June 28


Death Penalty a Possibility in Bergdahl Case

A United States citizen military person recently deserted his Army post of duty, potentially endangering all his fellow military members of an Army unit in Afghanistan. At this writing not all details of the incident have been revealed, but the perpetrator, Bowe Bergdahl, Sergeant, US Army, has been identified positively.

The entire country along with perhaps the citizens of Afghanistan and most of the international community are learning more details of the incident as the days go by. I will try to stay within the known confines of the event. But we can be certain that the official charges to be imposed on Bergdahl will be Desertion in Time of War in an active war zone for which the official punishment could be the death penalty.

There is now and will be much controversy with the potential death sentence. Without doubt another schism of 'anti' and 'pro' groups will be at each others' throats and in their faces with their pleas for lenience for the perpetrator (in this case it should be spelled perpetraitor) as that is what he is to his fellow service members upon whom he laid the possibility of danger and as it has already proven to be a death sentence for others.

These innocents, just in the days following Bergdahl's desertion, 6 of his former comrades-in-arms lost their lives while searching for the missing Sergeant. Details have not been released on those deaths. But in the short time since this action began the entire mission of the organization has been dealt a serious blow to continuity and overall protection to the entire personnel contingent along with precious weapons and materials.

This is a not a situation of mixed-up formation or blown assignments causing some injuries, this is a flagrant violation of standing orders of maintaining a soldier's post which has already caused the command the loss of 6 PERSONS all active duty combat assignment people. It gives more credence to the validity of the death penalty for A PERSON who violates orders and directly causes death for 6 OTHERS.

Our 'anything but' Commander in Chief and his National Security Advisor, the unreliable Susan Rice have botched up the information released to the public as reported in National Review Online, June 03, 2014 article "Why Team Obama Was Blindsided by the Bergdahl Backlash," by LCol. Ralph Peters, US Army (Ret.), wherein Peters stated: "The president and Ms. Rice seem to think that the crime of desertion in wartime is kind of like skipping class."

Colonel Peters, a seasoned veteran in reporting on military happenings and related stories, does not mince words and always lays the blame where it should be. In this case, with the CIC and his Advisor, who is not a particularly reliable person for that responsibility. Here's more of the Colonel's comments: "Congratulations, Mr. President! And identical congrats to your sorcerer's apprentice, National Security Adviser Susan Rice. By trying to sell him as an American hero, you've turned a deserter already despised by soldiers in the know into quite possibly the most-hated individual soldier in the history of our military. I have never witnessed such outrage from our troops."

Peters explained further about Rice appearing on a Sunday talk show, "described Bergdahl as having served 'with honor and distinction.' Those serving in uniform and those of us who served previously were already stirred up, but that jaw-dropper drove us into jihad mode."

Peters added, "Nobody in the inner circle of Team Obama has served in uniform. It shows. That bit about serving with 'honor and distinction' is the sort of perfunctory catch-phrase politicians briefly don as electoral armor."

Even our ineffective Commander-in-Chief has lately been bitten by the "saying the wrong things at the wrong time" syndrome as we have all witnessed with his botching of the scandalous happenings at what seems to the public to be the entire Veterans Administration medical facilities or ignoramusly chewing gum during the memorial services for the WWII soldiers in a French cemetery.

These very unclassy and gauche Obama moments have not gotten past Col. Peters who noted in his column that "he has so little understanding of (or interest in) the values and traditions of our troops that he and his advisers really believed that those in uniform would erupt into public joy at the news of Bergdahl's release..." They also brought about the remark a handful of paragraphs above that Obama and Ms. Rice placed desertion on a par with 'skipping class.'

As Peters reminds us, Obama and Rice "have no idea of how great a sin, desertion in the face of the enemy, is to those in our military. The only worse sin is to side actively with the enemy and kill your brothers in arms. Nor, during the recent VA scandal, had the president troubled himself to host the families of survivors of those vets who died awaiting care. No, the warmest attention our president has ever paid to a 'military family' was to Mr. and Mrs. Bergdahl."

(source: The Patriot Post)

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