May 20


Nueces County prosecutors seek death penalty in store clerk shooting case

Nueces County prosecutors plan to seek the death penalty against a man accused of killing a store clerk owner last year.

James Elizalde, 23, faces a capital murder charge in the shooting death of store clerk Ignacio Rodriguez. Rodriguez, 50, was killed about 3 a.m. Oct. 4 at a convenience store in the 3600 block of Staples Street.

Capital murder carries 2 punishment options: life in prison without parole or death by lethal injection.

Elizalde was seen in surveillance footage fleeing the store with 2 other men after the shooting, according to an arrest affidavit. The other 2 have not been charged and were listed as witnesses in the affidavit.

A grand jury also indicted Elizalde on an evading arrest charge from a 2014 incident, court officials said.

Lawyers are slated to start picking a jury on Aug. 15 in 214th District Judge Jose Longoria's court. Elizalde remains in the Nueces County Jail in lieu of more than $1 million bail.

(source: Corpus Christi Caller Times)


Dale Recinella makes a moral case to kill the death penalty

I've been a supporter of the death penalty. When I thought about it at all.

Which is to say, some crimes are so heinous that only one punishment seems sufficient. But to say this is to make a lot of assumptions. It's to assume, first off, that the person being put to death is actually guilty, which isn't always the case. And it's to assume the process by which they are sentenced to death is fair and unbiased.

And it's pretty clear this isn't always the case, either.

So there's the idea of the death penalty, and then there's the reality. Dale Recinella, a Macclenny attorney who has served for 20 years a volunteer chaplain and for 13 years as a lay chaplain for Florida's death row, says the reality is that in Florida and elsewhere, the death penalty is "a mess in every way, shape and form."

"Everyone believes this myth that it's the worst of the worst who are executed," said Recinella, who will speak at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Stuart this Saturday night and Sunday morning. "It isn't; it's the people who couldn't afford lawyers."

The process itself, he said, is inconsistent, arbitrary and racially biased - with 85 p% of all executions since 1976 taking place in "the old Confederacy and the slaveholding border states."

"If you have 20 people who are charged with crimes that are almost identical, who will get the death penalty?" he asked rhetorically. "The poorest, the person of color and the guy with the worst lawyer."

The U.S. Supreme Court agrees capital punishment in Florida is less than fair. The court ruled in January our death penalty is unconstitutional because it gives judges too much say in the process, and doesn't give jurors enough. Now the Florida Supreme Court is deciding whether the state's 390 death row inmates should have their sentences commuted to life in prison.

The Legislature tried to come up with a fix, but earlier this month, a Miami judge struck that down.

Capital punishment in Florida could be on a death watch.

For Recinella, the end can't come too soon.

Recinella was once a Wall Street finance lawyer who in the 1980s nearly died after eating a raw oyster and getting infected with the Vibrio vulnificus bacteria. He was literally on his deathbed when he saw the light, when he said Jesus came to him and challenged him to stop living such a self-centered life.

"People ask, 'Did you get the music and light?' " Recinella said in a phone interview last week. "No, I got the lecture."

When he awoke the following morning, "shocked that I was not dead," he and his wife, Susan, discussed where to go from there.

They started volunteering at a Tallahassee food kitchen. That led to a stint working with street people who had AIDS. That, in turn, resulted in a request that he begin working with prisoners who had HIV and AIDS.

In 1998, that led to death row.

Recinella had once been pro-capital punishment; what he saw - chronicled in 2 books he's written on the subject - changed his mind.

But what changed his heart was his faith and his belief in human dignity.

"Even people who have committed great wrongs still retain human dignity, and their life is still valuable," he said.

Dignity is in short supply on death row. Prisoners are confined in 6-by-9 cages in "these large boxes of steel and concrete sitting in the middle of nowhere between Gainesville and Jacksonville." There's no air conditioning, virtually no air movement at all.

"People sometimes call (death row prisoners) 'animals' - but it would be unconscionable to keep a dog in these conditions.

"Their crimes are horrible," he said. "But the question is, once we have these people secured in prison, are they animals - or are they human beings?"

Recinella speaks all over the country, and says he's not interested in preaching to the choir. He wants people who doubt his position to hear what he has to say. Maybe they'll change their minds. Some do; nationwide support for the death penalty is at its lowest level in 40 years.

That - coupled with the legal challenges here in Florida and elsewhere - have led Recinella, 65, to believe something he never thought possible:

"I really do believe that in my lifetime, we will see the end of capital punishment in the United States."

Hear Dale Recinella speak

Dale Recinella will speak at 5 p.m. Saturday and 7:30, 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday at St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 623 S.E. Ocean Blvd., Stuart.

(source: Commentary; Gil Smart, TC Palm)


Drug company's withdrawal limits death penalty options in Alabama

Pfizer's decision to ban the use of its products in executions will not necessarily stop capital punishment in Alabama, one expert says, but the state's lethal injection options are running out.

Pfizer's decision to ban the use of its products in executions will not necessarily stop capital punishment in Alabama, one expert says, but the state's lethal injection options are running out. "The sources of drugs on the open market are gone," said Robert Dunham, director of the Death Penalty Information Center, a group that studies the death penalty. "States are going to have to go underground, as it were, to obtain the drugs for executions." Pfizer announced Friday that it "strongly objects to the use of its products as lethal injections for capital punishment." Pfizer joins several other major drug producers in a boycott that has been slowing the pace of executions in America for years. Alabama has executed only 2 inmates in the past 4 years, compared with 17 in the 4 years before that. Federal regulators seized the state's execution drugs, acquired through back channels, in 2011. Alabama switched to a new main execution drug, but its supply of that drug expired in 2014 while lawyers debated the legality of the switch. In court records filed in December, state officials said they asked every compounding pharmacist in the state to make pentobarbital and every pharmacist turned them down.


OHIO----new death sentence

Jury recommends death penalty in Michael Madison sentencing phase

A jury recommends the death penalty for convicted serial killer Michael Madison. All 12 jurors made the recommendation.

Madison was convicted of killing of 3 women in East Cleveland and wrapping their bodies in garbage bags.

Prosecutors told jurors Madison,38, deserves execution because of the circumstances surrounding the killings.

Defense attorneys argued Madison's life should be spared because of psychological damage caused by child abuse.

The jury convicted Madison of aggravated murder earlier this month for killing 38-year-old Angela Deskins, 28-year-old Shetisha Sheeley and 18-year-old Shirellda Terry. Their bodies were found near Madison's East Cleveland apartment in 2013.

The death penalty verdict by the jury is only a recommendation. The judge must decide to accept the recommendation or choose to sentence Madison to life in prison. Sentencing will be May 26.

(source: WOIO news)


U.S. should end the death penalty

I recently read on the internet that Pfizer, a major U.S. drug manufacturer, is going to ban the sale of any of its products to correctional facilities that had used them for lethal injection. Pfizer has joined a group of about 20 U.S. and European drug manufacturers that have taken the same action. Hopefully, this will signal the beginning of the end of capital punishment in the United States.

The U.S. should join the other major industrialized countries and ban all death sentences. Our neighboring countries to the north and south, Canada and Mexico, do not kill their citizens in a misguided effort to seek justice. Let's leave vengeance to a higher power, if you believe that a higher power exists.

For people who are already on death row, their sentences should be commuted to life in prison. This will finally eliminate a component of a broken system of justice that is biased based on ethnic, financial and religious factors. It also is significantly more expensive to sentence a person to death than it is to incarcerate that same person for 50 years.

Moses Mims


(source: Letter to the Editor, Aiken Standard)

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