Dubai. The sale of alcohol is tightly restricted and rigid social codes remain in force. A sign on the Corniche, a promenade beside the Gulf, reads: "Unruly behaviour will not be tolerated". The accompanying picture shows a man and a woman holding hands, with a thick line drawn over them.

In the same week that Lees was sentenced, another man received a year in jail for the offence of "consensual sex", following an encounter with an adult woman who was not his wife.

Lees had fallen foul of the local police before his arrest – his case file records a previous charge of possessing drugs – and he brings up the subject of narcotics on his MySpace profile. "In the past month, have you been on drugs?" he asks himself. "If I had access to drugs, would I be on MySpace?" is the reply. On his first thoughts when waking up, Lees wrote: "F---, where did I put my pipe".

His father has lived in the Gulf region continuously since 1984, aside from 2 years in Azerbaijan, where he worked for BP as training and competence coordinator on the Shah Deniz gas project. Mr Lees declined to comment on his son's case.

However, a relation contacted by The Daily Telegraph described Nathan as a "very nice young man", adding: "I last saw him around 4 months ago. He has never been in trouble or into drugs in any way as far as I am aware, but he has had problems getting a full-time job."

Lees's sentence is likely to be commuted to life in jail. The death penalty will automatically be reviewed by the Appeal Court, then the Supreme Court and finally by the Court of Cassation.

In all, 19 judges will consider the punishment and if any one dissents, the capital sentence will be quashed. Even if all agree, Abu Dhabi's ruler, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed, would be able to show clemency. About a dozen people have received capital sentences for drugs offences since 2007, but none has been executed.

(source: The Telegraph)


Kuwait Emir says no to death penalty for blasphemy

Kuwait’s Emir Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah has said no to the passing of a bill previously voted through by parliament that would have allowed Muslims who insult Islam to be executed and would harshly penalize Christians and other non-Muslims in the country.

The bill had been seeking to institute the death penalty for Muslims who insult God, the Qu’ran, or the Prophet and his wives, which was passed with last May.

It also stipulated that Christians and other non-Muslims will be given a minimum sentence of 10 years for the same offense.

Religious tension has been heightened in the country following statements by leaders calling for the destruction of all Churches in the country.

But the Emir, who had the power to refuse the bill, did just that. Stil, the elected parliament can overturn his decision with a two-thirds majority vote.

Political uncertainty remains in Kuwait as a court ruling last week dissolved the recently elected parliament and put back in place the previous parliament more in line with the country’s Emir and ruling family.

(source: Bikya Masr)


Islamic government’s penal system: arresting the father, killing the daughter

Radio Zamaneh is further informed of Islamic Republic's intimidation tactics against families of media actvists.

5 weeks ago, on Saturday May 26, 2012, the father of Yashar Khameneh contacted his son to say that officers from the prosecutor’s office had come with an arrest warrant. He went on to inform his son that they had all the evidence and had heard all their conversations: “You must cooperate with them or they will take us away.”

The officials arrested Yashar’s father for the charge of funding his son, who is studying abroad and is linked to the “Campaign for Commemoration of Imam al-Naghi for Shi’ites.” They alleged that Yashar Khameneh has been using the funds forwarded by his father for the campaign’s activities; therefore, his father was charged with funding the campaign.

Yashar Khameneh has refused to heed the security officers’ orders to steer clear of the media and keep silent about the arrest of his father, Abbas Khameneh. He tells Radio Zamaneh: “5 days after my father was arrested, my mother contacted me and said that they are going to execute my father. My sister urged me to make a video recording of myself expressing regret and repentance. Under the circumstances, I thought I should do it. I have done everything I could in these 5 weeks. It wasn’t easy to reveal my identity, but now I have come to the conclusion that I have no choice but to publicize the information.”

Incarcerating the Father for Charges against the Son

“The Campaign for Commemoration of Imam al-Naghi for Shi’ites” is an online campaign with an expressed mission to fight superstition. The campaign uses humorous themes that, from its early days, made it controversial inside Iran, and these controversies reached a climax with the release of Shahin Najafi’s song “Naghi”, which has even triggered death threats for the singer from groups that feel sacred elements of their religious belief have been insulted.

Iranian security and judiciary officials had promised to deal with the campaign members. The arrest of Abbas Khameneh appears to be linked to this promise. Yashar Khameneh commented on his father’s arrest and the officials’ demands, saying: “My father spoke in a general and implicit manner. The phones have been tapped, and they know that I am connected with the Imam Naghi campaign. He said they want me to give them all information about my email, blog and Facebook passwords. I said I will delete whatever I have and never go back to it, but this was not apparently enough for them. They took my father to Evin Prison then, saying that I haven’t been attending classes in the past five months and have instead used the money my father sent me for these affairs. Through my sister, I sent them all the documents regarding my education such as report cards, etc., but that was not effective either.”

He insists that the charges against his father are baseless and asks: “When the campaign was launched, they kept saying it was guided by Israeli and U.S. elements. How come they are now accusing my father of funding the campaign?”

The Khameneh family has not been told which government department is responsible for the arrest of Abbas Khameneh, but the bets are on the Ministry of Intelligence. They have contacted a lawyer inside Iran but have been told that in such cases, until a trial has been set up, the lawyer’s hands are tied. They have been allowed just one visit with him at Evin Prison, on the day after his arrest. Since then, Abbas Khameneh has contacted his home twice, saying that he is being put under pressure in prison, and Yashar must provide the security forces with all the information he has access to.

Regarding the arrest of other people involved in the campaign, Yashar says: “All the people who are active in the campaign do so under a pseudonym, but recently some of the ones who were previously very active have disappeared, and it is not clear if their withdrawal is voluntary or something else has happened. Another allegation is that my father has seen some of my friends in prison, and they have indicated that I am the director of the campaign, which is an unfounded claim.”

We Must Not Provide Security Officials with False Evidence

Shadi Sadr, an Iranian lawyer, journalist and women’s rights activist, commented on the case of Abbas Khameneh, saying: “Until the family and a lawyer can have access to the file and receive adequate information, it is difficult to comment on who is behind the arrest. Especially since we know that there are many intelligence agencies now active in the issues concerning internet and cyber activities. My concern with this case is that, in view of similar cases, the intelligence branch of the Revolutionary Guards, especially the branch dedicated to so-called cyber defence, may be involved. This so-called cyber defence branch has a long and notorious history of abusing cyber activists and their families and friends, such as using severe torture to extract false confessions and disseminating them through various domestic and international media outlets, such as Press TV. My concern is that Yashar Kahmeneh’s father is in section 2 Alef of Evin, which is run by the Revolutionary Guards’ intelligence services. The case appears to be at the Shaheed Moghadas Court at Evin, so it seems natural that a security agency is behind this case.”

Shadi Sadr refers to the case of Saeed Malekpour, an Iranian web developer who was arrested on a trip back to Iran and is now on death row in Evin prison: “Families must be aware that every single day that a prisoner is held in solitary confinement under pressure and abuse could lead to false confessions incriminating the prisoner. Therefore, even one extra day is too many. They must make every effort to shorten this period. Based on those very false confessions, they sentenced Saeed Malekpour to death, and his sentence was later approved by the appeals court. Therefore, the families of political prisoners must draw from these bitter experiences in the past to stop them from getting repeated.”

Considering the fact that the investigation has not yet been completed and the lawyer has no access to the case, what steps do you recommend to the Khameneh family?

Shadi Sadr: The little information that we now have points to a kind of kidnapping, and whatever charge is brought against the father of Yashar Kahmeneh is in essence a fabricated case to continue his arrest. This kind of kidnapping of the families of activists to pressure the human rights, cyber, women’s rights or media activist into halting their activities has a long history. At this stage, informing the public about the kidnapping is very important, and human rights organizations can be instrumental in pressuring security officials connected with the case to stop any further illegal actions. All the steps taken in this case so far have been illegal. They are not only in violation of human rights; they are even in violation of Islamic Republic laws.

Next, I always recommend that anyone who is in any way involved with government security forces should get a lawyer, because the presence of a lawyer, even when there is no access to the file or even visitation rights, can count as a vital and informed witness. The presence of the lawyer will remind the security officials that they cannot continue with their illegal actions.

A lawyer is the only person that can eventually communicate accurate and reliable information to the outside world. This is exactly why human rights lawyers were amongst the most persecuted social groups in recent years. For the same reason, security forces tell families to refrain from contacting the media or getting a lawyer, but families of detainees must not heed their statements, and to stop abuse and pressure of their loved ones by the security system, they must in fact do these 2 things.

Because they are not well informed, families often do exactly what is asked of them by the security forces, as in the case of Yashar Khameneh, where they are asked to record false confessions.

Families believe that these actions are for the benefit of their loved ones, but it is not so. In legal terms, many of these actions are providing the security officials with false evidence and they do not in any way help secure the release of the detainee. In fact, by doing the things that are asked, the families are helping to fabricate a case against the detainee, and then nothing can be done to undo them. The families must understand that the security officials are our enemies and against our loved ones, and we must not comply with what the enemy tells us.

Mysterious Murder of a Daughter for the Political Views of the Father

This is not the first time the families of political or media activists have been threatened and arrested.

The history of such actions by the Iranian security forces goes back to the 1980s. At various times since then, many families have been investigated and interrogated for the political activities of their relatives inside the country or abroad. Almost unfailingly, the families of political prisoners in Iran are warned against taking their relative’s case to the media, with a threat that such actions would make the situation worse.

While parents are often arrested and interrogated about the activities of their children, it’s also true that children are sometimes persecuted for their parents’ political partialities. In the latest example, Mohammadbagher Bagherian Nejadian Fard, a former Iranian MP, lost his daughter last year under mysterious circumstances that have been attributed to security officials. He believes that his daughter was sacrificed by the state for his reformist political views.

Bagherian Nejadian Fard has told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran: “In recent years, I’ve been attending the weekly meetings of the Defence of Political Prisoners Centre and expressing my views freely. After the Kahrizak crimes, I said at one of the weekly meetings that if the authorities decide to commit suicide over these crimes, they must not be reproached.”

In the past year, he has written many letters to the Iranian judiciary as well as the Supreme Leader about his daughter’s case, but security officials have threatened him that if he continues with his statements, the lives of his other children could be at stake.

Fatemeh Bagherian Nejadian Fard, a 28-year-old student in her final year of engineering at Iran’s Science and Technology University, left home on 28 July, 2011 and her dead body was found a day later in the mountains of Shahr-e Rey. Her family was threatened against holding a funeral service or trying to follow up on her case.

Her father has commented on his daughter’s death, saying: “They first told us she died of natural causes, then they said she had taken rice pills that had caused her death. But I am certain that security forces killed her, although I do not know why and how. It could be because of my reformist political views or because my daughter was involved in the post-elections events. On several occasions, I have been threatened to keep silent about my daughter’s case; isn’t this a sign?”

The body of Fatemeh Bagherian was found on July 29 and, according to her father: “The coroner first said her death was from natural causes, but we could not be convinced of this, and I wrote many letters to the authorities. Our home is in the north of Tehran, and Fatemeh was found on a mountain in the south of Tehran, Bibi Shahrbanu Mountain, where it is quite secluded. It is not possible to get from the north of the city to this place without a car. Fatemeh was not into mountain climbing and hiking and on that day, she was not even wearing running shoes or sneakers. 1 or 2 months after the incident, I was still writing letters and I went to the prosecutor’s office, and they said after new investigations they have found that my daughter had taken rice pills and died. But we believe that this is a pure lie. If there is any rice pill, then they must have forced it down her throat.”

Fatemeh’s father told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that his daughter’s body showed signs of beatings with bruises on her legs, arms and face.

Mohammadbagher Bagherian does not have a lawyer following up on his daughter’s case; he believes that getting a lawyer in the current system is useless. In an official letter, 22 MPs urged the judiciary to investigate the death of their colleague’s daughter. Mohammad Bagherian Nejadianfard has called on human rights activists and groups and the UN special rapporteur Ahmad Shaheed to follow up on his daughter’s case.

Threats against the Larger Family of Media Activists

One of the major groups whose families are being threatened by security officials is media activists. Pressure on the families of media activists as a blatant violation of human rights, pressure over media activists and restriction of free speech can be investigated in Iran.

Families of several Iranians collaborating with Radio Farda were recently interrogated in Iran. Arman Mostofi, the director of Radio Farda, reported that about a year ago, Iranian security forces summoned families and even distant relatives of Radio Farda employees for interrogation.

These interrogations took different forms and were accompanied by various threats or promises. In some cases, families were told to convince their kin to stop working for Prague-based Radio Farda and to return to Iran with promises that, if they did so, they would be given certain opportunities.

Earlier, a member of the Persian BBC staff was involved in a similar case. The Revolutionary Guards Corps security officials had interrogated the BBC employee over the internet, while the employee’s sister was under arrest and being pressured to make a televised confession. The BBC employee was told that if he refused to respond to the questions, the sister would not be released. The sister was finally released after a 40-minute interrogation.

In addition, the families of BBC employees in Iran have been persecuted in various forms, ranging from summonses and interrogations to the confiscation of passports.

A report published last year by Reporters Without Borders indicates that in the past seven years, the press rights groups has documented 50 cases in which journalists’ family members in Iran were intimidated or arrested. The report adds that more than 200 journalists and bloggers were forced to flee Iran after the severe crackdown on protesters that followed the controversial presidential elections of 2009, which gave Mahmoud Ahmadinejad another term. These journalists have begun collaborating with independent media abroad, and that has triggered more persecution of their families in Iran.

These actions are taking place even though there is no legal validity to arresting an individual for offences committed by others, and it is only done in order to fabricate a file and advance the policy of intimidation and threats.

(source: Radio Zamaneh)
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