June 7


Hundreds hanged as Pakistan rushes to clear death-row backlog

Pakistan has executed more than 400 people since lifting its moratorium on the death penalty 18 months ago, with a surge of hangings that has alarmed rights groups.

At least 325 people were hanged last year, putting Pakistan 3rd - behind China and Iran - as the country carrying out the highest number of executions in 2015. More judicial killings this year mean 404 people have died since capital punishment was reinstated in late-2014, according to the human rights charity Reprieve.

There are now more than 8,000 inmates on death row.

(source: The Times)


Duo caught performing drugs transaction

2 men were caught red handed performing a drugs transaction by a police narcotics team early this month.

The 2 suspects, in their early 50s and 60s, were nabbed by plainclothes policemen at an open space of a parking lot at 1Borneo Hypermall around 4.20pm on June 1.

City police chief ACP M. Chandra said several plainclothes policemen had earlier spotted the 2 men behaving suspiciously.

"The police officers then monitored the suspects' movement and when they saw 1 of the men handing a black plastic bag to the 2nd man, they immediately approached them and introduced themselves, but both suspects tried to escape. A slight altercation took place before the suspects were apprehended," said Chandra yesterday.

Further police investigation revealed that inside the black plastic bag were 4 smaller plastic bags which contained a crystal-like substance believed to be syabu, weighing 202.46 grams with a street value of RM30,000. Police also seized a Toyota Hilux Vigo vehicle from one of the suspects during the arrest.

Chandra added that both suspects had been remanded until today while the case was being investigated under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 for drug trafficking, which upon conviction carries the mandatory death penalty.

(source: theborneopost.com)


3 Death Sentences Upheld

The Bahraini High Court of Appeal has upheld the death sentences imposed against 3Bahraini men and life sentences against 7 others after an unfair trial in relation to the killing of 3 policemen in March 2014. It also confirmed that 8 of the 10 men had their nationality revoked.

see: http://www.amnestyusa.org/get-involved/take-action-now/bahrain-three-death-sentences-upheld-ua-4715

(source: Amnesty International USA)

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