Aug. 14

PAKISTAN----7 new death sentences

Death Penalty For Pakistan School Attackers

The school massacre shocked Pakistanis and prompted the government to reinstate the death penalty for convicted terrorists.

7 Islamic militants have been sentenced to death in Pakistan over a series of attacks, including a school massacre which left almost 150 staff and students dead.

According to a statement released by the army, an 8th militant was sentenced to life in prison.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for last December's attack on an army-run school in Peshawar, which was the country's deadliest terrorist attack.

The massacre shocked Pakistanis and led to a decision to lift a moratorium on executions that had been in place since 2008.

It is unclear at this stage when the death sentences will be carried out.

The army statement indicates that the 8 men have the right to appeal against their sentences in a military court.

"The convicts were given fair trial by following all the legal formalities and offering (and) providing them legal aid and defence counsels," the statement said.

"The sentences of death have been confirmed by the Chief of Army Staff."

Pakistan has long been accused of ignoring the threat posed by Islamic militants, instead using them to project influence into neighbouring Afghanistan.

At the time of the attack, Pakistan's prime minister Nawaz Sharif described the massacre as a "national tragedy".

(source: Sky News)


Heroin hidden in cabbages; 4 men arrested may face death penalty

Bags of cabbage might seem innocuous enough but yesterday police busted an attempt to use the vegetable to traffick 3.6kg of heroin, estimated to be worth over $245,000.

A 46-year-old Singaporean man, along with 3 Malaysian men aged 25 to 32, were arrested in the sting. The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) said this was its 1st case in which cabbage was used to hide drugs.

Officers were deployed in the area on information that a suspected drug trafficker would be receiving a drugs consignment in Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8 in the early morning. At about 5.45am, a white Malaysia-registered lorry arrived at the location.

Shortly after, the Singaporean walked up to the left side of the lorry and handed a plastic bag to one of the passengers, said the CNB. He received 4 plastic bags in return and the lorry moved off.

Anti-narcotics officers tailed the suspect to a nearby coffeeshop and arrested him there. Inside the plastic bags were eight cabbages which concealed bundles of heroin.

The Malaysia-registered lorry was later stopped at Woodlands Checkpoint at about 6.45am.

The 3 Malaysians who were in the vehicle were arrested. Cash amounting to $18,500 was found inside a plastic bag behind the driver's seat.

Investigations are ongoing. If convicted, the men could all face the death penalty.

The CNB said yesterday that it is committed to keeping Singapore safe from drugs, and that it will remain vigilant to drug smuggling.

(source: Straits Times)

A service courtesy of Washburn University School of Law

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