Maybe you've already seen the BOF about "Best practises in team
package maintenance" in pentabarf's "All Events" tab. (I'm including
the description as an attachment because the formatting in penta is a
bit weird.)

If you are interested in participating please take a few minutes and
read on.


BOF "Best practises in team package maintenance" - preparatory questions

If you are an active member of a team that collaboratively maintains
packages in Debian and you plan to attend the BOF "Best practises in
team package maintenance" during DebConf8, please take a few minutes to
think about the following questions.

The BOF will start with short presentations (just a couple of minutes) along
these questions, ideally one contribution by each team with members present;
these presentations are not intended to be formal in any way, but instead to
inform the other participants about the various teams and to serve as a
basis for discussing points of common interest.

If you have a chance to discuss your team's mini-presentation with other team
members (before DebConf or in Mar del Plata over a nice cup/glass of
$preferred_drink) -- even better!

1) Basics

* Name of the team
* Area of work
* Approximate number of members
* Approximate number of maintained packages

2) Work flow

* Communication: main/preferred ways of communication within the group
  (mailing list, IRC, commit messages, web platform, ...)
* Members: How do you recruit and integrate new members? How does mutual
  support work? Is there some formal "team leadership"? Do you use the
  "Debian Maintainer" concept?
* Review/uploads/sponsoring: How do you handle reviewing/uploading packages
  which are prepared by non-DDs?
* Infrastructure: Where/how do you keep your packages
  (version control, ...)?
* Policy/rules: Do you have written/unofficial guidelines for your packages?
  How do they work out in practise?
* Tools: Do you use any "unusual" tools in your work (scripts, web apps, ...)
  that help you with regard to upstream releases, bugs, packaging itself,

3) Experiences
* Best practises/successes: Is there something you can share with other
  teams that works just great for your team and might help others?
* Challenges/failures: Is there something you're not happy about in your team
  and where you would appreciate input from other teams?

4) Other teams/Debian
* Is there a need for improving communication/cooperation with other teams?
* Do you have any common projects in mind that might help all packaging
* Is there something with regard to the relationship between Debian Policy and
  teams you would like to see changed?

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 : :' :  debian gnu/linux user, admin & developer -
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1) Event title

Best practises in team-maintaining packages

2) Subtitle of the event

What works? What doesn't? What can we learn from each other?

3) Abstract

Team maintenance for (groups of) packages is en vogue; dozens or perhaps
hundreds of packaging teams care for a subset of the Debian archive in a
collaborative style.

This BOF offers the opportunity for members of different packaging teams to
exchange their experiences, share their success and problem stories, and in
general learn from each other.

4) Description

a) Situation

During the last few years team-maintaining groups of packages has become
more and more widespread in Debian; the exact number of packaging teams is
unknown, estimates vary between 42 and 893 -- reality is probably somewhere
in between. [0]

Although the challenges for all teams are similar, there is a lack of
communication between those groups which leads to a situation where many
are "reinventing the wheel".

b) Objectives

- bring members of different packaging teams together
- get an overview of different work flows, tools, and challenges
- compile generally useful 'models of good practise'
- define possible areas for cooperation / tasks of mutual interest

c) Methods

Should the proposal for the BOF be accepted, a short questionnaire covering
"typical questions" for packaging teams will be prepared before Summer that
allows interested participants from packaging teams to prepare a short
overview of their team's situation and work flow.

This will allow the BOF to begin with short and structured presentations
dealing with common aspects of team packaging. From these presentations
common points of interest will be collected to form the "agenda" for the
next part of the BOF.

Ideally the session will conclude with a summary of "best practises,"
ideas  for improving individual groups' work flows and ideas for 
improved cooperation between teams.  -- Findings will be made public in
the hope that they will be helpful to others.

[0] lists 42 "Packaging teams"; has 218 entries; talks about 789 "hosted projects", looking in
/home/groups on alioth shows 893 directories in general and 387 pkg-*

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