Aug. 14


Import kolanut, get death sentence - Saudi govt tells pilgrims

The Saudi Arabia authority has slammed a death penalty for any pilgrim who travels to the holy land with kolanuts, hard drugs and other contraband.

Hence, the Lagos State government yesterday warned intending pilgrims for the 2016 hajj pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia to stay out of trouble and likely death sentence by not traveling to the holy land with contraband items.

The state government described kola nuts as a caffeine-based edible seed, otherwise known as "goro" and "obi" and often used ceremonially by Nigerians to show a gesture of friendship and warmth and also used in the production of beverages and energy drinks.

But the Saudi Arabia authority prohibits Kola nuts and other hard drugs items identified as harmful to their citizens.

In guidelines for Hajj 2016, the Saudi Kingdom has notified the Nigerian authorities to ban kola nuts carriage by pilgrims during the annual pilgrimage.

Sunday Telegraph also gathered that some criminals during hajj pilgrimage smuggle cocaine usually hidden in the kolanuts while traveling to the holy land. Reacting to this at the Murtala Mohamed International Airport, Lagos State Amir Hajj, Dr Abdulhakeem Abdullateef, noted that the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), has confirmed the directive.

The implored Nigerian pilgrims to desist from including contraband such as Kola nuts in their luggages to the holyland.

To stay out of trouble in the holyland, Dr. Abdullateef, who is also the Lagos state Commissioner for Home Affairs, said complying with the rules and regulations of Saudi Arabia is the best for the intending pilgrims.

He said: "The Saudi authorities have prohibited the importation of kola nuts and other hard drugs into the Kingdom, noting that it is a criminal offence that attracts death penalty.

"My appeal to those who are going to Hajj with Lagos State and other pilgrims across the country is to follow rules and regulations guiding the Hajj exercise. We shall continue to educate our pilgrims to have a hitch-free Hajj operations"

"Necessary arrangements have been concluded for their airlift between Tuesday 16 and Thursday 18 of August, 2016. Pilgrims are, therefore, advised to contact their coordinators to know their flight schedule."



Relatives of PMOI martyrs in Shahr-e Kord denounce mass executions in Iran

Relatives of executed members of the main Iranian opposition group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in Shahr-e Kord, the capital city of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province in central Iran, have condemned the mass execution last week of Sunni political prisoners in Iran.

In a statement earlier this week, the families and supporters of the PMOI (MEK) in Shahr-e Kord said:

"The mullahs' regime once again committed a crime. The mass execution of Sunni prisoners demonstrates the weakness of this sinister regime. They committed such a crime on the anniversary of the massacre which occurred in 1988. The oppressive regime hopes to survive through such acts.

This only shows that this regime will inevitably fall at the hands of the people with the price that has been paid by the blood of the martyrs of the 1988 massacre.

Therefore, we condemn these crimes and ask all international organizations, institutions, and the freedom-loving countries to condemn this brutality and to prosecute those responsible for them.

Martyrs' families and supporters of the PMOI in Shahr-e Kord - August 2016"

On August 2, the regime mass executed at least 25 Sunni political prisoners. On August 9 it hanged another political prisoner Mohammad Abdollahi.

Last week, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the mass execution of Sunni political prisoners in Gohardasht Prison, carried out on the anniversary of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran, an appalling crime against humanity. The regime is trying in vain to contain the volatile social atmosphere and popular protests by terrorizing the public, she said.

The time has come for the UN Human Rights Council and the UN Security Council to end their silence and bring the record of the Iranian regime's crimes before the International Criminal Court. Ali Khamenei and other leaders of the regime as well as direct perpetrators of these crimes must be brought to justice, Maryam Rajavi reiterated.

In the summer of 1988, the mullahs' regime massacred some 30,000 political prisoners in Iran. The political prisoners were mainly affiliated to the PMOI (MEK).

(source: NCR-Iran)


PMOI spokesman: Sunni executions in Iran proves human rights sanctions are necessary

The mullahs' regime is carrying out mass executions in Iran in a vain attempt to contain the volatile social atmosphere and popular protests, writes Shahriar Kia, a press spokesman for residents of Camp Liberty, Iraq, and members of the People's Mujahedin Organization of Iran opposition group (PMOI, also known as MEK).

The following is the text of his op-ed published on Saturday on The Hill:

At a time when one would think Iran after the nuclear agreement with the international community would begin to wind down its human rights violations, especially the use of executions, recent reports indicate 33 individuals were sent to the gallows on Tuesday, Aug. 2. Congress should dismiss any call for appeasement vis-a-vis Iran and continue pursuing and holding firm its sanctions against the mullahs', especially those punishing Tehran's atrocious human rights violations.

Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi condemned Tehran's mass execution of Sunni prisoners as "an appalling crime against humanity."

"The mullahs' anti-human regime carried out the mass execution of our Sunni brothers on the anniversary of the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran. They are trying in vain to contain the volatile social atmosphere and popular protests by terrorizing the public," she said.

This is while the Iranian Diaspora communities across the globe are marking the 28th anniversary of the extensive 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners in Iran in the course of a few months, pledging to have their voices heard and raise awareness on Iran's horrendous human rights record.

This marks one of Iran's most atrocious mass executions in recent times. Iranian judiciary officials claim 20 of these individuals were Sunni Kurds, executed in Gohardasht (Rajaie Shahr) Prison in Karaj, west of the capital, Tehran. These individuals had denied all charges raised against them, and in video clips and text posted on the Internet revealed they had spent time in "solitary confinement" and placed "under torture."

Iran is known for its skyrocketing number of executions and practice of obtaining coerced confessions through torture and other banned methods. The mullahs have also proved their "sickening enthusiasm" of sending juveniles to the gallows, all in violation of international laws and respecting no bounds in this regard, said Magdalena Mughrabi, Deputy Middle East and North Africa Program Director of Amnesty International. International law, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child to which Iran is a state party, absolutely prohibits the use of death penalty for crimes committed when the defendant was below 18 years of age. Yet apparently this is a pretext Iran refuses to respect.

Shahram Ahmadi, amongst those recently executed, had spent 33 months in solitary confinement and sentenced to death after a "5-minute" trial. He never enjoyed access to a lawyer.

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein issued a statement condemning this mass execution of Sunni Kurds in Iran as a "grave injustice." The High Commissioner expressed his doubts over the fact that these individuals ever received a fair trial. Al-Hussein also referred to Ahmadi's case, adding he was forced under pressure to sign an interrogation paper including false allegations raised against him.

This horrific act of carnage by Iran has sparked a series of global condemnations from a large number of international organizations, accusing the regime in Tehran of launching these executions with sectarian objectives, and demanding a halt to human rights violations. The International Federation of Human Rights Societies and Center of Human Rights Advocate also issued separate statements condemning the execution of Sunni prisoners in Iran.

Iran was one of the world's top executioners in 2015 after putting 977 people to death, according to Amnesty International. Iran hanged 44 convicted drug traffickers in the span of just 2 days in 2009. This spelled one of the country's biggest mass executions to that. While international law absolutely limits the application of the death penalty to the "most serious crimes", which refers to intentional killing, the mullahs' so-called laws and constitution criminalize various measures and sentence people to death under such terms, not seen anywhere else. Even human rights advocates, including the highly praised Narges Mohammadi, are thrown behind bars for publicly advocating anti-death penalty campaigns. This mother of twins has been deprived by Iranian officials and authorities of seeing her own children, and only permitted one phone call in over a year.

The recent execution of nearly 3 dozen Sunni Kurds in 1 day adds to Iran's already dismal human rights history, especially in the past 3 years after the "moderate" Hassan Rouhani came to power.

In his statement to the UN Human Rights Council - Session 31- on March 14, 2016, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran, Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, said: "At least 966 persons - the highest rate in over 2 decades - were executed in 2015. At least 73 juvenile offenders were reportedly executed between 2005 and 2015. In the past 2 years alone, 16 juvenile offenders were executed."

In their practice of executing juveniles the mullahs have illustrated yet again their callous disregard for human rights. 160 individuals remain in torment on death row in prisons spanning across Iran for crimes allegedly committed during their juvenile years.

The shocking stroke of irony in the recent executions lies in the fact that this incident comes as the European Union is reportedly suggesting to launch human rights negotiations with Iran. Any reasonable party figures Iran would at least consider halting executions prior to such talks. However, this proves once again that Iran takes serious only a brazen and decisive language. This should also serve as a lesson on how Iran disregards and in fact abuses any interceding measures and has refused to budge on any of its old tactics after the much boasted "historic" nuclear agreement.

(source: Kia is a press spokesman for residents of Camp Liberty, Iraq, and members of the People's Mujahedin Organization of Iran opposition group (PMOI, also known as MEK). He graduated from North Texas University----NCR-Iran)


5 Survivors of Sunni Prisoners' Executions Returned to the Ward

5 of at least 36 Sunni prisoners in Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj who had been transferred to solitary confinements on this prison's Black Monday, were taken back to Hall 7. According to Tehran prosecutor who had claimed that 20 prisoners had been executed, the number of prisoners who had not been executed must be more than this, but still there is no news about the rest of them.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Farshid Naseri, Barzan Nasraollahzade, Seyed Jamal Seyed Mousavi, Farzad Shahnazari, and Teymoor Naderzadeh, 5 Sunni prisoners in Rajai Shahr prison, were taken back to Hall 7 of the Revolutionary Guards in Rajai Shahr prison 7 days after the Black Monday.

On Monday, August 1, at least 36 death row Sunni prisoners in Hall 10 of Rajai Shahr prison, were taken to solitary confinement in handcuffs, shackles and blindfolded under strict security measures and at least 20 of them were executed.

Despite revealing the identity of 5 of these prisoners who were not hanged, yet there is no information about the fate and identity of the other possible survivals.

(source: HRA News Agency)


Court sentences 5 persons to death for the murder of Chittagong teenager Him

The court of Fourth Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge Nurul Islam awarded the death penalty to the 5 convicts on Sunday.

3 convicts were present in court during the verdict - 2 others are absconding.

Himu, a student of Summerfield School and College, was pushed off from the roof of his friend Junaid Ahmed Riad???s house in the port city's Panchlaish Residential area on Apr 27, 2012.

Riad and his friends, Shahadat Hossain Saju, Mahbub Ali Danny and Jahidur Rahman Shaon, beat Himu before setting a pack of Doberman dogs after him.

The 18-year-old succumbed to his wounds 26 days later at Dhaka's Square Hospital. The family later started the murder case at Panchlaish Police Station against 5 persons.

They are Riad, his father Shah Selim Tipu, Saju, Danny and Shaon. Of them, Riad has been absconding from the start while Shaon has jumped the bail.

Himu had passed his A-Levels examinations and was a member of Shikor, a local group against drug abuse.

Those convicted of his death were involved in dealing of drugs among other criminal offences, Himu's uncle Sri Prakash Das, who filed the murder case, said in his testimony.

They assaulted Himu and set dogs after him because he was against what they were doing, said Das.

The feud between Shikor and the youths, now facing death, began after one M Ismail Ahmed filed a general diary on behalf of the organisation on Oct 26, 2011.

"The court ordered that the 5 be executed by hanging after finding them guilty under Section 302/34," said Prosecutor Anupam Chakraborty.

Section-34 of the Penal Code explains acts done by several persons with a common intention for which each of such persons is liable in the same manner.

Section-302 falls under offences affecting the human body and ensures death as punishment for murder.

The convicts can move the higher court against their sentences, but fugitives are allowed appeal only if they surrender.



Man arrested for Yishun Ring Road murder

A 37-year-old man has been arrested for the murder of a woman at Yishun Ring Road.

Police said in a statement that they found a 29-year-old woman with injuries at Blk 342B Yishun Ring Road on Saturday (Aug 13) after receiving a call that evening. According to police, she was conscious when she was taken to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, where she was subsequently pronounced dead.

The man arrested will be charged in court on August 15 for the offence of murder. If convicted, he could face the death penalty.


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