May 10


Death row convict hanged in Sahiwal

A death row prisoner involved in murder case was executed in the Central Jail Sahiwal on early Tuesday morning, Dunya News reported.

According to details, prisoner Mansha had killed a man in 2001 during a robbery attempt. The dead body of the prisoner was handed over to his heirs after the execution.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif lifted a 6-year moratorium on death penalty on December 17, 2014 for those convicted for terrorism a day after the deadly attack on Army Public School in Peshawar that left 150 persons including mostly children dead. There are more than 8,000 prisoners on death row in the country.

(source: Dunya News)


2 Prisoners Hanged in Northwestern Iran

2 prisoners with murder charges were reportedly hanged at Darya, Urmia's central prison (in the province of West Azerbaijan, northwestern Iran), on Monday May 9.

According to a report by the human rights news agency, HRANA, these 2 prisoners are among 6 who were transferred to solitary confinement at this prison on Sunday May 8 in preparation for their executions. HRANA has identified the s executed prisoners as Nasser Saeedi and Mehdi Naboshi.

s of the other prisoners, reportedly identified as Omid Behrouz and Khaled Zika, succeeded to postpone their executions for a brief period of time and were returned to their cells. Behrouz is scheduled to be executed one month from now and Zika in 5 days. The other 2 prisoners, reportedly identified as Behnam Hassanzadeh and Hesam Neez, were spared from execution after they succeeded to receive consent from the plaintiffs on their case files. They were also returned to their cells.

Iranian official sources, including state-run media and the Judiciary, have been silent on these executions.


Prisoner Hanged in Southern Iran on Drug Charges

A prisoner with drug charges was reportedly hanged at Minab Prison (in the southern Hormozgan province) on Sunday May 8. The Baloch Activists Campaign has identified the prisoner as Mohsen Bahaoldini, a man who resided in Giran, a town located in the southern Sistan & Baluchestan province of Iran. Iranian official sources, including state run media and the Judiciary, have been silent about Bahaoldini's execution.

(source for both: Iran Human Rights)


Govt Agrees on Death Penalty for Rapists

The government has agreed to give maximum penalties to rapists and sexual offenders. The agreement is the result of a coordination meeting between ministries that was held at the office of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture Monday, May 10, 2016.

Minister of Justice and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly said that the prison sentence for rapists and sexual offenders will be extended from 15 years to 20 years. Some rapists and offenders can also be given life sentences.

"They may also be given the death penalty if the victim dies," Yasonna said.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani said that the identity of sex offenders will also be revealed to the public. "So that the public knows that the offenders have committed an inhumane crime," said Puan.

Yasona said that that only adult rapists and sex offenders will have their identities revealed to the public. The identities of offenders who are still minors when they committed the crime will be kept private.

The government will also impose social sanctions to enhance the deterrent effect and provide shock therapy. "We are still discussing the technicalities of this social punishment," Puan said.

During their sentences, the criminals will be guided and rehabilitated to prevent them from repeating their crimes.

The coordination meeting this morning also discussed the possibility of castrating sexual offenders and rapists. No decisions have been made regarding this idea.

Puan said the meeting was held in response to the rampant cases of rape and sexual assaults. The most recent case is one that took the life of a 14-year-old girl in Bengkulu, who was gang-raped and killed by her assaulters.

The police have arrested 12 suspects. 2 others are still at large. 7 suspects are currently being tried in court.



Preparations for Next Round of Death Penalty on Track: A-G Prasetyo

Preparations ahead of the 3rd round of executions are on track with 14 death row inmates on the list, Attorney General H.M. Prasetyo said on Monday.

"Preparations [of execution] have been conducted and the legal base as well. We just need to choose the time," Prasetyo told reporters.

The Attorney General's Office, however, is still keeping the dates of executions and the names of inmates secret, although it is believed the round will take place this year.

"We never said it would stop. The executions will be continued, but are yet to name the time," he said.

The 3rd round was expected to take place early this year but was postponed due to budget issues within the AGO.

Unconfirmed reports have said 14 death-row inmates have been included in the list, including 10 foreigners.

While the list of inmates in this round of execution is still unclear, the AGO has collected the list of foreign death convicts.

As reported by Vivanews, they are Ozias Sibanda and Federik Luttar of Zimbabwe; Okonwo Nonso Kingsley, Humphrey Ejike, Ek Fere Dike Ole Kamala, Michael Titus Igweh, Eugene Ape, Obina Nwajagu, Stephen Rasheed, Ken Michael and Jhon Sebastian of Nigeria; Gurdip Singh of India; Zulfikar Ali of Pakistan; Kamjai Khong and Bunyong Khaosa of Thailand and Emmanuel Iherjika of Sierra Leone.

The list also includes Tham Tuck Yen, Lim Jit Wee, Leong Kim Ping, Tan Cho Hee, Lee Cee Heen, E Wee Hock and Kweh Teik Choon of Malaysia; Zhang Manquan, Chen Hongxin, Jian Yuxin, Gan Chunyi and Zhu Xuxiong of China; Nicolaas Garnick and Siegfried Mets of Holland; Frank Amando of United States; Gareth Done Cashmore and Lindsay June Sandifor of England; Akbar Chakan of Iran and Seck Osmone of Senegal.

Last year, most of the executed inmates were foreigners, prompting a wave of international condemnation of Indonesia's use of capital punishment as well as diplomatic pressure from many countries.

After the executions, Australia temporarily recalled its ambassador to Indonesia following the execution of Bali Nine duo Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan.

(source: Jakarta Globe)


Will death penalty end kidnapping?

In 2 months last year, there were 225 kidnap cases in 23 states. In October alone, there were 108 kidnappings and sea piracy in 24 states, with 180 victims, including 26 foreigners. Alarmed, the Senate has proposed capital punishment for kidnappers. Can this stem the tide? ROBERT EGBE writes.

"I slept on the bare floor inside the bush throughout. My abductors covered their faces and changed locations as they moved about four times daily to avoid arrest. I had severe backache; I was drenched in the rain and was fed only bread and soft drink."----Chief Olu Falae (77), narrating his 4-day experience in a kidnapper's den last September.

Numbers do not lie. Or do they? In its Global Kidnap Review 2016, NYA International, a crisis prevention and response group, listed Nigeria 10th among "severe threat countries" for kidnapping.

The top 5 countries on the list are Libya, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia, all are torn or recovering from a war.

NYA said last year, "severe" kidnapping was perpetrated by the Boko Haram sect in Nigeria; there was also politically-motivated abduction of high-profile nationals.

The group added: "There has, however, been an increase in wealthy, prominent victims, indicating a shift towards criminally-motivated kidnappings.

"The line between piracy and kidnapping has become increasingly blurred as wealthy locals are increasingly being targeted."

A report by Reuters in February said at least 2 persons are kidnapped each month. It identified the kidnap hubs to include the Niger Delta "with the threat from both militants and armed gangs."

It continued: "Ransoms for foreign nationals range from $28,000 to $204,000, with ransom payments for Nigerians generally less than $100,000. Time spent in captivity is varied, with the longest period some 465 days."

At the 18th African Reinsurance Forum of African Insurance Organisation (AIO) hosted by the Insurance Institute of Mauritius in 2012, Nigeria was designated as the global capital for kidnap for ransom. AIO said: "The number of kidnaps for ransom in Africa continued to increase. In the 1st half of 2011, Africa's proportion of the global total increased from 23 % in 2010 to 34 %. Nigeria is now the kidnap for ransom capital of the world, accounting for 1/4 of globally reported cases."

It said there was an upsurge in the demand for terrorism insurance to provide financial cover in the event of a kidnap.

On April 15, 2014, perhaps Nigeria's most high profile kidnap incident occurred with the abduction of 276 female students by Boko Haram; 219 of them are yet to be found.

Also abducted were Mike Ozekhome (SAN) (August 23, 2013), Mrs. Toyin Nwosu, the wife of Mr Steven Nwosu, Deputy Managing Director, The Sun Newspaper; Sheikh Adam Idoko, Deputy Secretary-General of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), who was kidnapped in Ogrute Enugu-Ezike on September 3.

Last September 21, national leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and 1-time presidential candidate Chief Olu Falae was also abducted, while last Tuesday, former Minister of State for Education Senator Iyabo Anisulowo regained her freedom after 7 days with her abductors. A leading Nollywood actor, Pete Edochie, was also kidnapped, as well as wife of Supreme Court Justice, Doyin Rhodes-Vivour.

Death penalty for kidnappers?

In response to the surge, 7 states - Abia, Akwa-Ibom, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo enacted laws making kidnapping punishable by death.

They have since been joined by Cross River, Kogi, Bayelsa, and Edo States.

The 1st capital punishment convictions for kidnapping were recorded last Friday in Ebonyi State, when an Abakaliki High Court sentenced 2 persons, Onyemachi Oge and Okechukwu Oma, to death by hanging for kidnapping a medical doctor.

Justice Eze Udu found them guilty of abducting Dr. Chuka Manyike of the Paediatrics Department, Federal Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, on May 5, 2013, at his private hospital at 15, Owerri Street, Abakaliki.

They were said to have received N200,000 from the N3 million ransom that was paid before the doctor was released after 6 days in captivity.

This action by the states is soon to be replicated at federal level with the resolution by the Senate on May 4, to enact a countrywide legislation prescribing the death penalty for kidnappers.

The resolution followed the submission and consideration of the report of its Joint Committee on Police Affairs, National Security and Intelligence on the "unfortunate recurrence of kidnapping and hostage-taking in Nigeria."

The recommendation for death penalty was recommended by Senator Adamu Aliero (APC-Kebbi Central) in respect of a motion on the recurrence of kidnapping and hostage-taking in Nigeria, entitled: "A National Wake-Up Call".

Senators were outraged that kidnapping and hostage-taking, which used to be a problem in the Southsouth and Southeast, were becoming widespread.

The report observed that between October and November 2015, there were 225 recorded kidnap cases recorded in 23 states across the country with over N85m ransom demanded and N28m paid by victims.

Earlier in the presentation of the report, Chairman of the Joint Committee, Senator Abu Ibrahim, relying on another report by the Department of State Security (DSS) stated that in October 2015, there were a total of 108 kidnap and sea piracy incidents in 24 states where 180 victims, including 26 foreigners, were involved.

The Senate also asked state governments that had not done so to enact laws that would prosecute kidnappers in their jurisdiction

However, until the Act is passed, only Houses of Assembly can enact laws on kidnapping since it is not on the exclusive list of the Nigerian Constitution.

Global practices

Can death penalty deter kidnapping in Nigeria? It is possible, if the Singapore example is anything to go by.

The United States, Singapore, Taiwan, and St. Kitts & Nevis prescribed death for the offence of kidnapping, just like China, North Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Under the US Federal Kidnapping Act of 1932, if the victim is physically harmed in any manner during a kidnap, the crime could qualify for capital punishment.

In Singapore, executing kidnapers is legal. The country's Kidnapping Act of 1961 designates abduction, wrongful restraint or wrongful confinement for ransom as capital offences.

According to a January 12, 2014 publication by online news agency, Asia One, quoting Singaporean, The New Paper, kidnapping was rare in the city-state because of the stiff penalty.

In the report titled: "Kidnapping rare because of death penalty", it quoted criminal lawyers, who explained that people were rarely abducted in the country because of the tough laws.

They also noted that Singapore's small size could also be another deterrent, as it makes it difficult to hold someone hostage for a long time.

Singapore's Parliamentary Reports of October 23, 2007 also quoted Senior Minister of State for Law and Home Affairs Ho Peng Kee as saying that a study had shown that "95 % of Singaporeans feel that the death penalty should stay."

Govt proposes special court

Last Friday, the Presidential Advisory Committee on Anti-Corruption (PACAC) Chairman Prof Itse Sagay (SAN) said the Federal Government is set to create a special court to speedily try certain offenses, including kidnapping.

He spoke in Abuja at an Anti-Corruption Summit organised by the Federal Ministry of Justice in conjunction with a group, Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) and ONE Africa.

Sagay said his committee had completed the draft of a Bill for the establishment of special court. He said the draft, which is being taken through the required legal processes, will aid the establishment of the special court to deal with the special cases speedily.

Alternative view

Head of Department, Jurisprudence and International Law, University of Lagos (UNILAG) Dr. Adedayo Ayoade feels the Senate's proposal might be a knee jerk reaction.

He said: "Politicians tend to panic whenever there???s a problem, when they should think very carefully about the issues and then try to resolve it.

"Making kidnapping a capital offence will not solve the problem because they are dealing with a society where there are significant social issues that allow for kidnapping; wide income gap, deep poverty, deteriorating economic situation, very porous and poor security environment."

Ayoade urged the senators to channel their energies "towards solving the nation's problems by showing good example, letting us know how much they earn and by not spending so much money on themselves.":

"Things like these are more likely to have a longer time effect on the nation this issue of capital offence," he said.

He added: "If you go to those places where the houses of kidnappers are destroyed, pulling down their homes once they are caught; has it resolved the problem?

"So, the death penalty for kidnapping won't solve the problem at all. They're just trying to show that they are busy, but unfortunately they are very busy in the wrong direction."

On the proposal for kidnapping to be included in the jurisdiction of the proposed special court, National President, Committee for the Defence of Human Rights (CDHR) Malachy Ugwummadu expressed reservations.

He warned the government to avoid over-regulating the society.

Ugwummadu said: "On the call for special court, we must try, particularly those of us in the legal community must help to ensure that our country is not over regulated, and that we don't proliferate these courts.

"We're talking of special courts for robbery, corruption, kidnapping, special courts for child abuse etc. With respect, that is not how to run a society. We must deal with the fundamental causes of these vices, so as to make their occurrence impossible."

He added that "instead of looking in the direction of special courts, let us first consider deploying the state's energy in reviving the security apparatus of the country.

"There will be serious disincentive for some of these crimes if you kidnap and you are arrested in the next 48 hours. The business will completely disappear.

"But if you kidnap and after one month you are still waxing strong and collecting money randomly from people, it'll mean that there's a market for it."

Ugwummadu said only the government could provide the kind of disincentive that is necessary.

"It comes from the government through the security agents, and the Constitution of Nigeria under Section 14(2)(c) is that the welfare and security of the people shall be the primary responsibility of government."


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