The DC23 Key Signing Party lists are finalized!

They can be found at:

You *must* download ksp-dc23.txt from that site, verify your own
fingerprint *and* calculate the SHA256 hash before the introduction
session on Sunday. Bring your own copy of the hash value; we will be
verifying it together.

I have prepared a rough'n'ready single page PDF (single-sheet.pdf) to
allow for a reduction in the amount of printing necessary for folk to
track who they've talked to + confirmed ID/fingerprints for. It's not
authoritative (in particular it just pulls names from key UIDs which are
not always a full name), but it's provided for your convenience. Make
sure you check the full list when doing any actual signing!


... Shopping is hard. Let's do Math!

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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