Hi all,
  shameless tourist information request for our beloved Argentinian
hosts. I'll be traveling in the north of Argentina after DebConf8, my
main idea to move around is using the wonderful long distance buses
which I'm being told are available among most of the cities I'm
interested in.

While I've found distances and trip durations, I've thus far failed to
find info about the frequencies. Can I assume that buses among cities
like Salta, Cordoba, Mendoza, La Rioja, et al to have at least daily
schedule?  Any tip on websites with such information kept up to date?

Many thanks in advance!

Stefano Zacchiroli -*- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
[EMAIL PROTECTED],pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
I'm still an SGML person,this newfangled /\ All one has to do is hit the
XML stuff is so ... simplistic  -- Manoj \/ right keys at the right time

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