Feb. 26


A prisoner hanged, 3 dozen death verdicts issued in run-up to elections

The Iranian regime's henchmen in the main prison of the northern city of Gorgan secretly hanged a 52-year-old man who had been arrested on drug-related charges.

The Iranian regime's judiciary has recently confirmed death sentences for at least 40 prisoners that are being held in Gezel-Hessar Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran. Most of the prisoners had asked for their cases to be reviewed but their death sentence were confirmed within 1-2 days and they were informed of the final verdicts on Sunday.

In the run-up to the sham elections in Iran, Iran's clerical regime has intensified issuing death sentences, handing down long prison terms and carrying out cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments in public.

Amnesty International said its yearly report on violations of human rights in Iran: "The authorities continued to use the death penalty extensively, and carried out numerous executions, including of juvenile offenders. Some executions were conducted in public."

"Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees remained common and was committed with impunity; prison conditions were harsh. Unfair trials continued, in some cases resulting in death sentences."

"Women and members of ethnic and religious minorities faced pervasive discrimination in law and in practice. The authorities carried out cruel punishments, including blinding, amputation and floggings. Courts imposed death sentences for a range of crimes; many prisoners, including at least 4 juvenile offenders, were executed."

"Courts continued to impose, and the authorities continued to carry out, punishments that violate the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment. These were sometimes carried out in public and included flogging, blinding and amputations. On 3 March the authorities in Karaj deliberately blinded a man in his left eye after a court sentenced him to 'retribution-in-kind' (qesas) for throwing acid into the face of another man. He also faced blinding of his right eye."

(source: NCR-Iran)


Coffeeshop assistant charged for Hougang murder----Khor Tzoong Meng faces the death penalty if convicted.

A 50-year-old Coffeeshop assistant, Khor Tzoong Meng, was charged with murder on Friday (Feb 26).

On Thursday morning, 38-year-old Ang Kim Keat was found injured at Blk 23, Hougang Avenue 3. Mr Ang was pronounced dead at Tan Tock Seng Hospital at 3.28am. Khor was arrested in relation to the case at Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1 later on Thursday.

Lawyers Josephus Tan and Tan Jin Song are representing Khor pro bono.

Khor, the youngest of four siblings, has been remanded for a week to assist in further investigations. His case will be mentioned again on Mar 4.

He faces the death penalty for the offence of Murder under Section 302(1) of the Penal Code, Chapter 224.

(source: channelnewsasia.com)


Chidambaram, Afzal and the Congress party's deplorable duplicity on death penalty

Congress party's hypocrisy on issues of nationalism, communalism and caste are not new. Throughout its history since Independence, it has been opportunistic. The party has dabbled in soft Hindutva when it saw it being useful, or taken to disgraceful minority-pandering when required. Rahul Gandhi's theatrics at JNU and University of Hyderabad recently are good examples of how the party goes on a moral grandstanding overdrive when it finds it convenient.

P Chidamabaram's recent interview with Economic Times however takes the cake.

After being one of the most influential ministers for 10 years under the UPA regime, a Home Minister directly dealing with death penalty cases for a considerable period, and then keeping mum while his government, with an apparent eye on the 2014 elections, hanged Afzal Guru in near-secrecy, the former Union Minister now has the audacity to say, "There were grave doubts about his involvement (in the conspiracy behind the attack on Parliament) and even if he was involved, there were grave doubts about the extent of his involvement. He could have been imprisoned for life without parole for rest of his natural life."

"I think it is possible to hold an honest opinion that the Afzal Guru case was perhaps not correctly decided," he told ET, adding, "But being in government you cannot say the court has decided the case wrongly because it was the government that prosecuted him. But an independent person can hold an opinion that the case was not decided correctly."

Chidambaram has never had it too tough in public discourse. Journalists don???t take him head on, and when he was a minister, he was feared. The fallout of that has been that he, along with the Congress party, gets away with such blatant political manipulation.

And if there was anyone who knew this best, it was Afzal Guru himself.

In 2008, in an interview to IANS, he said,

"I don't think the (UPA) government can ever reach a decision. The Congress party has 2 mouths and is playing a double game. I really wish LK Advani becomes India's next prime minister as he is the only one who can take a decision and hang me. At least my pain and daily suffering would ease then."

Afzal however was wrong on 2 counts. LK Advani never stood a chance at Prime Ministership, and the Congress was cunning enough to eventually take the political decision of hanging him, just ahead of 2014 elections. They can take decisions, but it just has to be a purely political one, devoid of any humanity.

And Chidambaram's interview is an example of such decisions, and is problematic at many levels.

One, why did he not make his doubts publicly known, wasn't the life of a possibly innocent man worth it? At the very least, he could have made it public that a life sentence was more appropriate?

Two, why can't you question the court when you are in government? Isn't that just an excuse for political convenience? Does he not disagree with the SC verdict on section 377?

Three, will he then agree that his politics over Afzal is marginally different, if not far worse, from that of the BJP's? BJP believes and says that Afzal was guilty, and wanted to hang him. He did not believe so, and yet he allowed for him to be hanged in muted silence. That he could not go against the wishes of the party can only be a lie, or mean that he is spineless.

What is the problem with this hypocrisy you ask? It's that the Congress party continues to perpetuate the injustices while not ceding space to a more genuine liberal politics. When you shout from the rooftops supporting Afzal is guilty and then go and hang him, then you are helping perpetuate the myth that a more sensitive India which shuns the death penalty is not possible.

When asked about the fact that it was his own government that executed Afzal, he told ET, "That is true, but I was not the home minister then...I can't say what I would have done. It is only when you sitting on that seat you take that decision."

True. When you are not in the hot seat, you can say anything you want.

(source: Opinion, Ramanathan S.; thenewsminute.com)


Sister Of Murdered Sailor Says She Forgives Killers

A sibling of murdered American sailor Kyle Bruner told a judge yesterday that she would not hold the actions of her brother's killers against The Bahamas.

Christina Cataldo made the statement during the sentencing hearing of Craig Johnson, 22, Anton Bastian, 21, Marcellus Williams, 23, and 30-year-old Jamaal Dorfevil for their role in the events that led to Bruner's fatal shooting on May 13, 2013.

Cataldo, who was moved to tears, gave a victim impact statement to Justice Indra Charles through video conference where she described her deceased sibling as "my rock."

"We were very close and my brother cannot speak anymore," Ms Cataldo said.

"He was a very genuine, kind and caring person. He'd help anybody in need. If they would have just asked him for some money he would have given it to them."

"My brother worked in The Bahamas and he loved The Bahamas. I've been coming to The Bahamas and this hasn't changed the feeling that I have for The Bahamas.

"I forgive the people who killed my brother because I understand and I feel really bad for them. I hope they get the help that they need," Bruner's sister said.

"I'm not one to hold grudges for anyone and I'm forgiving you for myself," she concluded.

In November, a jury returned unanimous guilty verdicts for Johnson, Bastian and Williams for Bruner's murder.

The 3 men were further convicted with 30-year-old Jamaal Dorfevil on 2 counts of armed robbery as they were alleged to have accosted 2 women while armed with a firearm, robbing one of $150 cash and her $3,000 handbag and the other of cash, a handbag and an iPhone.

A 5th accused, 21-year-old Leo Bethel, had all charges discontinued against him by way of a nolle prosequi within moments of Justice Charles concluding her summation of the evidence.

All 4 convicts denied having any involvement in the armed robbery and the killing of Bruner, who was shot in the neck as he tried to help 2 women who were being mugged by 2 armed men.

They testified that they were at home on the early morning in question and had been lied on and assaulted by the police, who produced videotaped interviews of Johnson, Williams and Dorfevil taking officers through the crime scene.

The jury heard evidence from Sean William Cannon, a first mate aboard the Liberty Chipper sailboat, who witnessed the shooting and later identified Johnson during an identification parade.

The Crown also submitted the police statement of another witness, Delano Smith, which implicated the remaining accused men concerning the crimes.

Ambrose Armbrister, trial prosecutor, has asked the court to impose the discretionary death penalty for Johnson, Bastian and Williams when the verdict was announced.

Dr John Dillard, a licensed psychiatrist with the Public Hospitals Authority testified yesterday that although the trio had used marijuana prior to their incarceration, he found no evidence or record of mental illness.

The matter was further adjourned to March 8 for continuation.

Bethel, Johnson, Bastian, Dorfevil and Williams were defended by attorneys Ian Cargill, Nathan Smith, Roberto Reckley, Sonia Timothy and Walton Bain respectively.

(source: tribune242.com)


Supreme Court Of Nigeria Affirms Death Penalty Judgement On Reverend King

The Supreme Court of Nigeria has ruled that the General Overseer of the Christian Praying Assembly, Rev. Chukwuemeka Ezeugo, a.k.a Reverend King must die by hanging for murder after dismissing his appeal for lack of merit.

Justice Sylvester Nguta read the lead judgement of the 5-man panel at the Supreme Court in Abuja earlier today.

Rev. King was charged to court by the Lagos State Government on September 26th, 2006 on a six-count charge of attempted murder and murder of one of his members including Ann Uzoh on August 2nd, 2006. Specifically, The Lagos State Government said that the convict poured gasoline (petrol) on the deceased and five other persons and that Uzoh died on August 2, 2006; 11 days after the act was perpetrated against her.

Rev. King pleaded not guilty to the allegation but was sentenced to death by the then Justice Joseph Oyewoleof Lagos State High Court, Ikeja, on January 11, 2007, for the murder of one of his church members, Ann Uzoh. Ezeugo was convicted and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for the attempted murder and death by hanging for the offence of murder.

Justice Oyewole is now a judge of Appeal Court sitting in the Calabar division.

Dissatisfied, Ezeugo challenged the verdict before the Court of Appeal in Lagos, but the appeal was thrown out.

"I at this moment, I rule that the prosecution effectively discharged the burden of proof on it. This appeal is devoid of any basis and accordingly fails.

"The judgment of the High Court is hereby affirmed, and the conviction imposed on the appellant, (which is death by hanging) is also affirmed," Justice Fatimo Akinbami who read the judgement held. The 2 other members of the panel of Justices, Amina Augie and Ibrahim Saulawa, concurred with the lead judgement.

Ezeugo, still dissatisfied, turned to the Supreme Court, asking for the judgment to be upturned. However, the Supreme Court justices showed no mercy on Rev. King during today's judgement.

(source: Sahara Reporters)


A Somali Military Court Sentences 6 Al Shabaab Members

A military court in Somali capital, Mogadishu has sentenced 6 alleged Al shabaab members, five in jail and one to death penalty on Thursday.

Abdirisack Mohamed Barrow has been sentenced to death penalty after he was found guilty of attaching a bomb to the slain Somali female journalist Hindiye Hajji Mohamed.

Mohamed Shute the chairman of Somali military tribunal said 3 of the defendants were sentenced to life in prison, while the 2 others have given to 5 year-jail term.

The court said the Al shabaab operatives were involved the murder of Hindiya Hajji, a female journalist working for the state-run media who was killed in a bomb fitted into her car in Mogadishu.

(source: allafrica.com)

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