May 14


Rescind death penalty against woman, EU tells Sudan

The European Union has demanded that the Sudanese authorities rescind the death penalty by stoning on a woman for converting from Islam and marrying a Christian. The convict, Maryam Yahya Ibrahim, a medical doctor was charged with apostasy under Article 126 of the Sudanese Criminal Law concerning conversion from Islam and of adultery under Article 146 of the same law which carry the death penalty.

The court gave the woman 3 days to repent or face the death penalty after her trial which was condemned by the EU.

The EU in a statement in Khartoum on Wednesday reminded the government of their responsibility to safeguard freedom of religion as a universal human right that needs to be protected everywhere and for everyone.

It said within the context of relevant conventions, Sudan should not shun its international obligation to defend, and promote the freedom of religion.

"Although we are fully respecting the independence of the Sudanese legal system, but the EU and its member states have been attentively following this case" the statement stressed.

Meanwhile, Ibrahim's lawyer Mohamed Abdul Nabi told APA on Tuesday that the doctor was convicted for adultery as she had conceived without being married under Muslim law.

Her husband who is British was acquitted as he had married her under Christian law.

"The decision should not be implemented because she is pregnant and has been held in the Omdurman Federal Women's Prison since 17 February, with her 20-month-old son" Nabi explained.

The British Embassy in Khartoum has condemned the decision, calling on the Sudanese government to review it and respect its international obligation to freedom of religion.

Mrs. Ibrahim was born in western Sudan to an Ethiopian Christian mother and a Sudanese Muslim father.

(source: Star Africa)


Woman facing death sentence on grounds of her religion must be released

A heavily pregnant Christian Sudanese woman who could be sentenced to death by hanging for 'apostasy', and to flogging for 'adultery' should be immediately and unconditionally released, Amnesty International said ahead of the ruling expected tomorrow.

Meriam Yehya Ibrahim is 8 months pregnant and currently in detention with her 20-month-old son.

"The fact that a woman could be sentenced to death for her religious choice, and to flogging for being married to a man of an allegedly different religion is abhorrent and should never be even considered. 'Adultery' and 'apostasy' are acts which should not be considered crimes at all, let alone meet the international standard of "most serious crimes" in relation to the death penalty. It is flagrant breach of international human rights law," said Manar Idriss, Amnesty International's Sudan researcher.

Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, a Christian Sudanese, was convicted on charges of 'apostasy' by a Khartoum court on Sunday and was given 3 days to recant her faith or face a possible sentence of death.

She was also convicted of 'adultery' on the grounds that her marriage to a Christian man from South Sudan is considered void under Shari'a law as practiced in Sudan, and is likely to be sentenced to up to 100 lashes.

Meriam was raised as an Orthodox Christian, her mother's religion, because her father, a Muslim, was reportedly absent during her childhood. She was arrested and charged with adultery in August 2013 after a family member reportedly claimed that she was committing adultery because of her marriage to her Christian South Sudanese husband. The court added the charge of apostasy in February 2014 when Meriam asserted that she was a Christian and not a Muslim.

"Amnesty International believes that Meriam is a prisoner of conscience, convicted solely because of her religious beliefs and identity, and must be released immediately and unconditionally," said Manar Idriss.

"The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, which includes the freedom to hold beliefs, is far-reaching and profound; it encompasses freedom of thought on all matters, personal conviction and the commitment to religion or belief."

"International law bars coercion that would impair the right to have or adopt a religion or belief, including the use of threat of physical force or penal sanctions to compel believers or non-believers to adhere to their religious beliefs, to recant their religion or belief or to convert."

The criminalization of 'adultery' violates the rights to freedom of expression and association and invariably discriminates against women in its enforcement. The criminalization of ???apostasy??? is incompatible with the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception.

(source: Amnesty International)


Convicted Murderer Reportedly Executed In Belarus

Media reports in Belarus say a convicted murderer has been executed.

Reports cite a court in the eastern city of Mahileu as saying on May 13 that Ryhor Yuzepchuk, 45, was put to death.

He was sentenced last year for killing his cellmate.

The standard method of execution in Belarus is by a single gunshot to the back of the head.

It is not clear when the execution was carried out.

The reports come 4 weeks after another convict in Belarus, Paval Selyun, 23, who was sentenced to death last year on charges of murdering his wife and another man, was said to have been executed.

Belarus is the only European country that still uses capital punishment.

(source: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)

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