Sept. 13


Poorly executed----Inmate challenges state's lethal cocktail change

In its 201-year history, Indiana has used 3 methods of execution. Hanging was the primary method until 1913, followed by electrocution. In 1995, the Department of Correction began using lethal injec-tion - a protocol soon to be reviewed by the Indiana Supreme Court.

Vacating a ruling by the Indiana Court of Appeals, the state's highest court rightly will take up the question of whether the department has overstepped its authority in changing its procedures for carrying out the death penalty. The Supreme Court will independently review facts in a case challenging the Department of Correction's 2014 decision to use a new 3-drug combination in lethal injections.

A lawsuit filed by a death row inmate argues the DOC can't change its execution protocol without public notice or comment. The appeals court agreed in a unanimous ruling and effectively halted executions in the state. They are likely on hold while the Supreme Court reviews the case.

12 men are currently on death row in Indiana, and 1 woman is being held in Ohio under Indiana's death penalty law. No executions are scheduled due to prior court rulings or pending appeals. Joseph Corcoran, sentenced to death in 1999 for killing 4 people in a house on Bayer Avenue, is the only Allen County inmate. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, he has exhausted his appeals.

The appeals court decision challenging the Department of Correction was a victory for Roy Ward and other death row prisoners who argue they should not be executed with experimental drugs. The department unilaterally decided 2 years ago to use a 3-drug combination of the barbiturate methohexital, followed by pancuronium bromide, a paralytic, followed by potassium chloride to stop the prisoner's heart. The combination allegedly has not been used in any other execution in the United States.

The department claimed authority to change its lethal injection procedure as an internal policy, but the appeals court agreed with the plaintiff that the decision was an administrative rule with the effect of law, which must be adopted under the guidelines of the Indiana Administrative Rules and Procedure Act.

"(T)he public has a right to know what unelected bureaucrats at state agencies are doing," said attorney David Frank, who represented Ward before the appeals court. The decision doesn't mean Indiana cannot carry out executions, but it brings what the state is doing "out of the shadows" and holds state officials accountable, he said.

It is not known whether the state has a sufficient supply of each drug to carry out an execution. The Indiana General Assembly, in the biennial budget bill, authorized Gov. Eric Holcomb and the department to grant anonymity to drugmakers that agree to supply the drugs. A nationwide shortage exists because pharmaceutical companies, under pressure from death-penalty opponents, are refusing to sell their drugs for execution purposes.

A federal appeals court cleared the way earlier this year for the state of Ohio to use a 3-drug mixture in lethal injections, although death-penalty opponents have said they will ask the Supreme Court to review that decision.

The late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun famously criticized the process of administering the death penalty as tinkering with "the machinery of death." The decision before Indiana's highest court might well amount to tinkering but - as the law of the land here and in 30 other states - it deserves solemn and serious consideration.

(source: Editorial, Journal-Gazette)


5 retired judges will lead an inquiry into the death penalty case of Marcellus Williams.

5 retired judges will lead an inquiry into the death penalty case of Marcellus Williams.

Gov. Eric Greitens appointed the board of inquiry Tuesday to consider whether Williams should be executed for the 1998 death of former St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported Lisha Gayle. Greitens issued a stay of execution in August just hours before Williams was to be executed.

The board members are Booker Shaw, who served on the Missouri Court of Appeals and as a trial judge in St. Louis; Michael David, a former circuit court judge in St. Louis; Peggy McGraw Fenner, a former circuit court judge in Jackson County; Carol Jackson, who served on the U.S. District Court, Eastern District; and Paul Spinden, who was on the Missouri Court of Appeals.

(source: Associated Press)


It's time for Utah to re-examine the death penalty

Debate and discourse in the public sphere is how we make better policy. We at Utah Conservatives Concerned about the Death Penalty have heard from people across the state that it's time for a more robust public debate about the death penalty. Long gone are the days where the death penalty was a partisan issue. Now, Utahns of every political background are expressing concerns about a death penalty system that takes a great deal of time, energy and resources and gives us little more than worry in return.

A close examination shows that the death penalty runs counter to many core conservative ideals. We're thrilled to be able to unite conservatives who oppose or question the death penalty. By raising the profile of this life-and-death issue, we can help our state move toward better policy.

Over the last couple of years, we've had the opportunity to attend numerous Republican Party conventions, Lincoln Day Dinners and other political and community events. The supportive reception isn't surprising. This is an issue that many conservatives have thought long and hard about and ultimately concluded that it runs counter to their beliefs of limited government, protecting innocent life and being fiscally responsible.

A poll we took earlier this year quantified what we've been experiencing in these discussions: 64 % of Utahns, including 58 % of Republicans, supported replacing the death penalty with life in prison. When the arguments are laid out, it's not hard to see why.

As conservatives, we constantly rail against an ever-growing government. The death penalty is about as big as the government gets. Can the government be trusted to justly end a person's life? Nationally, since the late 1970s, almost 160 individuals have been exonerated from death row due to evidence of their innocence. In that same time there have been around 1,500 executions. An error rate of 10 % is 10 % too high when an innocent person's life hangs in the balance.

Thanks to television shows like "CSI," people are under the impression that the system is error-proof because of the rise in DNA evidence and testing. The reality is that DNA evidence is only available in 5-10 % of these kinds of cases. As conservatives, our belief in the sanctity of innocent life should extend to death row. Justice can't ever be served when even 1 innocent person is wrongfully executed.

The death penalty is consistently more expensive than life in prison because of the additional preparations for a capital case, the separate sentencing phase and post-conviction appeals. According to Utah's own Legislative Fiscal Analyst's Office, it costs in excess of $1.6 million more to carry out a death sentence than if the same person were sentenced to life and ultimately died in prison.

Limited taxpayer resources could, and should, be spent in our criminal justice system in much better ways. These resources could be spent on mental health programs, rehabilitation of nonviolent offenders, rape kit testing or many other criminal justice programs that would keep us much safer than the death penalty does. Instead, we spend it on a punishment with no greater deterrent effect than life imprisonment, which often takes 30 years or more to reach a resolution.

While capital cases slowly snake through the judicial process, there's more than a fiscal cost - there's a human cost. Families of crime victims are brought along for the decadeslong process. Instead of being able to move forward with their lives, these families must wait through decades of high-profile appeals, all while being forgotten as their loved one's murderer becomes a household name. This is cruelty.

Utah Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty will continue having these conversations with the public. Utah came very close to repealing the death penalty during the 2016 legislative session, and we???re hoping that fight is won during the 2018 session next year.

(source: Op-Ed; Darcy Van Orden is executive director of the Utah Justice Coalition, an organization dedicated to educating the community on commonsense reforms to the criminal justice system. Utah Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty is a project of UJC----Deseret News)


Judge denies request to send death penalty case back to lower court

A district judge on Friday denied a request to send a potential death penalty case back to a lower court for a man accused of breaking into his estranged wife's house and shooting a man to death.

Phillip Cabrera, 38, of Meridian, is facing a charge of 1st-degree murder in the shooting death of Andrew Shepard of Caldwell on April 28.

Cabrera's defense attorney, Scott Fouser, requested the case be sent back to magistrate court for another preliminary hearing because he said Cabrera was denied the benefit of 2 qualified lawyers during his original preliminary hearing in June.

Fouser said defendants facing the death penalty require 2 qualified defenders at hearings, and Cabrera had only 1 during his preliminary hearing in June.

Judge Thomas Ryan, who previously said in a hearing that "clearly delay is prejudice," decided Friday to deny the request.

"There has been no showing of any error, let alone serious error committed by defense counsel at the preliminary hearing," Ryan wrote. "This Court specifically finds that Mr. Cabrera was afforded effective assistance of counsel at the preliminary hearing."

Cabrera's pre-trial hearing is scheduled for Sept. 21. A jury trial is scheduled to begin Oct. 10.

Police said Cabrera admitted to kicking down the front door of his wife's home in Nampa, then kicking down the home's master bathroom door before shooting Shepard in the abdomen and head. He is also accused of firing several shots at responding police officers.

Prosecutors say Cabrera killed Shepard in front of young children who were hiding in the master bedroom with Shepard and Cabrera's wife.



A shrinking pool

Jurors who failed to pass muster on the 1st day of the Jonathan Renfro murder trial walked from the Kootenai County Courthouse 1 at a time Monday as they were released from jury duty.

About 80 of the more than 900 jurors who responded to a jury duty questionnaire appeared in the morning at Coeur d'Alene's First District Court to begin the weaning process that will result in 16 jurors, including four alternates.

More than 40 people were released from their jury duty before 10 a.m. after being deemed by presiding First District Court Judge Lansing Haynes as unsatisfactory candidates based on their answers to questions by attorneys. That left approximately 40 potential jurors to be further scrutinized by Kootenai County Prosecutor Barry McHugh and lead defense counsel Keith Roark, who whittled the number of candidates down to about 20 by lunchtime.

The remaining candidates were questioned individually.

The same process will continue each day this week. Once 44 candidates are chosen, attorneys will continue to winnow until they agree on 16 jurors, Jury Commissioner Pete Barnes said.

Seating a fair and impartial jury could last 2 weeks, but attorneys and the court have intimated a jury could be chosen sooner than that, Barnes said.

"I think that's the hope," he said.

Renfro, who is charged with 1st-degree murder for allegedly killing Coeur d'Alene Police Sgt. Greg Moore, is expected to go to trial as soon as the selection process is completed. The trial could last through September.

Jurors who make the final cut will participate in 2 phases of the upcoming trial.

In the guilt phase, jurors must determine if Renfro, 29, is responsible for the May 5, 2015, shooting death of Moore. Renfro is accused of shooting the officer with a Glock pistol he had in his pocket when Moore confronted him after dark in a Coeur d'Alene neighborhood where residents had reported burglaries and vandalism.

If he's convicted, Renfro could face the death penalty. But it is not up to the judge. Jurors must also determine during the trial's penalty phase whether factors warrant a death sentence. By Monday, the penalty phase had already resulted in the release of potential jurors including candidates who said they morally opposed the death penalty, and those who thought the death penalty should always be imposed.

One of the candidates at Monday's jury selection was released after telling the court of his 3rd-party acquaintance with the Moore family, and that his friends have K27 stickers on their cars. The stickers are a tribute to Moore.

Another candidate said because the shooting had occurred near his neighborhood, he has closely followed media accounts.

A candidate who said many of his friends were police officers told the court he felt an allegiance to law enforcement.

Haynes reiterated a juror's opinion was less important than whether he or she could base their decision solely on the facts presented in court.

"In a case like this, unless you haven't been paying attention at all, everyone comes into court with some opinion about the matter," Haynes said. "The issue is whether you can follow the court's instruction ... and set aside that opinion."

Renfro, who appeared in court wearing slacks, a white shirt, tie and black-framed glasses, quietly watched the proceedings surrounded by his team of attorneys.

Once the trial begins, the court has opted to adjourn at noon each Wednesday, taking Wednesday afternoons off, Haynes said.

A service courtesy of Washburn University School of Law

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