Hallo Liste,

Monday, December 8, 2003, 10:53:40 PM, Peter Ross wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Nils Ketelsen wrote:

> Noeh, moechte ich ncht. Es ist aber so, dass jemand namens Yahoo! eine
> Aktion startet, irgendwie Protokolle und Dienste umzuformen, und dass es
> "im Sinne der Allgemeinheit" passiert.

Kurz vorher informierte Yahoo! uebrigens seine User, dass man
nun selber mit der Spammerei beginnen wolle:

--snip-- "Important news about how Yahoo! communicates with you"

In March 2002, we began rolling out an updated marketing
communications system.


When this updated system was first announced in March 2002, we told
you we'd begin sending you messages about Yahoo! products and services
across all categories, even though you had said "No" to messages under
the old single choice system. We also told you that you could still
say "No" to these messages by visiting your Marketing Preferences
But we did not completely implement this change until now. 

What's Changing on January 1, 2004:
Starting January 1, 2004, Yahoo! will begin to send you messages, via
email or postal mail, about our own products and services. (We will
not send you postal mail if you have given us a mailing address and
have opted out of contact via postal delivery.) You can control the
types of messages you receive by visiting your Marketing Preferences
at any time. 




"Nie das Publikum fragen, das ist der Anfang vom Ende! Das Publikum
bekommt nacher gesagt, wie es war: Toll!"  --  Harald Schmidt

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