Hi there - thanks to everyone who came along last week, and helped us realise that it was probably best if we didn't allow Wal-Mart to adopt children as prospective employees. This Tuesday the dilemma is somewhat more serious however, as we debate THW Remove the Right to Trial by Jury. It would be great to seen anyone new, but especially any Finns out there, as i gather you do juries quite differently to those of us hailing from the Anglo-Saxon world. Details are below, as usual if you have any questions feel free to contact me.


Debate 16

Motion: THW Remove the Right to Trial by Jury
When: 18:00, Tuesday the 24th of January 2006
Where: Cajsa, Mannerheimintie 5 B 4th floor
Language: English


Richard Penny
Helsinki University Debating Society
p. (+358) 045 1354591

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