May 19


13 executions in a single day

Javad Larijani, the regime's head of human rights, acknowledges a "torrent of executions" and justifies torture and brutal punishments under the pretense of Qisas describing them as "holy verdicts".

The mullahs' antihuman regime hanged 13 prisoners on May 17 in the cities of Yazd, Urmia and Mashhad. In Yazd and Urmia 12 prisoners were collectively hanged. 1 prisoner had been condemned to death just for thievery.

Also in Mashhad, a young prisoner was publicly hanged. A placard posted at the hanging site described the death penalty as an "element for the survival and establishment of security in the society."

A day prior to these collective executions, Javad Larijani, the brother of the head of the judiciary and the regime's theorist of torture and execution who is the head of the so-called "human rights" institution, confirmed the "torrent of executions related to narcotics." He expressed concern that the cruel punishments of the mullahs' Sharia Law are being questioned, stating: "Regretfully, today, the Qisas verdict which is a holy verdict ... is being questioned ... the universality of the United Nations documents does not mean that the Western lifestyle is the best model ... this is exactly where we should strongly stand up." He then resorted to justifying torture, noting: Some "believe that any corporal punishment is torture, whereas torture is to use force to extract something." (State-run Aftab website, May 16)

On this same day, Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi, Tehran???s criminal prosecutor, brazenly said: "Officials in Western countries always bring up allegations relating to human rights ... against Iran that lack any basis in reality."

When the medieval regime acknowledges a "torrent of executions" and describes atrocious and medieval punishments such as chopping of hands and gouging out of eyes as "holy verdicts" and justifies torture, this shows that it cannot sustain its rule for a single day without resorting to execution and suppression. This is where all factions of the mullahs' regime are one and the same, and any propaganda about a moderate faction is a despicable deception that serves to justify trade with this regime. However, without paying any heed to these absurd propaganda, the Iranian people demand nothing less than the overthrow of this regime and the establishment of democracy in Iran.

(source: Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran)


Anti-Death Penalty Activist Sentenced To 16 Years In Prison

Narges Mohammadi, human rights and anti-death penalty activist who is the vice president of the Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran was sentenced to 16 years in prison.

On 18 May 2015, Judge Abolghasem Salavati who heads the 15th division of Tehran Islamic Revolutionary Court stretched the already long prison sentence of Narges Mohammadi by sentencing her to 16 years in prison.

This new 16 year sentencing is in addition to all of Mohammadi's pervious sentencings.

On the most recent of the charges that the Iranian state brought against Mohammadi, she is now "convicted" of leading a right to life campaign which aimed to end capital punishment in Iran.

Mohammadi, who is already serving numerous prison sentences on different charges, inaugurated the "Step by Step to Stop the Death Penalty" (Lagam in Persian). She is also charged with "assembly and spreading propaganda against the state" as well as "acting against the national security of Iran."

According to Taqi Rahmani - Mohammadi's husband who now lives in exile - of the 16 years, 10 years is on the account of Mohammadi's involvement with "Step by Step to Stop the Death Penalty", 5 years for "assembly and spreading propaganda against the state" and 1 year is for "acting against the national security of Iran."

The trial of the most recent charged brought against Mohammadi started in 20 April 2016 and was rescheduled numerous times since its original date of 3 May 2015.

The "Step by Step to Stop the Death Penalty" campaign which seems to be the main reason Mohammadi is convicted this time, is now completely crumbled with this sentencing.

Mohammadi's lawyer was present during the trial but the trial was closed to the public and members of the press.

Her husband, Taqi Rahmani has been living with their children outside of Iran. Rahmani on a number of occasions has told the media that Evin prison officials have denied his wife the right to be in contact with her children regularly. Mohammadi's Children have only had 1 single phone call during her time in prison and Rahmani has never spoken to her wife since her arrest.

Mohammadi was first arrested in 1998 for her criticisms of the Iranian state and spent a year in prison. In April 2010, she was summoned to the Islamic Revolutionary Court for her membership in the Defenders of Human Rights Center and sent to Evin prison.

Mohammadi's health declined while in custody and she developed epilepsy and some form of muscular dystrophy. In July 2011, Mohammadi was prosecuted again and found guilty of "acting against the national security of Iran, membership of the Defenders of Human Rights Center and propaganda against the state". In September 2011 she was sentenced to 11 years. In March 2012, the sentence was upheld by an appeals court, but it was reduced to 6 years. On 26 April 2012, she was arrested to begin her sentence.



Death for hijackers; Centre notifies new anti-hijacking law ---- In new law, definition has been expanded to include death of 'security personnel on board' or 'ground support staff' as well.

Hijacking of an aircraft will attract capital punishment in the event of death of "any person", as per the new anti-hijacking law notified by the Centre.

In other cases of hijacking, guilty will be punished with imprisonment for life and fine, besides confiscation of movable and immovable property held by him or her.

The new law mandates the Central government to confer powers of investigation, arrest and prosecution on any officer of the Central government or National Investigation Agency (NIA).

The Anti-Hijacking Act 2016 has received the assent of President Pranab Mukherjee on Friday and it has been notified, according to a notification issued on Monday.

A bill, to repeal 1982's Anti-Hijacking Act, in this regard was introduced in Rajya Sabha by Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju on December 17, 2014.

It was referred to a Parliamentary panel in December that year which gave its report in March last year. The bill was passed on May 4, this year in the Upper House, and on May 9 in Lok Sabha.

In the old Act, hijackers could be tried for death penalty only in the event of death of hostages, such as flight crew, passengers and security personnel.

In the new law, the definition has been expanded to include death of "security personnel on board" or "ground support staff" as well.

The 2016 Anti-Hijacking Act, which has come into effect after its notification, includes several acts within the definition of hijacking including making a threat, attempts or abetment to commit the offence. Those organises or directs others to commit such offence will also be considered to have committed the offence of hijacking.

India has witnessed 19 hijacking incidents. The new law has repealed the Anti-Hijacking Act, 1982 with few conditions.

(source: Deccan Chronicle)


3rd Belarusian Sentenced To Death Since January

A court in Belarus has sentenced a 3rd man to death since January.

Judges in the regional court in the southeastern city of Homel found 33-year-old Syarhey Vostrykau guilty on May 19 of kidnapping, raping, and murdering 2 women in 2014 and 2015.

Belarus remains the only country in Europe practicing capital punishment.

3 convicts are currently on death row in Belarus. 2 of them were sentenced in January and February this year, the 3rd one was sentenced last year.

On May 6, another man sentenced to death last year on murder charges was reported executed.

The European Union and rights groups have urged Belarus to join a global moratorium on the death penalty for years.

According to rights organizations, more than 400 people have been sentenced to death in the ex-Soviet republic since the early 1990s.

(source: Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)


Netanyahu agrees with Liberman on death penalty for terrorists in negotiations

Coalition negotiations between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Yisrael Beytenu chair Avigdor Liberman were almost completed after Netanyahu agreed to the condition of setting the death penalty for those who commit terror activities.

Members from both parties exchanged a final draft of the agreement on Thursday agreeing on the death penalty, however both have not agreed on the specific conditions.

In a meeting that lasted less than an hour Wednesday afternoon, Liberman accepted Netanyahu's offer of the defense and immigration and absorption portfolios and support for key Yisrael Beytenu-sponsored legislation.

(source: Jerusalem Post)


Pacquiao on death penalty: It's in the Bible

Newly-proclaimed Senator-elect Emmanuel "Manny" Pacquiao made it to his first press conference as Upper House legislator and said he is in favor of death penalty.

Speaking to the media shortly after his proclamation Thursday at the PICC, Pacquiao said that the capital punishment is actually based on the Bible.

Pacquiao also wanted to push for better education for Filipinos.

The world-renowned boxer first forayed into politics as a representative for Sarangani. His stint as a legislator was hounded by his absences. In 2014, his absences hit notorious levels after being only able to show up for work 4 times.

In his 1st term that spanned from 2010 to 2013, he only appeared in 98 times in the Congress's 168 working days.

Pacquiao's best moment as a legislator came in a speech against human trafficking. But that was swiftly negated when he was put under the spotlight during a lengthy discussion of the Reproductive Health Bill.

Earlier this year, Pacquiao's chances in the senatorial race were believed to dim after his scathing remarks that targeted the members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) community - which also drew flak on social media.

But even after the comments, Pacquiao still managed to secure 16,050,546 votes, propelling him to 7th place in the "Magic 12" candidates who made the cut.

Pacquiao ranked ahead of tested politicians former Sen. Francis Pangilinan, former Rep. Risa Hontiveros and former Sen. Ralph Recto.

Asked if his absences will continue to plague his career as a politician, Pacquiao noted that he won't make any promises.

(source: Philippine Star)


Albino killers must be executed, Malawi MPs say

Albino killers are vicious murderers who must be executed to prevent them from murdering again, some Malawian lawmakers have proposed.

"It is time for tit-for-tat, an eye for an eye, and a life for a life. Let's join hands and end the senseless murderers by hanging all albino killers," a lawmaker told a National Stakeholders Conference held in the Malawi capital, Lilongwe, on Tuesday.

Civil society organisations convened the conference to brainstorm strategies aimed at ending the abductions and killings of people with albinism in Malawi.

A lawmaker from the opposition Malawi Congress Party, Madalitso Kazombo, said a group of concerned legislators would table a proposal in Parliament to strengthen the Penal Code so that albino killers were sentenced to death "instead of merely jailing them".

"He who kills should be killed. The correct punishment for albino killers is death. We should not even debate about this. Anti-death penalty activists should shut up on this matter," he said.

Another legislator who backed the proposal, Richard Chimwendo, told the conference that the lenient sentences meted out to albino killers could not stop the problem, hence the need to impose the ultimate punishment of death.

Magicians and superstitious customers

"We need to appreciate that, both as a deterrent and as a form of permanent incapacitation, the death penalty successfully prevents future crime. If they are hanged, would-be murderers will think twice before killing, for fear of losing their own life," he said.

Chimwendo also said that those already convicted, and who were given light jail terms, should be re-sentenced.

According to the parliamentarian, the war against albino killings could only be won by taking the battle to the doorsteps of three key players in their syndicates: the ruthless thugs, the deceitful magicians, and the superstitious customers.

"It is a pity that, so far, the thugs who kill albinos and the magicians who use albino parts are the ones who are being netted and jailed, while the customers who are the financiers are walking scot free," he observed.

The debate on the death penalty remains thorny in Malawi, as convicted murderers are never executed. Their sentences are simply commuted to life imprisonment.

Meanwhile, a man living with albinism, Joe Fernando, has complained that the police were failing to offer them protection.

"The police are offering us zero protection," he said. "It is painful to hear the government has deployed troops to be guarding cedar trees in a forest reserve instead of offering us protection."


Fernando recounted a recent incident when four people stormed into his business premise on the outskirts of Lilongwe and abused him verbally and threatened to abduct him."

"I telephoned the police for intervention. I was shocked when all the officers on duty told me was that they had no transport," he said.

Fernando said, following that incident, he took the initiative to bolster his own security by ensuring that he was accompanied by his close friend whenever he travelled.

The Association of People with Albinism in Malawi's general secretary, Alex Machila, told News24 in an interview that, with 17 albinos already killed and abductions continuing, the country needed to declare a "national crisis".

"So far, 71 cases have been recorded for abductions, trespassing of graveyards, being found with human bones, suicide, assault of bodily harm, conduct likely to cause breach of peace, and killings of people with albinism. Is that a crisis?" quizzed Machila.

Traditional healers and soothsayers

Considering that the atrocities were committed against a minority population of 10 000 in a nation of 17 million, Machila argued that the best the government could do was to declare the situation as "a state of crisis" for persons living with albinism.

A United Nations human rights expert recently described people living with albinism in Malawi as "an endangered group facing a risk of systemic extinction over time if nothing is done".

"Persons with albinism, and parents of children with albinism, constantly live in fear of attack," said Ikponwosa Ero, the UN's Independent Expert.

Malawi and its neighbour Tanzania were battling against albino killings.

While 17 albinos had been killed, the number of those murdered in Tanzania was around 80.

As part of a strategy to contain the problem, police in Tanzania had so far arrested 225 unlicensed traditional healers and soothsayers.


A service courtesy of Washburn University School of Law

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