On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 06:58:46PM -0300, Fabricio Cannini wrote:
> AFAICS, there 36 people interested in taking said bus, and i'm sure
> that it can go to both places (Retiro and EZE). Even if we don't
> fulfill one bus, i for once still prefer to take this bus than to run
> after a ticket.  So let's go people, move your fingers!!

marga's sent a mail since this to -announce presenting the options. The
problem with getting one bus for everyone on Sunday is that'll it mean
people going in the evening have to turn up far too early and could just
get an earlier bus anyway.

I have 9 people so far for a direct bus to EZE getting in around 5pm or
so (ie suitable for people with flights after 8pm). If I can get 11 or
more (up to 16) then it can be done for AR$100 each. I mailed the people
who were on the wiki with flights after 8 earlier this evening, but if
you're name wasn't on the wiki and you're interested please email me;
the sooner the better as I want this to be sorted tomorrow morning.


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