Nov. 22


UN vote boosts support for a global moratorium on the death penalty----114 of the UN's 193 member states today voted in favour of the UN resolution to establish a moratorium on executions.

The vast majority of the world's countries today threw their weight behind a UN General Assembly resolution to establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty globally, Amnesty International said.

114 of the UN's 193 member states today voted in favour of the resolution which will go before the General Assembly Plenary for final adoption in December.

"Today's vote confirms that more and more countries around the world are coming around to the fact that the death penalty is a human rights violation and must end. It is also a clear message to the minority of states that still execute - you are on the wrong side of history," said Chiara Sangiorgio, Death Penalty expert at Amnesty International.

Since 2007 there have been 4 resolutions calling for a worldwide moratorium on the death penalty, with support increasing each time. Overall, the votes in favour of this resolution increased by 3 since the last time a similar vote took place in 2012.

114 states voted in favour, 36 voted against and 34 abstained compared to 111 votes in favour, 41 against and 34 abstentions in December 2012. The draft resolution was co-sponsored by 94 UN Member States from all regions of the world, the highest number yet.

New votes in favour came from Eritrea, Fiji, Niger and Suriname. As a further positive sign, Bahrain, Myanmar and Uganda moved from opposition to abstention. Regrettably, Papua New Guinea went from abstention to a vote against the resolution.

Today's vote in the UNGA's Third Committee, which addresses social, humanitarian and human rights issues, is an important indicator for the main vote on the resolution in the General Assembly Plenary next month, when the resolution is expected to be endorsed. Although not legally binding, UN General Assembly resolutions carry considerable moral and political weight.

"Governments around the world should seize the opportunity of today's vote to renew their dialogue to make this moratorium call a reality - we hope we will see even stronger support come the final vote in December," said Chiara Sangiorgio.

Amnesty International urges all UN Member States to support the resolution when it comes for adoption at the plenary session. Those countries still retaining the death penalty should immediately establish a moratorium on executions as a first step towards full abolition. Background

When the UN was founded in 1945 only 8 of the then 51 UN Member States had abolished the death penalty. Today, 95 Member States have abolished the death penalty for all crimes, and in total 137 out of the 193 have abolished the death penalty in law or practice.

The adoption of these ground-breaking resolutions on a moratorium on the use of the death penalty since 2007 has generated momentum to renew the commitment to the abolition of the death penalty.

Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception, regardless of the nature or circumstances of the crime; guilt, innocence or other characteristics of the individual; or the method used by the state to carry out the execution.

(source: Amnesty Internatnional)

SAUDI ARABIA----execution

Saudi Arabia beheads Turk for drug trafficking

Saudi Arabia on Nov. 20 beheaded a Turkish man convicted of drug trafficking, the interior ministry said, in the latest execution in the ultra-conservative Gulf kingdom.

Ali Agirdas had been convicted of receiving a "large amount of drugs" and was executed in the Saudi capital Riyadh, the ministry said in a statement.

His execution brings to 70 the number of Saudis and foreigners beheaded in the kingdom this year, according to an AFP count, despite international concern.

Rape, murder, apostasy, drug trafficking and armed robbery are all punishable by death under the kingdom's strict version of Islamic sharia law.

(soruce: Agence France-Presse)


Rights activist welcomes Lanka's pardon to Indian fishermen

Noted human rights activist Avadhash Kaushal on Friday welcomed Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapkasa's pardon to 5 Indian fishermen on death row for alleged drug trafficking but urged him to give the same treatment to the 3 fishermen from his own country sentenced to death along with them for the same crime.

"Pardoning and releasing the 5 Indian fishermen is a welcome step by the President but he should also release and pardon the 3 Sri Lankan fishermen handed capital punishment along with them by the High court of Sri Lanka for the same crime," Kaushal, a Padmashree awardee, said in a statement here.

He also said he was against capital punishment and wants its abolition from all over the world.

A renowned human rights activist and a member of the International Commission to probe missing persons and war crimes done by Srilankan forces as well as LTTE, Kaushal is based in Dehradun and runs an NGO called Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra.

The 5 Indian fishermen on death row in Sri Lanka on drug-trafficking charges, walked free on Wednesday, after President Mahinda Rajapaksa used his executive powers to commute their death penalty.

(source: Zee News)


Violating the most important human right

With the Lahore High Court's decision to uphold Aasia Bibi's death penalty last month, the debate on whether capital punishment should be abolished in Pakistan has once again become a hot topic. In Pakistan, 27 different crimes, including murders of various forms, treason, blasphemy and 'sabotage of the railway system' are punishable by death. With over 8500 individuals on death row in the country, the issue of capital punishment has managed to gain a significant amount of international attention.

Despite the fact that a moratorium was imposed on executions in 2008, the new government in 2013 initially refused to renew the moratorium. Only after the government realized the adverse economic consequences of not renewing the moratorium did it suspend the implementation of the death sentence for an indefinite period of time. Despite all these measures, the execution of Shoaib Sarwar almost took place in September 2014 and was stopped only due to a last minute stay order.

While it is true that no civilian executions have taken place in Pakistan since 2008 and no military executions have taken place since 2012, the number of convicts on the death row continues to increase. With the current government's unclear stance on the moratorium, most of these convicts face a constant threat of being executed immediately.

The debate on whether Pakistan should abolish the death sentence completely arises mainly because of the fact that abolishing the death sentence is contrary to Islamic Shariah and no law that contradicts any Islamic law can be implemented in the country. While this argument can be used to support the continuation of the death sentence on Pakistan, there are a number of other factors that strongly suggest that the death sentence should be abolished.

It is no secret that the Pakistani law and order system is heavily compromised. Unfair police investigations, baseless accusations and corruption within the judicial system aren't unheard of in Pakistan. With such imperfections being present in the society, giving the judicial system the right to take away someone's life is highly unjustified.

The death sentence is in itself a violation of basic human rights. That, paired with the frailty of the Pakistani judicial system, makes the existence of the death penalty in Pakistan even more odious. In a country where the rich and powerful can get away with almost anything, it is extremely unfair to allow capital punishment to exist.

In controversial cases like that of Aasia Bibi, who was accused of blasphemy, the possibility of the presence of false accusations for individuals' personal benefits makes the death sentence a seriously flawed punishment.

In murder cases, the concept of blood money is not unheard of. Individuals can get away with murder if they have the means to pay sums of money to the family of the deceased while those who lack these means are left to rot behind bars, waiting for death. This makes the death sentence in murder cases an even worse injustice.

In many cases, the convicted individuals fail to get adequate legal representation simply because they cannot afford to do so. This almost suggests that the death penalty is only reserved for the underprivileged and that some lives are more valuable than others. It is ironic that while everyone is supposed to be equal under the law, this blatant display of discrimination still exists.

Many of the convicts on the death row have been imprisoned for long periods of time. Shoaib Sarwar, for example, has already served 18 years of his life in prison. Punishing a person twice for the same crime isn't acceptable in any court of law. Yet he was almost executed a month ago. While the government maintains its unclear stance on the moratorium on the death penalty in Pakistan, authorities very conveniently ignore the severe psychological impacts that the constant fear of death has on those who are sentenced to death.

The death row syndrome is just one of the many psychological issues that most of the death row prisoners face in which they become so worn out that they fail to understand the situation that they are really in. As a result, these convicts not only face time in prison, they also experience mental torture. The mental agony is further extended to the families of these individuals as well who not only have to deal with the possibility of a loved one getting executed but also have to deal with social issues associated with being the family member of someone on the death row.

Capital punishment is a flawed concept in itself owing to its irreversible nature. If a person is sent to prison but is later found to be innocent, they can be released. If a person is executed and is later found to be innocent, the damage done is irreversible. With such high stakes involved, is capital punishment a risk worth taking?

In a country where the court's decision can be changed if a powerful contact is used, where police reports can be manipulated and altered according to the wishes of those in power, where money has the ability to buy freedom, the presence of capital punishment cannot be justified, no matter how hard we try. Sadly, however, most Pakistani's are of the view that capital punishment should not be abolished; we have become a nation that no longer values the importance of a life.

(source: Wishal Raheel, The Nation)

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