On Tue, Jun 12, 2007 at 03:48:20PM +0200, Martin Man wrote:
> Hi,
> Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >So if you play an instrument, are not afraid to play along with some
> >people whom you've never played with before, and the instrument doesn't
> >happen to be a piano or a pipe organ or anything in the same size
> >region, then please bring it with you.
> I could bring my bongo, but as I don't know how will they handle it in 
> the airplane,

Airplanes usually have a "Fragile Cargo" hold which is ideally suited
for instruments, as it is heated and pressurized (which pretty much is a
requirement for any musical instrument, especially if they're made of
wood), and they have the ability to better secure your cargo there than
they do in the regular cargo hold.

When we went to Australia with the ensemble in which I play the flute
(and which contains a number of guitar players as well), they stored the
guitars in fragile cargo. They should not charge you more for this,
although that might depend on the airline you use, so you may want to
check this beforehand.

Also, it's probably best if you check, right before boarding the plane
that your instrument has indeed been stored in fragile cargo; this
should happen, but if they make a mistake you'll end up with pieces of
material rather than an instrument when you arrive.

> and as I'm staying only Mon/Tue night I'm not sure it will 
> be of much help.

Well, that's your choice of course.

<Lo-lan-do> Home is where you have to wash the dishes.
  -- #debian-devel, Freenode, 2004-09-22
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