It would also be good to add that last week we debated the motion: 'This house 
would grant rights to non-human animals'. It was fun to get into details such 
as should we stop torutirng them but still be allowed to eat them anyway, and 
where do we stand on rights for bacteria? (well, not really)
 But still. This week we promise a topic that will be just as interesting and 
as fun to talk about. See you there!

Rich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:       Hi guys,
 Sorry this reminder is a tad late! I've been  judging a tournament in the UK 
this week. But as ever debating will be on this  Tuesday (today!) with another 
interesting topic, and the possibility of running  a beginners room if enough 
people want to try. And if you aren't ready to speak  yet, still feel free to 
come and watch our teams as they prepare for the LSE  tournament this weekend.
 Same time and place: Aurora Room at  18.30.
 Best wishes
 Richard Penny
Helsinki University Debating  Society
p.  (+358) 045 1354591


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