Hi all - thanks to everyone who made Sunday’s In-House Tournament such a success - it was great to see so many people debating, and getting better and better as the day went on! Full results will be available soon.

This Wednesday its back to the weekly events, and this time we will be discussing "This House Would Abolish Conscription" - a classic debating topic, but one particularly relevant to Finland of course.

This will be followed, as always, by a trip to a nearby bar where if necessary the arguments can be continued in a more relaxed manner. Or we may even just chat like normal people :)

Hope to see as many of you there as possible, there's never any pressure to speak, but always plenty of opportunity if you want to! Details below.


Motion: THW Abolish Conscription
When: 18:00, Wednesday the 30th of November
Where: Cajsa, Mannerheimintie 5 B 4th floor
Language: English

Note - for anyone unfamiliar with it, Mannerheimintie 5 B is accessed via a small entrance between ‘Pentik’ and ‘Yliopiston Apteekki’.


Richard Penny
Helsinki University Debating Society
p. (+358) 045 1354591

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