
On Tue, Jun 12, 2007 at 12:06:23PM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

> Some people have suggested that I send an email about this, so here
> goes.
> I brought my flute with me to Debconf. There are some rooms here with
> great accoustics, and it'd be nice to have more people with instruments,
> because frankly playing music in a group is way more fun than playing it
> alone.

Thanks for the info, Wouter. :) I've been wondering, if there are other
musicians around.

> So if you play an instrument, are not afraid to play along with some
> people whom you've never played with before, and the instrument doesn't
> happen to be a piano or a pipe organ or anything in the same size
> region, then please bring it with you.

I'll bring my fiddle (arriving on the 17th).  I normally play Irish and
Scottish folk, but am able to improvise.

See you soon,

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