Hi everybody. This weeks debate will be on the motion "This House Would Abolish the Common Agricultural Policy" but read on for exciting news!

The Debating Society as a whole has been invited to perform a show debate in Tampere on Europe Day (May the 9th). 4 debaters will be sent to debate alongside 4 MEP's in a public debate on a Europe related matter (in Finnish) - so if your interested in European Politics, and even if you haven't debated before, please come along and see how it goes this Tuesday. As far as we are concerned the places are open to whoever can impress us most with their ability to discuss European matters!

Details are below, any questions can be emailed to me.


Motion: THW Abolish the Common Agricultural Policy
When: 18:00, Tuesday the 4th of April
Where: Cajsa, Mannerheimintie 5 B 4th floor
Language: English

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