Aug. 2


Pope Declares Death Penalty Inadmissible in All Cases

Pope Francis has declared the death penalty inadmissible in all cases "because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person," the Vatican announced on Thursday, in a shift in Roman Catholic teaching on the issue.

Francis, who has spoken out against capital punishment before - including in 2015 in an address to Congress - added the change to the Catechism of the Catholic Church - the compendium of Catholic beliefs.

The pontiff, who is the spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholics, said the church would work "with determination" for the abolition of capital punishment worldwide.

Previously, the catechism allowed the death penalty in some cases, if it was "the only practicable way to defend the lives of human beings effectively against the aggressor," even if in reality "cases of absolute necessity for suppression of the offender today are very rare, if not practically noneexistent."

The new formal teaching acknowledges that there are new ways to protect society. "There is an increasing awareness that the dignity of the person is not lost even after the commission of very serious crimes," it says.

"In addition, a new understanding has emerged of the significance of penal sanctions imposed by the state. Lastly, more effective systems of detention have been developed, which ensure the due protection of citizens but, at the same time, do not definitively deprive the guilty of the possibility of redemption."

Abolishing the death penalty has clearly been one of Francis' top priorities for many years, along with saving the environment and caring for immigrants and refugees. He mentioned it in his address to the American Congress on his trip to the United States in 2015, saying that "from the beginning of my ministry" he had been led "to advocate at different levels for the global abolition of the death penalty."

He added, "I am convinced that this way is the best, since every life is sacred, every human person is endowed with an inalienable dignity, and society can only benefit from the rehabilitation of those convicted of crimes."

On that trip, Francis made a point of going to a prison in Pennsylvania and meeting with a few prisoners and their families.

He wrote a detailed letter in 2015 to the International Commission against the death penalty, arguing that capital punishment "does not render justice to the victims, but rather fosters vengeance."

In it, he made 2 arguments that specifically spoke to the American context: The death penalty is illegitimate because many convictions have later been found to be in error and have been overturned, and because executions of prisoners in some states have been badly botched.

(source: New York Times)


Executing certain category of convicts absurd: JO

The Government's selective approach towards the implementation of the death penalty on a certain category of convicted criminals was absurd, the Joint Opposition yesterday said.

Addressing a news briefing, Professor G.L. Peiris said the President declared that the convicts who were sentenced to death for drug trafficking and still continue to traffic drugs from inside the prison would be executed.

"However, there was a notable case where a drug smuggler conspired and assassinated a High Court Judge who was hearing his case.

"The drug smuggler was later sentenced to death on charges of the killing of the Judge but not on drug smuggling.

"If the Government goes ahead with executing convicted drug smugglers, this convict will not be hanged," he said.

He said Justice Minister Thalatha Atukorala had said recently that the Government has not come to a final decision yet on implementing the death penalty.

"This shows that the policies of the Government are being made based on sudden thoughts. There is no content policy-making process," he said.

(source: Daily Mirror)


Turkish leader vows death penalty after bomb kills mom, baby

Turkey could move soon to reinstate the death penalty, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday while attending the funeral of a young mother and her infant son who were killed by a roadside bomb.

Turkish authorities have blamed Tuesday's attack near the borders of Iran and Iraq on Kurdish rebels. They said the mother and child were targeted with an improvised explosive device on a road near the town of Yuksekova.

The 24-year-old woman was driving back from visiting her husband, a sergeant in the Turkish army, with her 11-month-old son. She died instantly, while the baby died in a hospital.

Erdogan, who flew to the central Turkish city of Sivas to attend the funeral, vowed to press ahead with the fight against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party "until the last terrorist remains."

Responding to mourners' shouts calling for the death penalty, Erdogan reiterated that he would not hesitate to approve capital punishment if Turkey's Parliament passed a law authorizing it.

"The steps that we will take on the issue are close," the president said.

Turkey has not executed anyone since 1984. The country abolished the death penalty in 2004 as part of its bid to join the European Union.

The rebels of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, have waged a three-decade old insurgency in Turkey's mostly Kurdish southeast region. The conflict has killed tens of thousands of people.

The group is considered a terror organization by Turkey and its Western allies.

(source: Associated Press)


Killing the death penalty

Prisoners on death row and those serving life sentences could be handed a lifeline if recommendations by a task force are implemented.

More than 7,700 prisoners have been sentenced to die or are serving life sentences.

The Task Force on Review of the Mandatory Nature of the Death Penalty has recommended changes to the Penal Code, the Prisons Act and the Kenya Defence Forces Act.

This could lead to the reviewing of 838 death sentences, 6,938 life sentences and the sentences of 2,747 inmates, whose death sentences were commuted to life imprisonment in 2016.

(source: The Star)


IRGC-Affiliated Media Trying to "Prepare Public Opinion" For Execution of Kurdish Man

Relatives of Ramin Hossein Panahi, a Kurdish man on death row in Iran, have raised concerns that his chances of imminent execution have increased since several soldiers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were killed in late July 2018.

"The security situation in the Kurdistan region has been very tense because of the armed confrontation with PJAK and the deaths of border guardsmen," a source close to the family told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) on July 31.

"The Islamic Republic usually tries to impose calm by carrying out executions, and for the past few weeks, some sites run by the IRGC and the Intelligence Ministry have been publishing articles every day in order to justify Ramin???s death sentence," said the source who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the fear of reprisals for speaking publicly about the case.

"It seems they are trying to prepare public opinion for his execution," added the source.

On July 21, 2018, a militant group known as the Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) claimed responsibility for the killings of at least 10 soldiers belonging to the IRGC in the city of Marivan in Iran???s Kurdistan Province.

Since then, a number of news outlets affiliated with the IRGC, the judiciary, and the security establishment have launched a propaganda campaign against Panahi, stating he deserves to be hanged for the alleged "terrorist" activities.

In April 2018, Iran's Supreme Court upheld Panahi's death sentence for his membership in the outlawed Kurdish nationalist group, Komala, and for allegedly drawing a weapon in a clash with IRGC agents.

Panahi insists he did not participate in any armed action nor did he reach for a weapon.

On July 23, 2 days after the deaths of the IRGC soldiers, Mashregh, a website affiliated with the IRGC, claimed Panahi had confessed to firing 30 bullets at IRGC agents before running out of ammunition and getting arrested in June 2017.

"These sites repeatedly mention his Komala membership and publish photos of him inside a Komala camp," the source told CHRI. "No one has denied that he was a member of Komala but the issue is that he did not reach for a weapon. He was not armed."

UN human rights experts have called for his death sentence to be annulled in light of legal concerns about the handling of his case, including reports that Panahi had been tortured, denied access to a lawyer and medical care, and that he had been held incommunicado.

Since his death sentence was upheld in April 2018, Panahi has been moved back and forth between solitary confinement and the public ward of the Central Prison in Sanandaj, creating the impression that his execution was imminent.

(source: Iran Human Rights)


Iran death penalty charges in economic crisis 'breach international law': Amnesty

At least 29 people have been arrested for "economic disruption," Iranian officials announced last weekend, with many facing charges that carry the death penalty.

Amnesty International on Wednesday expressed "alarm" over the arrests, saying that the application of the death penalty for non-violent crimes would be "in direct breach of international law."

The plunging value of the Iranian currency and worsening economic situation has prompted a string of public protests this year. In an apparent attempt to be seen to be tackling the crisis, officials announced dozens of arrests and blamed unnamed "enemies" for the rial's decline.

"Amnesty International is alarmed at the judiciary's announcement that it has charged individuals arrested in relation to the country's economy and currency crisis with 'corruption on earth' (efsad-e fel arz), which incurs the death penalty," an Amnesty spokesperson told Arab News.

"This would be in direct breach of international law, which restricts the use of the death penalty to only the 'most serious crimes' - those involving intentional killing. Amnesty International's research has shown that basic fair trial guarantees are absent in death penalty cases in Iran."

The statement follows warnings from other campaign groups over the human-rights situation in Iran.

"In recent weeks and months we've had many protests," Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, spokesman for the Oslo-based Iran Human Rights group, told Arab News on Tuesday.

"Human rights are suffering ... and every day they suffer more. Iran is among the biggest violators of human rights in the world today."

Harvard scholar and Iranian affairs expert Dr. Majid Rafizadeh said that the arrests connected to the economic crisis amounted to a PR exercise by the Iranian government.<

"The arrests by the regime are mostly cosmetic actions aimed at projecting that the Islamic Republic is taking actions to address corruption and address people's grievances," he said.

"The regime is also trying to point (the) finger at some individuals rather than on the systematic financial corruption within the political establishment." Amid widespread public anger, demonstrations spread to the historic city of Isfahan on Tuesday, with protesters demanding an end to the Iranian regime's costly interference in the affairs of neighboring countries in the region.

Video footage showed hundreds of protesters shouting: "No to Gaza, no to Lebanon, my soul is Iran's redemption." The slogan refers to Tehran's military adventures in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, at the expense of the domestic economy.

"The protests in Isfahan are significant because they highlight people's ongoing and growing outrage and frustration with the theocratic establishment, as the economy is in shambles," said Rafizadeh. "Despite the regime's crackdown, people continue to take to streets as they can't make ends meet."

(source: Arab News)


Website Manager on Death-row, Transferred to the Solitary Confinement

Mohammad Hossein Maleki, sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court on the charge of "corruption on earth" through the sale of CCcam and "unlocking satellite channels", was transferred to the solitary confinement on Sunday, July 29.

According to a close source, on Sunday, July 29. Mohammad Hossein Maleki, the manager of Asre-Javan website and its Telegram channel who is held at Dastgerd Prison in Isfahan, was transferred to the solitary confinement.

One of Maleki's relatives told IHR, "Mohammad Hossein Maleki is probably sent to the solitary confinement in order to be put under pressure and make a forced confession. Over the last few days, Maleki's family and lawyer were pressured because of passing on the information to human rights institutes."

While expressing its concern, Iran Human Rights warns about the illegal pressure that is put on this prisoner because of making his unfair verdict known to the public and emphasizes that any confession that is obtained from him is illegal.

Mohammad Hossein Maleki, known as Aryan, 47, from Isfahan, was arrested by the agents of the Ministry of Intelligence on March 1, 2017, and was sentenced to "corruption on earth through organized activities regarding the sale of CCcam and several satellite accounts" at Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court of Isfahan. In the early stages of the investigation, the interrogator had ordered for suspension of prosecution for Mohammad Hossein Maleki, however, the prosecutor objected the order and the case was sent to the Revolutionary Court of Tehran, and then to the Supreme Court, and finally to Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court of Isfahan.

He was also sentenced to a fine of 10 million Rials on the charge of "using satellite reception equipment" by Branch 101 of Shahin Shahr Court.

(source: Iran Human Rights)


Man gets death, another life term for teacher's rape-murder

A fast-track court on Wednesday awarded death penalty to 1 and life imprisonment to another in rape and murder of a 58-year-old teacher in the Jamunamukh area of Hojai district in Central Assam.

The probe into the case was even monitored by the PMO after it triggered mass protests in the state. The Court of Additional District and Session Judge in Hojai awarded death penalty to Mainul Hoque and life imprisonment to Selimuddin without any provision for parole. The court also imposed fine of Rs 20,000 each on the 2.

The teacher was accosted and murdered by the duo on May 31, 2017, when she was returning home after taking classes in the Lower Primary School where she had been working for years. The accused threw her body into the Kopili river. After the incident evoked mass protests, CM Sarbananda Sonowal sent a high-level team to help in the investigation.



Madhya Pradesh to felicitate officials for speedy child rape trials----About 60 officials from prosecution, forensic science laboratory (FSL) and police departments have been invited to the chief minister's residence on Friday for the felicitation.

From February 28 to July 27 this year, 7 convicts were awarded death sentences
in Katni, Dhar, Shahdol, Sagar and Indore districts. Officials from Mandsaur and Satna districts have also been called to the state capital.

After becoming the 1st state to pass a law awarding death penalty for rape of girls aged below 12 years, the Madhya Pradesh government has decided to felicitate the officials involved in such trials in which the death penalty was awarded.

About 60 officials from prosecution, forensic science laboratory (FSL) and police departments have been invited to the chief minister's residence on Friday for the felicitation.

Additional director general (women cell) Anvesh Mangal said that officials, including investigating officers and their supervisors, will be handed over certificates of appreciation.

From February 28 to July 27 this year, 7 convicts were awarded death sentences
in Katni, Dhar, Shahdol, Sagar and Indore districts. Officials from Mandsaur and Satna districts have also been called to the state capital.

After protests over rape of minors in the state, the home and police departments are regularly monitoring all such cases. While reviewing the law and order situation on July 10, Chouhan had asked top officials of home and police departments to ensure that death penalty is awarded to those convicted of raping minor girls.



Death for Child Rape" - Lok Sabha Passes the Bill

The Lok Sabha passed a Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill by a voice note on Monday, 30th July 2018 making the offence of raping a girl below the age of 12 years punishable with death. The aim of this bill is to bring some new amendments in the provisions of Indian Penal Code (IPC), Code of Criminal Procedure, The Indian Evidence Act and also, in the POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Act. The new bill has also replaced the earlier ordinance which was bought in the picture by the Central Government in the incident of Kathua rape and murder case. In April 2018, a minor 8-year-old girl 'Asifa Bano' was abducted and brutally raped then murdered, the incident shook the whole nation and there was immense need of laws for such monsters.

Recent Amendments in Indian Penal Code

10-years imprisonment for rape: Before this amendment, the punishment for rape of women provided under Section 376(1) of IPC was 7 years, but now it's sought to be 10 years and also, the punishment may be extended to life imprisonment.

Punishment for Rape of child below 16 years of age: Now, a new subsection (3) is sought to be added in Section 376 which makes the offence of raping a girl below 16 years, punishable with imprisonment for a minimum period of 20 years, also the punishment may extend up to life imprisonment.

Death penalty: The new amendment focuses on inserting Section 376 DB which makes the gang rape of a girl below 12 years of age punishable with the death penalty.

Further, the previous existing sections 228A is sought to be amended to include the offences such as 'bar of disclosure of victim's identity' in cases of Section 376(3), 376 DA, and 376 DB.

Also, the amendment needs to be made in the section 166A of Indian Penal Code to provide for punishment to Public Servants whosoever fails in registering complaints in the cases of newly inserted sections.

Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure

As per new sub (1A) that is sought to be included in Section 173 of the CrPC, investigation in the newly inserted sections is to be completed within a period of 2 months from the date of the complaint.

Section 438 of the CrPC is likely to be amended, which grants for anticipatory bail. As per the new amendments made in the criminal laws, no anticipatory bail can be granted to the person for the new offences inserted in the law.

Now, even the regular bail applications that are being filed under Section 439 of CrPC will only be heard after the period of 15 days, by giving notice to the Public Prosecutor.

To clarify the nature of newly inserted offences which are non-bailable and cognizable, and are to be tried by the Session???s Court; the First Schedule of the Code of Criminal Procedure needs to be amended.

Under the Evidence Act, Sections A is sought to be amended so as to include the newly inserted sections.

Most of the members of the Lok Sabha supported the Bill, but few points were raised by Pinaki Misra, BJD MP. According to the MP, "The newly created offences should be gender neutral, which means same punishment to be given to the offenders who commit the crime on boys under the age of 16 or 12 years. Doing so will attract lesser punishments under the POCSO Act. He also suggested that the bill be should be sent to the Selection Committee for any further examination."



Gang rape of 11-year-old: Family wants death penalty for all 17 accused men

Slogans against rape and child abuse rent the air as hundreds came together at Valluvar Kottam on Tuesday evening to condemn the brutal gang rape of a 11-year-old over a period of 7 months.

While the girl's sister and father demanded that all the rapists be hanged, other protesters chanted, 'we condemn rape', 'rise up against sexual violence', and 'fight back now, don't wait until your daughter and sisters are raped'. The child's sister said she was hoping for a speedy trial in the case and maximum punishment for the rapists.

She said the child is still recovering and has not returned to school.

"It will take a while for her to cope with the trauma. The girl is being given regular couselling," she said, adding that she decided to participate in the event to create awareness and help prevent such incidents in the future.

Upset over some people blaming the family members for being negligent and not spotting behavioural changes in the girl, another relative said the men targeted the girl when she returned from school and when she went down to play inside the apartment complex.

"The family did not expect this to happen within a gated community," said the relative.

"When even adults are wary of confronting sexual predators, it isn't fair to expect the girl to gather the courage and report the issue to her family, since she was being threatened by her assaulters to remain silent," he said.

Activists and other families from the apartment complex where the rape occurred expressed their solidarity with the girl and her family. Several passersby also joined in and highlighted the need for stringent punishment for those who abuse children.

The hearing impaired child was assaulted by at least 17 men who drugged her with injections, spiked soft drinks and other substances.

The incident came to light when she reported it to her sister on July 15.

(source: The Times of India)


Bhopal: 5 got death sentence for raping, killing minors in MP in 45 days, informs ADG prosecution

Enforcement of Capital Punishment Ordinance on April 21, has failed to desist people from indulging in immoral activities like rape and molestation in the state. Rapists have been awarded capital punishment in 5 different cases of minor's rape by courts in the state.

In total, the courts in state have awarded death penalty to rapists in 7 rape cases. An important bill seeking to provide death penalty to those convicted of raping girls below the age of 12 years was passed by the Lok Sabha on Monday.

ADG prosecution Rajendra Kumar informed Free Press that bill passed by Lok Sabha is 1 step ahead in executing capital punishment. Now the bill has to pass in Rajya Sabha and president of India will approve it before it becomes law.

He said that the state government have passed the bill in state assembly in which proved for capital punishment for the rapists of girls below age of 12. He added that many factors are common between the rapists in such cases including they are alcoholic, take sedatives, watch pornographic content and belong to low income group or are slum dwellers.

He also informed that the department is monitoring other cases and putting them in fast track court for speedy disposal. In just 2 1/2 months time 5 men have been convicted and sentenced to death for raping and killing minors in the state.

May 12: 26-year-old man gets double death sentence for raping and killing nephew's 4-month-old daughter in Indore.

May 17: 19-year-old man sentenced to death by a court in Dhar for raping and killing 4-year-old girl.

July 7: 40-year-old man sentenced to death by a special court in Rehli of Sagar for raping a 9-year-old girl at a temple on May 21.

July 27: 25-year-old ice-cream seller awarded double death sentence by a special court in Gwalior district for raping and murdering a 6-year-old girl on June 20-21 intervening night.

July 27: 33-year-old auto-rickshaw driver sentenced to death by a special court in Katni for sexually assaulting a 5-year-old school girl on July 4.

May 13: In Shahdol culprit Vinod alias Rahul sentenced for capital punishment for rape and murder of 4 year old.

In Dhar 4 year old girl was raped and murdered the culprit was sentenced death penalty.

(source: The Free Press Jounral)


Indian Government Approves Death Penalty for Maritime Piracy - Reports

India's cabinet has approved a bill that will punish piracy at sea with death penalty or life in prison, local media reported.

The draft law seeks to improve the safety of the nation's navigation after a rise in attacks on vessels along critical sea routes, official sources told the NDTV television.

The Indian authorities are bringing the law as a part of commitment made by India while signing the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in 1982, NDTV reported. The UNCLOS was ratified by India in 1995.

India has reportedly been working since last year on boosting maritime patrols on key sea lanes. Its Navy has been increasingly protecting Indian sea traffic and crews in the Indian Ocean.

In 2015, Indian Defense Ministry said that Somalian pirates were relocating their operations from the Gulf of Aden near the coast of Somalia closer to India.

Last year, Somalian pirates reportedly captured an Indian cargo ship with 11 crew members aboard en route from Dubai to Yemen.

Somalia has been plagued by civil war since 1991. Years of lawlessness and corruption have provided local pirates with ample opportunities, hijacking international ships for ransom with relative impunity.



DPM: Malaysia needs to 'look into capital punishment' before requesting to extradite Sirul

Malaysia needs to look into its capital punishment laws, before making an application to extradite, Sirul Azhar Umar who is being detained in Australia.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said this to reporters at the parliament lobby, here, today.

She said the government has not "specifically discussed about Sirul's case at this moment".

Australia's Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop who is on a working visit here, said today that there has been no application for extradition of convicted killer and former policeman Sirul Azhar from Malaysia.

Bishop reiterated that before Australia received any application from the Malaysian government, it was inappropriate for her to speculate.

Bishop further said further discussion needed to be held on Malaysia's intention to consider the abolishment of the death penalty.

"This is a position that Australia has held for some time... we oppose the death penalty both at home and abroad, in fact we advocate strongly for the abolishment of the death penalty.

"We are on the United Nations' human rights council now and the abolishment of death penalty is one of the pillars of their advocacy.

"Sirul is currently being held at the Australia Immigration Detention. As the Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said recently, Malaysia has not made any extradition application.

"It would be inappropriate for me to speculate until such time as Malaysia makes an application for extradition under existing treaty between the two countries," she said during a press conference after paying Wan Azizah a courtesy visit at the Parliament building this morning.

(source: New Straits Times)

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