Sept. 21


Priest launches campaign to save Hongkongers on death row in Vietnam

Hong Kong activist Father Franco Mella yesterday called on the Vietnamese government to spare the lives of 2 elderly Hongkongers on death row in the country.

With support from Amnesty International, the Italian Catholic priest launched the appeal outside Mong Kok East station. More than 500 people had signed by last night.

The 2 men were part of a group of 5 ethnic Chinese arrested in Vietnam's Guangnam province in May 2008 for trafficking more than 7 tonnes of cannabis resin.

All 5 - now aged between 57 and 67 - received the death penalty in May 2010.

"The men can be executed at any moment," said Mella, who has rallied against the use of the death penalty across the globe, particularly on the mainland.

"Hong Kong does not have the death penalty, so it should try to convince the Vietnamese government not to kill the men."

Between 2003 and June last year, at least 75 Hong Kong citizens were sentenced to death or executed abroad, according to Amnesty International figures.

Connie Chan Man-wai, a senior campaigner with the rights group, said the drive to attract support would continue for two weeks. The petition will then be taken to the Vietnamese consulate in Wan Chai.

One of the convicted Hongkongers, 67-year-old Ngan Chiu-kuen, had been ill-treated by the prison authorities and denied access to medical services despite his failing health, the group said.

Mella, who first came to Hong Kong in 1974, is a well-known human rights activist. He first took up the cause of the city's homeless and impoverished, at one point joining a squatter camp in Diamond Hill.

Since then he has championed a variety of causes with some success. He is particularly known for helping boat families in the former Yau Ma Tei typhoon shelter in the 1980s, and as a tireless campaigner for right of abode for cross-border families.

He once went without food for 5 days in support of 7 men who were jailed over a fatal fire in Immigration Tower that started during an abode-seekers' protest in 2000.

In 2011 he was denied a visa to visit the mainland, a decision that Mella put down to troubled relations between Beijing and the Vatican.

(source: South China Morning Post)


Death Row Dinners restaurant outrages the internet

A storm in a Mason jar was brewing in Dalston over the weekend as news spread of a new pop-up restaurant inspired by the last requests of death row inmates and allowing diners to "enjoy the idea of a last meal, without the nasty execution bit."

The internet fully outraged.

Part of me thought 'yes, this is a little short-sighted, the death penalty still exists today and isn't something to be trivialised by some gourmet riff on a grilled cheese,' the other part thought 'oh god not the outrage klaxon again and this is probably just run by 2 17-year-olds who didn't think it through properly let's not publically/Twitterly lynch them for it' (though that would be deliciously ironic).

Either way, the yet to open restaurant's owners, shrouded in mystery (perhaps to save themselves), have now issued a statement:

"We're shocked and saddened by the response to Death Row Dinners and are genuinely very sorry for any offence caused. The pop up is intended to explore the concept of last meals; anyone who has ever been to a dinner party has probably had this conversation - what would they love their last meal to be.

"In light of the response to the idea we are considering our next steps and will update everyone with our decision."

It seems unlikely the pop-up will ever open its doors now it's been considered in bad taste (har har) by the masses, unless a rival outfit can siphon off some outrage by opening a bar in Peckham that makes mojitos out of the tears of orphans.

(source: The New Zealand Herald)

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