
We’re looking for people to help out with incident response at DebConf 21!

What we do:

* Monitor incident reporting channels – mostly email but possibly some on IRC

* Communicate with people who report or are reported on

* Communicate with the rest of the team on appropriate responses when necessary

* Coordinating with DebConf orga on responses (giving our warnings, banning 
people from IRC channels, etc)

What we do not do:

* Watch every conference channel during the entire event

* Individually make decisions to ban people

We’re looking for people who have experience doing incident response and/or 
significant experience with DebConf, events, and the shared values of the 
Debian community. You’ll be working with the Debian Community Team (info below).

The Debian Community Team speaks English, French, Hindi, Malayalam, and some 
Spanish, and members are in Europe, India, and North America. You can read more 
about the rest of the team on: https://debconf21.debconf.org/about/coc/.

If you’re interested, please email commun...@debian.org and use the subject 

For the community team
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization

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