On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 07:15:05PM -0400, Micah Anderson wrote:
> This email reminds me that there is something that has nagged me at all the
> debconfs I have been: a tendency to conflate and morph BOFs into talks. 

This has been discussed during the BOF (or was it a talk? :)) at the end
of debconf6 on the subject of "what went right, what wrong during
debconf6". It is indeed a feeling shared by a lot of people, me
included. It was acknowledged by the organizers.

IIRC one of the proposed "solutions" was to split talks in two classes:
long talks (accompanied by paper for the proceedings), and short talks.
The named proposed during the BOF were different, but this was the idea.
BOF should be neither of the two, but ... well real BOF, not necessarily
organized before the conference.

I think Andreas wrote down the other proposed "solutions".


Stefano Zacchiroli -*- Computer Science PhD student @ Uny Bologna, Italy
[EMAIL PROTECTED],debian.org,bononia.it} -%- http://www.bononia.it/zack/
If there's any real truth it's that the entire multidimensional infinity
of the Universe is almost certainly being run by a bunch of maniacs. -!-

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