
As some may notice some of our costs of DebConf18 comes from government
fundings, and these fundings, including MEET TAIWAN, requires us to give
them list of attendees.  These funds add up to be at least USD 80,000.
MEET TAIWAN also states that the data is used to prove if the conference
meet the requirements they provide the fund.

We apologize that we didn't make attendees aware of these during the
registration, and we are contacting you now to give you an opportunity
to request that we withhold your information from the details we pass

The information we will give out would be:
  * Initials of your first name and last name.
  * Nationality

For example:
  "Y. W.", "Taiwan"

If you would like to stop us sending your information, please contact
privately to m...@debconf.org before 2018-08-17 23:59 (UTC).

For further discussions about this issue, please follow the thread at
debconf-team list:


Q: Why this is an opt-out rather than opt-in?
A: Opt-out would make us more difficult to gather data for fundings.

Q: What is the MEET TAIWAN's requirements for fundings?
A: We need at least 100 attendees, and in which we need at least 30
attendees not from Taiwan.  Note that even if we meet such requirement,
it will also affects fundings if we have much less people than we should

Q: Why not giving them statistics and call it a day?
A: MEET TAIWAN doesn't accept statistics data only.  However, we will
also attach statistics of nationality in the report.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
Yao Wei, on behalf of DebConf18 Team

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