Hi everyone. Debating continues this Tuesday, so if you're looking for excuses to avoid revision, or better still, ways to fill those long summer days, come and join us at 6 in the Cajsa room. As for the topic, after some discussion with our very own development officer, we've decided to run something a little bit more fun (in a debate sense that is) whilst most people are still around to enjoy it. So the motion, contrary to the website will be "This House Supports the Right of Anti-Abortionists to take Lethal Actions for their Cause"
Hope you can make it!
When: 18:00, Tuesday the 23rd of May
Where: Cajsa, Mannerheimintie 5 B 4th floor
Language: English
Richard Penny
Helsinki University Debating Society
p. (+358) 045 1354591

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