April 21


Youth gets death penalty for friend's murder

A court on Thursday convicted and sentenced a young man to death for the 2011 murder of his friend in the Lalkhan Bazar area of the port city.

Jahed Mahmud, 26, a resident of Baghmoniram area of the city, is said to had taken his friend Kafil Uddin, then a 2nd year student at the International Islamic University, to a hill on the south side of Jamiatul Falah Mosque in Lalkhan Bazar following dinner at a local restaurant on December 18, 2011.

There he later strangulated Kafil, before snatching his laptop and cash. Police recovered Kafil's body from the hill on December 19. The same day, Kafil's father Mohammad Rafiq filed a case with the Kotowali Model Police Station.

Jahed was put under arrest in connection with the murder same days later, and the Police submitted the chargesheet accusing him on May 3, 2012.

After examining the records and 11 witnesses, Additional Session's Judge Mohammad Shah-e Nur handed down the verdict.

(source: prothom-alo.com)


Pakistan and the Death Penalty----Since lifting its moratorium on the death penalty in 2014, Pakistan has become one of the world's leading executioners.

In its "Death Sentences and Executions Report 2015," Amnesty International ranked Pakistan as the 3rd most prolific executioner in the world, right after China and Iran. Taken together, Pakistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia accounted for almost 90 % of all recorded global executions (excluding China's figures, as the number of executions is considered a state secret by Beijing). While Amnesty's report only covered the year 2015, since 2014 Pakistan has hanged at least 389 death row inmates.

After a brutal terrorist attack on schoolchildren in Peshawar, Pakistan lifted a 6-year de facto moratorium on use of the death penalty - 1st for terror-related cases and then, in March 2015, in all capital cases. In making its decision, government seemed quite convinced that capital punishment was the only effective way to deal with the scourge of terrorism. When the moratorium was lifted, it was viewed in the broader context of Pakistan's fight against terrorists and militancy.

But after following this policy for almost a year and a half now, a quick glance at the data of executions carried out in Pakistan calls this narrative into question. As per the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), 389 death row convicts have been hanged through mid-April 2016. Out of these, 49 were tried by the Anti-Terrorism Courts (ATCs) and 12 by the military courts. Based on the HRCP data, only around 10 % of those executed in Pakistan were associated with terrorism, while 73 % are ordinary murderers. The others were convicted of murder after rape, murder after robbery, or murder after kidnapping. The Pakistani government's assertion that the moratorium on death penalty was lifted to tackle terrorism loses ground here.

Furthermore, Pakistan employs a broad definition of "terrorism." Subsection (b) of Section 6(1) of the Anti-Terrorism Act 1997, as amended in 2013, spells out terrorism as "the use or threat of action" intended "to coerce and intimidate or overawe the Government or the public" or "create a sense of fear or insecurity in society." Any murder can be deemed to "intimidate" the public and "create a sense of fear" in the neighborhood. No wonder more than one in 10 of all death row prisoners in Pakistan is tried as a "terrorist."

It's also a very unfortunate reality that juveniles and people with disabilities were also among those executed in Pakistan. Several such controversies have come to the fore during the trials of non-terrorism related case in ATCs, which resulted in condemning juveniles to death. Shafqat Hussain, for example, was allegedly sentenced to death when he was 14 years old; he was hanged in August 2015. Likewise, Aftab Bahadur was hanged in June 2015 despite pleas from international human rights groups that he was a juvenile when convicted of murder. Amnesty International reports that 5 men who were juveniles at the time of their crimes were among those executed by Pakistan in 2015.

Meanwhile, a paraplegic death row prisoner received a last-minute stay of execution in November 2015 to the relief of many human rights activists in the country. However, the news that the officials were simply uncertain of how to hang a man incapable of standing up unsupported was both sickening and painful.

There are also questions about the fairness of the judicial process. There have been cases where the court-appointed lawyer does not ever meet the suspect outside of court, present evidence in his defense, or properly challenge witness statements. Poorer families cannot hire afford to private lawyers and very often lose the battle of life against poverty.

Despite these issues, there seems to be strong public support for the death penalty. According to a Gilani Research Foundation Survey carried out by Gallup Pakistan in February 2016, 92 % of Pakistanis said they support "the rule of hanging terrorists." Out of those who were in favor, 64 % said that they support it "a lot" while 28 % said they support it "to some extent." However, the specific question that this survey asked was whether people were for or against the hanging of terrorists. As we've seen, the vast majority of executions have little to do with terrorism, at least as the public would conceive of it.

There's more at stake here than morality. Pakistan was granted Generalized System of Preferences-Plus (GSP+) status by the EU in 2013, while its moratorium on executions was still in place. That status, which provides duty-free access to the EU market, has provided huge economic benefits - according to The News, "Pakistan's exports to EU rose by 21 % in the 1st year of the scheme alone." Yet EU officials have warned that human rights issues - including use of the death penalty - could see Pakistan's GSP+ status suspended. Pakistan survived the 1st EU compliance report, but there will be a reassessment in 2017. If the Pakistani government wants to avail itself of GSP+ benefits beyond 2017, it must take seriously the implementation of UN conventions on human rights.

With Pakistan's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) due in 2017 too, it would be a wise decision to start putting Pakistan's house in order now. The death penalty is sure to feature as a main issue in the review process, as are the hangings of alleged juvenile convicts. Pakistan has ratified the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child and has, hence, committed not to impose the death penalty on anyone who was a juvenile at the time of the crime.

It is vitally important that Pakistan start respecting these commitments and rethinking its policies now rather than later making apologetic defenses of its position. Pakistan has indeed gone too far in its policy of executions, and it is time it starts doing more (or perhaps less) on the issue.

(source: Madiha Batool is a professional working as an Adviser on Political and Economic Affairs in a diplomatic mission in Pakistan. She studied International Human Rights Law at King's College, London and International Relations at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad----The Diplomat)


Ruling Date Set for Kampala Bombs Case

After close to 6 years of trial, the High Court in Kampala yesterday set May 18 to deliver the judgment on the case of 13 men suspected to have carried out twin terror strikes in Kampala, which killed at least 76 people who were watching World Cup finals on July 11, 2010.

The victims were watching the World Cup football final between Spain and the Netherlands live on television at Kyadondo Rugby Club in Lugogo and Ethiopian Village Restaurant in Kabalagala, all in Kampala.

The High Court set the judgment date following the conclusion of the hearing of the case which started in March last year. Yesterday the 2 court assessors advised presiding judge Owiny-Dollo to convict the suspects for the offences of terrorism.

The 2 assessors, Ms Juliet Kasendwa and Mr Robert Lubega Sebunya, gave their layman's opinion on the case. On the charge of murder, both assessors advised the court to convict all the accused before calling for a similar conviction for the charge of attempted murder against them all.

Mr Lubega, who was the first assessor to give his opinion to court, advised Justice Owiny-Dollo to convict the 12 suspects on 3 counts of terrorism, saying the prosecution had proved the case against them beyond reasonable doubt.

"Prosecution witness number one Muhamood Mugisha told court during the trial that he had joined the al-Qaeda-associated al-Shaabab militant group in Somalia where he trained with some of the accused in the case. This coupled with evidence of prosecution witness number 2 Mr Idris Nsubuga, who told court of how he participated in the detonating of 1 of the bombs at Kyadondo Rugby Club plus the corroborating evidence of other witnesses like police, I am satisfied that Accused 1 to Accused 12 participated in the Kampala bombing.." Mr Lubega said. " I therefore advise this honourable court to find each accused guilty as charged," he added.

Judgment day

At the tail end of the court session yesterday, Justice Owiny-Dollo asked both the prosecution and the defence teams to show up early in court on the judgment day as he begins reading his verdict at 9am. He cited the voluminous judgment that he is writing which he said he would not want the reading to spill over to the following day.

"Judgment in this case will be delivered on May 18, this year at 9 O'clock," Justice Owiny-Dollo announced.

The case involves 13 bomb suspects who are accused of carrying out the twin terror bombings of football fans watching the 2010 World cup football final between the Netherlands and Spain in Kampala.

At least 76 people were killed and dozens of others injured with varying severity. The suspects have been on trial on charges of terrorism, murder, attempted murder and being accessories to terrorism.

On Monday this week, justice Owiny-Dollo said he will strike out the remaining charge against some of the suspects belonging to a terrorism group al-Shaabab.

They are liable to the maximum penalty of death if they are convicted of terrorism and murder.

The suspects

The suspects are: Omar Awadh Omar, Muhammed Hamid Suleiman, Hussein Hassan Agad alias Hussein Agade, Idris Magondu alias Christopher Magondu, Yahya Suleiman Mbuthia, Habib Suleiman Njoroge, Suleiman Hajjir Nyamandondo, Muhammed Ali Muhamed, Isa Ahamed Luyima, Hassan Haruna Luyima, Batematyo Abubakari, Dr Ismail Kalule and Muzafaru Luyima.

(source: The Monitor)


Kaduna govt seeks death penalty for 50 Shiite members

After secretly burying 347 Shiite members killed by Nigerian soldiers last December, the Kaduna State Government on Thursday asked its High Court to sentence another 50 Shiite members to death for allegedly causing the death of a soldier.

The government had filed a 5-count charge against the accused before Justice David Wyom.

It accused them of criminal conspiracy, unlawful assembly, culpable homicide, disturbance of public peace and wrongful restrain.

In the petition, Counsel to the government, Mr Bayero Diri said that the offences are punishable under Sections 97, 221, 102, 106 and 225 of the Penal Code Law, Laws of Kaduna State 1991.

The government said that the offence was committed between December 12 and 14, 2015 in Zaria.

It alleged that the suspects among other things shot dead one Cpl. Yakubu Dankaduna of the Nigerian Army "with a gun when he alighted from the convoy to disperse the IMN members." Section 102 of the penal code prescribes death sentence for such offence.

The prosecution told the court that they intend to present 39 witnesses.

The plea of the accused persons was not taken as the Judge adjourned sitting till May 16.

The 50 suspects were among the 265 persons currently in custody, who were arrested during the Shiites clash with the Army on Dec. 12 and Dec. 14, 2015.

(source: thenewsnigeria.com)

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