----- Videresendt meddelelse fra [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----
    Dato: Fri,  9 Dec 2005 11:25:04 +0200
 Emne: Please sign this

Hi Tsemppilaiset,

Some of you might know that my brother runs an organisation called Res 
Publica (www.therespublica.org). They do general "good stuff" like 
alerting people about the crisis in Darfur. Their latest project is to try 
to put pressure on the US to get out of Iraq by negotiating a ceasefire 
with the insurgents, many of whom are not suicide bombers but people who 
simply want the US and UK off their land. 

If you could sign their petition and forward it on the your friends I 
would be very grateful. Of course if you don't agree don't sign. These 
things may seem insignificant but their work on Darfur 
wwwdarfurgenocide.org did huge amounts to raise awareness about what was 
and is going on there.

The petition is at www.iraqpeacetalks.org



P.S. If you read the site and wonder why there's no-one there with the 
surname "Martin" it's because he's my step brother. His name's Tom Pravda.

----- Slut af videresendt meddelelse -----

Yours Sincerely
Søren Berg Rasmussen

Vice-President for Helsinki Debating Society.

Board-member for Tsemppi 
an Organization for the International Degree-Students 
at the University of Helsinki.

Student of Political Science and International Law
Phone (FIN): +358(0)504646464
Phone (DK) : +45 22465260
E-mail     : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Address    : Uudenmaankatu 4-6 G 29
             00120 Helsinki

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