March 23


Azalina: Cabinet to review death sentence for drug offences

The cabinet has agreed that the mandatory death penalty for drug offences needs to be reviewed.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Azalina Othman Said told the Dewan Rakyat that the cabinet made this decision on March 1, after attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali gave them a presentation.

"The cabinet agreed and decided that amendments be made to Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act by including additional clauses to give discretionary power to the courts to bestow other sentences, besides the mandatory death penalty, in certain situations," Azalina said today.



China woman on death row fails in appeal

A 24-year-old woman from China, who was sentenced to death for trafficking 1,397.1gm of syabu failed in her appeal against the sentence at the Court of Appeal.

Justices Datuk Lim Yee Lan, Dato' Abdul Rahman Sebli and Puan Sri Zaleha Yusof unanimously dismissed the appeal by Cheng Jin Hui after hearing submissions from her and the prosecution as the respondent.

The court held that there was nothing in the appeal record that warrants the court's intervention on the findings made by the High Court.

Cheng was June 9, 2016 found guilty by the High Court here and convicted of committing the offence at 11.25pm on July 6, 2014 at the passengers' examination area at the arrival hall in Terminal 2 of the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA).

The offence under Section 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 carries the death penalty on conviction.

Earlier, counsel Ram Singh representing Cheng, submitted that it was a genuine case of an innocent courier who was asked to carry clothes samples to Malaysia by some African men in China.

Cheng did not realise the secret compartment inside the luggage contained drugs and she did check the content of the luggage and found nothing except clothes samples and her own clothes, submitted Ram.

Cheng's shock reaction could not be inferred as she knew drugs were inside the secret compartment of the luggage, he added.

Ram also submitted that the High Court judge misdirected herself when she held that there was trafficking of drugs as she had men's rea possession of the luggage and drugs inside the luggage.

The prosecution rebutted that Cheng was not an innocent courier.

Cheng knew the drugs were inside the luggage and her reaction of shock proved her conduct of mens rea in carrying the luggage with drugs inside, the prosecution submitted.



Law Commission has recommended abolition of death penalty: Govt----The Law Commission in its 262nd report has recommended abolishing the death penalty for all crimes other than terrorism-related offences and waging war

The Law Commission has recommended that the death penalty be abolished for all crimes except those related to terrorism, Rajya Sabha was informed on Wednesday.

Minister of state for home Hansraj Ahir said the Law Commission in its 262nd report has recommended that the death penalty be abolished for all crimes other than terrorism related offences and waging war.

"As Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure are in the concurrent list of the 7th Schedule of the Constitution, the report has been circulated to all state governments and union territories for seeking their views," he said replying a written question.



Mufti Hannan to seek presidential clemency

Convicted of killing in terrorist attack, the chief of Bangladeshi chapter of Harkat ul Islam, Abdul Hannan, will seek presidential clemency after the apex court dismissed his plea to review death sentence, prison authorities said on Wednesday.

Hannan, also known as Mufti Hannan, expressed his willingness to seek the pardon after officials read out the death warrant to the convict after the Supreme Court rejected his review against the conviction.

"Hannan He told us that he would file mercy petition to the president," senior jail superintended Mizanur Rahman said as the authorities were preparing for execution of the terrorist.

Inspector General of Prisons Brigadier General Syed Iftekhar Uddin told reporters that all preparations were taken to hang the militants.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday released full verdict that upheld its order confirming his death penalty for the 2004 grenade attack on then British High Commissioner to Bangladesh Anwar Choudhury.

Attorney General Mahbube Alam said that the execution of the convicted militant was a matter of time as the Supreme Court dismissed the review petitions of 3 death-row convicts, including Hannan.

A court in Sylhet on December 23, 2008 sentenced Hannan and 2 of his associates - Bipul and Ripon - to death for carrying out grenade attack on the British envoy at a shrine in the north-eastern city.

Choudhury escaped, but 3 people, including 2 security officials were killed in the attack on May 21, 2004.

2 other members of the banned militant group - Muhibullah alias Muhibur Rahman alias Ovi and Mufti Main Uddin alias Abu Zandal - were sentenced to life in prison.

The High Court confirmed the death penalty on February 11, 2016. The convicts however filed appeal with the Appellate Division, which rejected the militant's plea upholding the punishment on December 7, 2016.

Their reviews were dismissed on February 23 this year.


A service courtesy of Washburn University School of Law

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