April 12

GEORGIA----impending execution

Supreme Court Won't Stop Georgia Execution Despite Juror's Racist Statement

Kenneth Fults asked the U.S. Supreme Court to halt his execution after comments by a racist juror. "Once he pled guilty, I knew I would vote for the death penalty because that's what that nigger deserved," a juror wrote in an affidavit after the trial.

In light of a juror's racist opinions, a Georgia death row inmate is asking that his execution be cancelled. Kenneth Fults, a black man, is scheduled to be executed Tuesday for murdering Cathy Bounds, a white woman, in 1997.

According to court documents, Fults forced his way inside Bounds' home as part of a burglary. She begged for her life and offered up her jewelry, but Fults shot her 5 times in the back of the head anyway. Fults pled guilty and was sentenced to death.

1 of the jurors who sentenced him to death, Thomas Buffington, wrote in a sworn affidavit after the trial that "I don't know if [Fults] ever killed anybody, but that nigger got just what should have happened. Once he pled guilty, I knew I would vote for the death penalty because that's what that nigger deserved."

Before Buffington was allowed to serve as a juror, he was asked if he had any racial prejudices. He said no. He signed the affidavit in 2005 and has since passed away.

Fults and his attorneys argue the juror's racism tainted the trial and, as a result, he should not be executed. He asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene - a request the state opposed. He also asked for a stay of his execution until the court decides what to do with his case.

The Supreme Court denied the requests on Tuesday afternoon.

The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles on Monday also had rejected Fults' clemency petition that he sought on the grounds of his troubled upbringing.

Last week, the high court agreed to hear a case next term concerning a Colorado juror who made racist comments about Mexicans during jury deliberations. Fults asks that the court hear his case or allow his execution to be put off until after the Colorado case, Pena Rodriguez v. Colorado, is resolved.

Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens' office argues the Supreme Court is not the proper court to weigh in on this issue, and that Fults raised the claim of juror bias too late.

(source: BuzzFeedNews)

FLORIDA----new death sentence

Jury recommends death penalty for man who ordered woman to be buried alive

A Brevard County jury has recommended the death penalty for a man who ordered a woman to be buried alive.

Vahtiece Kirkman was convicted Friday of 1st-degree murder in the 2006 murder of Darice Knowles. A jury on Tuesday recommended that he be sentenced to death.

Knowles, 22, came to Brevard County from the Bahamas in 2006 to study at Brevard Community College. Her boyfriend, Christopher Pratt, was involved in dealing illegal drugs, and he, along with Kirkman, became convinced that the young woman was talking to police about them.

Pratt testified during Kirkman's trial that he buried her with her hands and feet tied and her mouth duct-taped.

"After that, he told me to throw Darice in the hole," Pratt told a judge.

"Did you follow his directions?" the judge asked.

"Yes, sir," Pratt said.

"Was she still alive?" the judge asked.

"Yes, sir," Pratt said.

"What was her demeanor like at that point?" the judge asked.

"You could see that she was, you know, scared," Pratt replied.

"Did you cover her up?" the judge asked.

"Yes, sir," Pratt said.

"How did you cover her up?" the judge asked.

"With the cement that I'd mixed. I poured that on her first. And then I started covering her up with the dirt," Pratt said.

"Why did you throw her in that hole?" the judge asked. "Why did you throw her in that hole and cover her with dirt and cement?"

"I was ordered by Mr. Kirkman," Pratt said.

Pratt pleaded guilty in 2010 and offered to testify against Kirkman.

Kirkman will be sentenced on April 29.

(source: WESH news)

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