Hi all - the shallow hypocrisy of debating was exposed last week when after proposing that we publicly flog criminals for minor crimes, I then repeatedly jay-walked on the way home. Such contradictory behaviour this Tuesday could be more interesting however, as we debate "This House Would Create 'Crack-ko' (Think Alko, but different)". With the success of governmental alcohol control through the Alko monopoly, and the apparent failure of criminalisation to stamp out drug usage, is it now time to try and bring narcotics sales into the state remit? Or would this simply lead to a worsening of drug problems, and radically harm the state-citizen relationship? To have your say join us at 6pm - details below!

Motion: THW Create 'Crack-ko' (Think Alko, but different)

When: 18:00, Tuesday the 7th of March 2006
Where: Cajsa, Mannerheimintie 5 B 4th floor
Language: English


Richard Penny
Helsinki University Debating Society
p. (+358) 045 1354591

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