Ana Guerrero dijo [Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 02:15:35PM +0100]:
> (...)
> The best way is going via Madrid airport. Once in Madrid, get a train or a 
> bus to Cáceres.
> - Train
> From the airport get the metro to "Atocha Renfe".  There are only 4-5 trains
> every day from Madrid. It might change for July but you can not check the 
> train
> schedule until 2 months before.
> The trains take ~ 4 hours and depending of the train you take, prices start
> from ~ 45 euros round trip.
> - Bus
> From the aiport get the metro to "Mendez Alvaro". In this metro stop there is 
> a direct exit to the "Estación de autobuses del Sur" (South's bus station).
> Company going to Cáceres is called "AUTO RES" (it belongs to a transport group
> called AVANZA).
> There are 6-7 buses every day from this station to Cáceres. They take usually
> a bit less than the train (between 15-40 min) and price is between 40-45 
> euros 
> round trip.

Given this information, both ways seem equivalent - Is there a reason
to prefer train over bus or viceversa? Giving more options is usually
welcome, but it is also nice to say "you'd rather come this way" :)


Gunnar Wolf - - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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