June 14


Florida conservatives are rethinking the death penalty

A network of conservatives who are questioning the alignment of capital punishment with their conservative principles are holding a news conference to officially announce the group's formation.

The press conference will take place in front of the Orange County Courthouse on Wednesday, June 14, at 11:00 AM.

The announcement comes after hundreds of death row cases will be returning to Florida courts for resentencing because Florida's death penalty had been ruled unconstitutional. These returning cases could overwhelm Florida courts and cost the state millions of dollars. Speakers at the press conference will call on Florida state attorneys to settle these cases and avoid the costly process of seeking death, as well as call for the ultimate repeal of Florida's death penalty.

"The death penalty process is far too costly, cumbersome, and error-prone to continue," said James Purdy, 7th Judicial Circuit Public Defender. "Given that Florida has wrongly convicted and eventually released more people from their death row (27) than any other state, the stakes are far too high."

Florida is part of a nationwide trend of conservatives re-thinking capital punishment.

"A growing number of conservative Floridians have concluded that the death penalty violates our core conservative tenets of valuing life, fiscal responsibility, and limited

(source: WOFL news)


I-75 shooter Terry Froman found guilty; could face death penalty

An Illinois man has been found guilty of kidnapping his former girlfriend and then shooting her to death in 2014 in the back of his SUV as he drove along Interstate 75 near Middletown. The Warren County jury returned the verdict minutes ago against Terry Froman, 43, and found him guilty of aggravated murder with special specifications, meaning he can face the death penalty for 34-year-old Kim Thomas's death.

The verdict comes after 3 days of testimony in Judge Joseph Kirby's courtroom.

The jury deliberated 2 hours before returning the verdict, according to court officials.

Sentencing phase for Froman, who could receive the death penalty, will begin Thursday morning.

Froman's killing of Thomas came after he shot and killed her son, Eli, in her Mayfield, Ky. home, then forced her into his SUV. It ended with Froman shooting himself in the leg and shooting Thomas 3 times as police closed in on the vehicle on Sept. 12, 2014.

(source: Journal-News)


Guilty verdict in Warren County kidnapping, murder trial----Terry Froman convicted of killing ex-girlfriend

A man accused of killing his ex-girlfriend and her teenage son was found guilty Tuesday on aggravated murder and kidnapping charges.

Terry Froman was convicted of killing Kim Thomas, 34. He's also accused of killing Michael Mohney, 17, in September 2014.

Authorities said after Froman shot the teenager multiple times, he drove nearly 400 miles north into Ohio, killing his ex-girlfriend, Thomas, along the way.

Prosecutors said Thomas was killed when state troopers pulled over Froman's SUV in Warren County.

The sentencing phase begins Thursday morning. Warren County Prosecutor David Fornshell said Froman is eligible for the death penalty.

(source: WLWT news)


Experts say Court of Appeals ruling leaves death penalty in limbo

The death penalty in Indiana cannot be carried out as of June 1. That's the day a Court of Appeals panel declared the lethal injection cocktail adopted by the Department of Correction "void and without effect" because the agency enacted its execution protocol without hearings or public input.

Legal experts from Indiana's law schools said the decision casts uncertainty on the death penalty going forward, though they said by no means is the court's ruling a moratorium on future executions.

"We're at least 18 months to 2 years before anything happens" in terms of the state adopting a new execution protocol, predicted Valparaiso University Law School Dean Andrea D. Lyon, who's written several books and scholarly articles on the death penalty. She explained that for the DOC to continue to carry out executions, it's left with 2 options - seek to appeal the decision to the Indiana Supreme Court or begin the administrative rulemaking process. Neither of those processes would quickly resolve how Indiana executes death row inmates.

"I would be surprised if the Indiana Supreme Court took the case," Lyon said. "It's a pretty clear administrative ruling that follows a lot of precedent and a lot of common sense ... even though it's on a volatile subject."

"We are disappointed with the Court of Appeals' decision," said Corey Elliot, spokesman for Attorney General Curtis Hill, after the panel ruled in Roy Lee Ward v. Robert E. Carter, Jr., Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Correction, and Ron Neal, Superintendent of the Indiana State Prison, in their official capacities, 46A03-1607-PL-1685. "At this point, we are closely reviewing the case, consulting with our client agency and considering all possible options, one of which is to ask the Indiana Supreme Court to review the case."

The COA reversed LaPorte Circuit Judge Thomas J. Alevizos' dismissal of a death row inmate's civil case. Judge John Baker wrote for the court that the Legislature did not explicitly exempt the DOC from the Administrative Rules and Procedure Act, so it must conduct public hearings and accept public comments in formulating an agency rule on how the state will carry out executions.

Administrative review could present the DOC with more political than practical problems, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law professor David Orentlicher and other experts said. An administrative rules procedure would compel DOC to propose its execution protocol, which would then be subject to public hearings, public comment, and heightened scrutiny.

"Part of the reason it's become difficult to execute is public sentiment has shifted so much," Orentlicher said. He and others noted Americans are no longer solidly in favor of capital punishment, and some surveys have shown an even divide or a majority who disfavor the death penalty. Botched executions and wrongful convictions in the news in recent months are part of the reason support for lethal injection has declined, he said.

Meanwhile, Orentlicher said companies don't want to be known as manufacturers of drugs used as part of the lethal-injection cocktail, and fewer physicians are willing to assist in administering a fatal dose.

Racial bias and other factors also play a role in declining support for the death penalty, he said, and studies show executions are not always reserved for those cases deemed "the worst of the worst."

Among other things, "It depends on the prosecutor, the jury, and how good your defense lawyer is," he said. "What we're finding is, it turns on inappropriate factors, who gets the death penalty."

Notre Dame Law School professor Rick Garnett also noted the ruling came against the backdrop of ongoing debate about the death penalty generally, and lethal injection in particular. Nevertheless, he said the DOC could adopt the same lethal injection protocol that the COA voided, which includes a drug never used in a U.S. execution, as long as it does so in accordance with ARPA.

"Even if the ruling stands, it does not directly limit Indiana's ability to impose capital punishment but instead only requires the development of rules," Garnett said.

Still, he said, "Several high-profile cases have reminded the public that the mere fact lethal injections appear clinical and 'modern' does not mean they are humane. Many have argued that far greater care is needed by state officials and prison administrators to make sure that, assuming capital punishment continues, condemned criminals do not suffer painfully and unconstitutionally."

Indiana University Maurer School of Law professor Joseph Hoffmann doubts the ruling will have long-term implications for the death penalty in Indiana. "The Indiana Court of Appeals basically said if the Department of Correction wants to make a new protocol for a lethal injection drug, it needs to be treated as an agency rule" rather than as a policy, as the state had argued. "It doesn't say anything at all about the merits. ... The agency is free in the end to make whatever decision it thinks is the right decision."

Even so, he noted, "Right now, obviously, nationwide, these drug protocols are getting all kinds of scrutiny."

Indiana's voided formulation - a never-before-tried drug called methohexital (known by the brand name Brevital), along with pancuronium bromide and potassium chloride - was adopted internally by DOC and disclosed some time later.

Before Steve Creason, the Office of the Indiana Attorney General's chief counsel of appeals, could begin his defense of the DOC's protocol during oral arguments last month, he faced a hypothetical about the state's means of execution from presiding Judge Baker.

"So, you have a press conference tomorrow and you say, 'You know what we're going to use? We're going to use water.' Is that OK?"

"Yes," Creason said, before clarifying, "That probably wouldn't meet legal requirements related to cruel and unusual punishment."

Roy Lee Ward, the plaintiff in this case, was sentenced to death in 2007 for the 2001 rape and murder of 15-year-old Stacy Payne in Spencer County. According to the DOC's website, there are 12 men on Indiana's death row at the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City. One of the men, Wayne Kubsch, had his conviction and sentence tossed out last year by the full 7th Circuit Court of Appeals and is awaiting retrial. A woman on Indiana death row is housed in Ohio.

Representing Ward, Fort Wayne attorney David Frank said the state sought to characterize Ward's suit as an attempt to bar the death penalty, which he said wasn't the case. No executions are currently scheduled.

The DOC "was trying to issue a new lethal injection protocol by themselves that has never been used," Frank said. "Before we execute a human being in manner that's never been done before in the history of country, maybe we should have some public discussion on it."

Lyon noted more states have abandoned the death penalty, and there isn't the political danger there once was for politicians to oppose capital punishment. "Indiana," she noted, "is alone in the 7th Circuit with the death penalty."

(source: The Indiana Lawyer)


Death penalty not a contradiction

A recent letter listed reasons against the death penalty ("Opposes death penalty," May 27). The reasons given, and a lot more, have been considered over and over in every state that has the death penalty. But it is not a "direct contradiction of Christianity."

"Thou shalt not kill" does not take the authority away from the state. It refers to the criminal act of murder. Yes, Christ's death for all sin, past, present and future does cover the sin of murder, but not the consequences.

Tragically, innocent people have been sentenced to death. No one found guilty of murder ought to be sentenced to die if there is even a slight possibility, a reasonable doubt, regarding mistaken identity.

The cost to taxpayers due to appeals procedures is ridiculous.

Many of lifers have killed innocent prison guards and inmates. Yes, they can pose a threat to society.

In a capital crime, any prosecuting attorney who in closing arguments says, "He that is without sin, case the first stone" would deserve a complaint to the bar association. Forgiveness is up to the victim's family, not the jury.

States provide public defenders to those who can't afford a lawyer. They offer every reason possible to spare the life of the person convicted, giving no regard to the wishes of the victim's family.

The few who are sentenced to die are usually better off dead than alive.

(source: Letter to the Editor, Cliff Hjelm----Tulsa World)


Murder Trail Begins for Woman in Abuse Death of Young Cousin

A trial has started for an Arizona woman charged with murder in the death of a 10-year-old girl who was locked in a small plastic storage box that was left outside overnight in the middle of summer.

Opening statements began Monday in the death penalty case against Sammantha Allen, a cousin of victim Ame Deal.

Allen is accused of helping her husband, John Allen, lock Deal in the box in July 2011. Deal suffocated and was found dead the next day as temperatures surpassed 100 degrees.

Authorities say the couple forced Deal to stand outside and do exercises against a wall then forced her into the bin with a lid that was closed and locked by John Allen.

The bin only had small holes near the handles for air, Maricopa County Deputy County Attorney Jeannette Gallagher told jurors.

In her opening statement, Gallagher also quoted Sammantha Allen as telling police, "'I didn't even wake up to go unlock it, and I thought about it.'"

Allen's attorney argued the form of punishment was commonplace in the household and was done at the request of Deal's aunt, Cynthia Stoltzmann, her legal guardian.

The defense argued that Sammantha Allen was almost certainly guilty of child abuse but not murder.

Authorities allege Deal's death came after a long history of abuse at the hands of multiple relatives. When she died. Deal lived with at least 10 adults and children in a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home.

Witnesses on Monday described the Phoenix house as dirty and unkempt, smelling of urine with trash and bugs on the floor.

Retired Phoenix Police Officer Albert Salaiz, who was the first officer on the scene after Deal's family found her dead and called 911, testified that he saw Deal laid on her back, with her knees pulled up to her chest and her hands in a claw-like position.

"She was very dirty, soiled it looked like, and it appeared to me that her lips were yellow," he said.

In opening statements, both sides referred to a question about whether Sammantha Allen told John Allen to let Ame out of the bin before she fell asleep.

Both defendants are charged with 1st-degree murder and child abuse. 3 other relatives were convicted of abusing Ame and are currently in prison.

The girl's father, David Deal, previously pleaded guilty to attempted child abuse and was sentenced to jail. Stoltzmann was sentenced to 25 years in prison for attempted child abuse.

John Allen's trial is expected to start Aug. 7.

(source: Associated Press)

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