Hey everyone,

2 Special events to tell you about. We have a guest from the UK with us for the 
next few days in Helsinki. Alex Blenkinsopp is one of the worlds top debaters, 
and former American Debating Champion from his time at Harvard. He'll be 
joining us this Thursday to do some Debate Coaching, after which we'll all head 
out for food, and then on Monday the 11th, he'll be giving a presentation on 
"Public Speaking and Argumentation", in which we'll talk less about debating, 
and more about speaking in general which will be greatly useful for everyone.

Everyone is invited to take part in both, there will be a small charge of €3 to 
help pay for Alex's air fares. Both events will be in Aurora from 18:00, and 
they really will be immensely educational.

Any questions welcome,



Richard Penny
Helsinki University Debating Society
p. (+358) 045 1354591

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