[ Up-to-date and authoritative version of this announcement is on the


  Please refer to it! ]

You can find DebConf18's official schedule here:


Over the years, ad-hoc sessions have become an important part of
DebConf. Even though we put our best effort into curating and
scheduling what we hope to be a great set of talks, the pace of
interactions is too high; ideas get bounced around, and new
discussions pop up during conversations. Ideas that you will want to
share or discuss more widely, in BoF sessions! 

Rules for scheduling

So, for that to happen, we rely on the ad-hoc (also known as
self-scheduled) sessions. The process for scheduling ad-hoc talks is
as follows:

    1. Register your session in Wafer; please mark it as belonging to
       the ad-hoc track. Only sessions registered in Wafer will be
    1.1. Do note that you can schedule sessions you had submitted for
         DebConf but were not accepted for the main program.

    2. You can register your talk using this page, using any
       unassigned spaces that appear empty in the official
       schedule. Do note your talk ID, title, duration (20/45/120 min)
       and the author's name when doing so, so we are sure we are
       scheduling the right session.
    2.1. By the request of our tireless Video Team, talks can be
         scheduled for any available schedule slot in the week with 48
         hours notice. Talks requested for the next day will have to
         be ignored ☹

    2.2. Over the day, we will work on a best-effort basis to update
         the schedule online. We can only commit to update it at the
         end of the day every day. We will note requests that have
         been scheduled.
    3. No video coverage will be provided for self-scheduled sessions.

    3.1 Note that if recording the video and making it available is
        important to you, it can usually be done with decent results
        using personal cameras. If you do it and the resulting quality
        is satisfying, it can be accepted in the meetings-archive,
        under a contrib/ directory.
Schedule oddities you need to know

There are some details you should be aware regarding the logic behind
our schedule:

Plenary talks
    We judged some talks to be of high enough quality and interest for
    the project that we made them into plenaries. If you see a single
    talk scheduled just after lunch (or the opening session, or the
    closing session), don't ask for a concurrent room — we will not
    schedule it.

    On Wednesday we are going on a daytrip. If you decide not to come,
    you are free to stay at NCTU — But no activity will be scheduled
    on that day!

Conference dinner
    On Thursday, we are leaving by bus for the conference dinner. The
    last talk slot (17:00-) is not available.

Typhoon buffer day

    We are in Taiwan during the high season for typhoons. We were
    suggested to heave a 24hr "hole" in the schedule to allow for some
    movement if needed (as MIRC will probably not open if there is a
    typhoon). The hole is between Saturday Aug 4 and Sunday Aug 5
    14:00. You can request for scheduling within this time, but if we
    have to use this buffer, anything scheduled in this hole will be

Scheduling your talks

Please register the talks on the corresponding day of the Wiki page:


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