Dear All!

Thank you very much for the enthusiasm you have shown for our International

All seats are now full, so please do not try to register any more.

REMEMBER to PAY the fee to the Tsemppi account latest tomorrow at noon
(12:00). (The account number is: 157235-401609. Please
write in the message field your name (or names if paying for more than one
person) and that you are paying for the International Sitsit).

Yours Sincerely
Søren Berg Rasmussen

President for University of Helsinki Debating Society.

Board-member for Tsemppi 
an Organization for the International Degree-Students 
at the University of Helsinki.

Student of Political Science and International Law
Phone (FIN): +358(0)504646464
Phone (DK) : +45 22465260
E-mail     : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Address    : Pengerkatu 13 B 22
             00530 Helsinki

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