Dear community,

We are proud to present the DebConf19 schedule:

This is now mostly final, and we would like to make little to no changes
to it between now and the conference. Below are a few notes that we
would like you to know.

# Speakers, please check your schedule

If you are a speaker, please check that the date and time of your
activity is OK and let the content team (cont...@debconf.orf) now if
there is any issue.  Our conference system does check the scheduling
against the arrival and departure dates that you informed in the
registration, so there should be no issues related to that. We also
tried to honor any special requests that were made in the submission
notes, but it's possible that we may have missed some. Do let us know if
that was the case for your activity.

# Submissions reopened - a few presentation slots still available

We would like to let you know that we have very few slots still
available in the schedule. Thus, the system is no open again for
submission of new proposals. If you are coming to Curitiba and have and
idea for a talk/BoF/etc, please do submit your proposal through the
DebConf website. Of course, we cannot make any guarantees at this point,
but we will consider new submissions with care. We require submissions
to be free software related, and will give priority to Debian-related

# Ad-hoc sessions

As a DebConf tradition, we will have one or two rooms available for
ad-hoc sessions, which have no coverage from the video team, and will be
scheduled continuously during the days of the conference. They are a
great opportunity to hold a discussion with people you just met about a
topic you just discovered is of common interest, of a followup to an
interesting discussion in the official schedule, or even an impromptu
talk about some random topic.

Closer to the conference, we will provide a detailed procedure for the
scheduling of ad-hoc sessions. Keep an eye out for it if you are

Antonio Terceiro,
for the DebConf content team

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