Dec. 2


FLORIDA GOVERNOR SIGNS NEW DEATH WARRANT Florida’s Governor has signed a death warrant in the case of Shane Kormondy, whose execution has been scheduled for 15 January. This would be the 21st execution under Rick Scott’s governorship, equaling the record for any Florida governor since 1976.

View the full Urgent Action, including case information, addresses and sample messages, here.

On 24 November, Governor Rick Scott signed the death warrant for Johnny Shane Kormondy for the murder of Gary McAdams in July 1993. The death warrant states that “it has been determined that executive clemency is not appropriate”, and that Governor Scott designated the week beginning 12 January 2015 for the execution. A letter to the Warden of Florida State Prison accompanying the death warrant notes that the Warden has set the date and time of the execution for 15 January at

There have been 20 executions in Rick Scott’s first term as Florida Governor, which began in January 2011, more than during the first term of any Florida governor since the US Supreme Court approved new state capital laws in 1976, and only one fewer than occurred under Governor Jeb Bush over two terms (1999-2007). Rick Scott was elected to a second term in November 2014. His re-inauguration is due to take place on or around 6 January, about a week before Shane Kormondy is scheduled to become
the next inmate killed in Florida’s execution chamber.

The USA’s ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in 1992 placed an expectation on officials in the USA at all levels – local, state and federal – to work toward abolition of the death penalty. In April 2014, after its latest scrutiny of US compliance with the ICCPR, the UN Human Rights Committee expressed its concern at the continuing use of the death penalty and called on the federal authorities to “engage with retentionist states with a view to achieving a nationwide moratorium” on executions. On 28 November, the UN Committee Against Torture urged the USA to establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolition. Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases, unconditionally. Today, 140 countries are abolitionist in law or practice. Eighteen US states have abolished the death penalty, four of
them since 2009.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  Gary McAdams was shot dead and Cecilia McAdams was raped, but survived, during a robbery of their Pensacola home on 11 July 1993. Three men were charged, with the state intending to seek the death penalty against all three. They were tried separately in 1994. Curtis Buffkin was brought to trial first, with the prosecutor describing him as “the ringleader” who “got to carry the gun” and “took total command of his cohorts”. However, during jury deliberations when it looked like a first-degree murder verdict might not emerge, the state agreed to a plea bargain under which Buffkin avoided the death penalty in return for testimony against his two co-defendants. James Hazen was sentenced to death. This was reduced to life by the state Supreme Court on the grounds that he was less culpable than Buffkin, who received a life sentence.

View the full Urgent Action here.

Name: Johnny Shane Kormondy (m)
Issues: Death penalty, Imminent execution, Legal concern
Further information on UA: 162/14 (23 June 2014)
Issue Date: 2 December 2014
Country: USA

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Thank you for taking action! Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date. If you receive a response from a government official, please forward it to us at or to the Urgent Action Office address below. This is the first update of UA 162/14.
Further information:


Please write immediately in English or your own language:
* Expressing deep regret that clemency has been denied to Johnny Shane Kormondy, noting that the
    other two defendants received life sentences;
* Noting developments against the death penalty in other US states, and in the rest of the world; * Calling on this and all executions in Florida to be halted, and for the authorities to work for
* To the US Attorney General: Noting the UN Human Rights Committee’s recommendation and calling on the US government to do all it can to engage with the Florida authorities to stop this and all
    other executions in the state


Governor Rick Scott
Office of the Governor
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
Salutation: Dear Governor

And copies to:
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Tom Malinowski
US Department of State
2201 C Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20520

The Honorable Eric H. Holder
Attorney General
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20530 0001
Fax: 011 1 202 514 4507
Salutation: Dear Attorney General

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