Hi DebConfers, hope you had a good OpenDay no matter what you ended up doing!

== Lightning Talks and Live Demos ==

Sign up for Lightning talks and live demos!

* Lightning talks at: Thu, 2 Aug 15:00
* Live demos are on Monday 17:00 and Friday 18:00

To sign up, send an email to islightningr...@debconf.org

== Network ==

* SSIDs DebConf18 and DebConf18-1 are provided by NCTU, in the conference rooms 
and in the hacklabs.
* SSIDs DebConf18-TP and DebConf18-TP-5GHz are provided by DebConf, in the 
Noisy Hacklab.
* Wired connections are possible in the Noisy Hacklab, also, if it comes to 
that. Let luca know in #debconf.

== Video Team Training ==

* Don't say "I'm thinking of joining the DebConf video team", Just Do It™!
* Video team training is happening in Room X at 21:00 until July 30th. You 
won't regret it.

== Day Trip ==

* On Wednesday breakfast at Restaurant 2 will start early at 07:00.
* Be sure to get back to MIRC by your particular trip's departure time!*
* Check them at https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf18/DayTrip .

== Accommodation ==

There are fewer than 5 AC cards remaining as of the night of the 28th. We are expected to receive more as of Monday. Please remember to **always** remove your AC card when you leave the room, and to put the AC into sleep mode when you sleep (the button diagonal to the power button, more details at [0]). Attendees that are receiving the first card for their room will be prioritized over those whose has already used an AC card.
If Front Desk has indicated to you that your room only has one key, you are 
encouraged to make two duplicates at a maximum cost of $3 USD or $100 NTD each 
(for  a total of $6 USD or $200 NTD). You will be reimbursed upon presentation 
of a receipt to Front Desk. Please do so as soon as possible to ensure you are 
reimbursedin cash.

During the DebCamp Air Conditioner documentation sprint, Sean Whitton has 
written some documentaiton:

== Anti-Harassment ==

Please be excellent to each other. If you run into any issues of harassment, 
you can contact
one of the following people directly on-site:

* Tássia Camões Araújo (tas...@debian.org)
* Enrico Zini (enr...@debian.org)
* Molly de Blanc (debl...@riseup.net)
* Taowa Munene-Tardif (ta...@debconf.org)

Choose the person you feel comfortable talking or writing to. Frontdesk can 
also help you.

You can also write to antiharassm...@debian.org but none of the delegated 
contacts are onsite so this more for longer term issues.

== Bye ==

If any of the above didn't make sense, feel free to ask any of the friendly 
people in red staff shirts.

Enjoy the first day of DebConf talks!

-DebConf18 Team

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